Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2577

Qi Tianyu stumbles in the room and guesses the right direction. On the other hand, Liao Wen has brought Feifei to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, this is Feifei. It's..." Liao Wen did this step directly on impulse, but when he introduced people, he found that they didn't even settle their relationship.

"Hello, grandfather Huang. I'm Liao Feifei." Feifei said his name for the first time.

The Huang family did not know who the girl was brought to him by his grandson before, but after hearing the letter from the other side, he immediately responded.

Before the Liao family, there was only one young lady, who gave birth to another granddaughter. However, the two have met each other. The star and the person in front of him are not the same person. According to other information, we can understand that the person in front of him should be Liao Li's illegitimate daughter.

"Huang Wen! I know you have changed your surname, but you should also remember the inheritance of your blood. Even if your surname is Liao, you should be loyal to your wife, not her husband, and not a person who has hurt her! " The master of the Huang family never thought that his grandson would dare to bring Liao Li's illegitimate daughter to him.

The Huang family used to be a subordinate of Mrs. Liao's family. When Mrs. Liao left the family and came here, she came with her. Although she is now independent, in essence, she still protects the secret of Mrs. Liao's family. This is the responsibility and mission of the whole family.

The girl in front of her is the daughter of the person who betrayed his wife, and it is also the evidence of that person's betrayal of his wife. The wife used up so much effort to help the other party achieve the present position, but the other party betrayed his wife in turn. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, he didn't hate her in his heart.

"Grandfather, what are you talking about? Feifei is very good. You just don't know Feifei. After you have been in touch for a long time, you will like Feifei. " Liao Wen didn't understand the meaning of what his grandfather said. He just insisted on persuading him.

"Liao Wen, I tell you that there are only two ways you can choose now. Either you take this woman and leave immediately, or you directly break off the relationship with this woman in front of me and swear never to contact again." Master Huang was really angry and threw out the crutch in his hand.

"Don't be like this, grandfather. You haven't seen Feifei before, so you don't know each other at all. You just listen to other people's words. As long as you get along well, you can solve the misunderstanding." Liao Wen didn't expect that he would face these things when he came back. After all, before he came here, he only regarded Feifei as an independent person, and he didn't think of each other's background at all. Of course, even when he thought about it occasionally, he only felt that the other person was very pitiful, which made him feel sad.

"Liao Wen, your wings are hard. I can't control you any more, right? Make a choice quickly. You have only two choices now. Go right now, or you'll just go away!" Master Huang doesn't know why his grandson, who usually listens to himself, suddenly becomes what he is now.

"Grandfather, why are you doing this? Feifei doesn't mean it. Can Feifei decide his origin? " Liao Wen still thinks his grandfather is just talking angry words, so he still doesn't make a choice.

But Liao Wengen didn't know that he was persuading his grandfather, but he stabbed Feifei like a sharp blade.

What happened to my birth? My mother and father are childhood sweethearts. They have been together since childhood. It is the man who suddenly appeared and robbed my father. Why can everyone say these words in front of themselves now? Does everyone think they don't exist?

Feifei just kept her head down and didn't know whether she should speak. After all, if she spoke according to what her father taught her, she would be really upset. But now things have come to this stage, and even if these people love themselves on the surface, they actually don't care about their mood.

"Grandfather, I know you don't understand our feelings, and I don't expect you to accept me at once, but can you believe that we are like this? I will take good care of brother Liao Wen in the future. Although he is no longer your grandson, I will continue to be filial to you with him..." Feifei looks like she is the one being bullied.

Since Feifei came in, master Huang has never paid any attention to this girl. After all, the girl in front of him didn't know her at first, and later knew that she was the man's daughter, so she naturally won't answer. However, she didn't expect that she would intervene in the process of speaking.

"Don't understand your feelings? Don't expect me to accept you? Be filial to me? He's not my grandson? What you say is more vicious than what you say. It turns out that all the daughters of that family are like this. Thanks to my young lady, otherwise your family will be like this. " It's the first time that someone has stabbed himself with a soft knife in front of him after he has lived for such a long time.

Liao Wen was deeply moved by Feifei's sudden words at this time. After all, he always thought Feifei didn't like him, but he didn't think that he was so high in Feifei's heart. What's more, he didn't think that Feifei could compromise for himself. After all, Feifei was the second miss of the Liao family."Feifei, you don't have to say that. It's my business. I'll deal with it. Just be at ease." Liao Wen once again made a promise: "Feifei, you can rest assured that I will make my grandfather recognize you through my own efforts. Not only that, but also I will let the whole family recognize you."

"Liao Wen You really... " Feifei looks like Liao Wen, who is very attentive to himself, but his voice is getting smaller and smaller. Even the people standing next to him can't hear what he is saying clearly.

Although Liao Wen didn't really hear what Feifei was saying, he couldn't get all kinds of special praise. For a moment, he felt that he had no regrets in this life.

"Liao Wen! Do you have a brain? Why can't you calm down when you meet a woman and become what you are now The Huang family always thought that his grandson had no big shortcomings except some indecision. Although he couldn't make a big success, he was enough to do some ordinary things. However, he didn't expect that his grandson would look like this when he saw a woman.

"Grandfather, how can you compare Feifei with those vulgar women? Feifei is a woman I have loved for such a long time. I finally pursued Feifei. Don't say anything to make Feifei unhappy!" Liao Wen also knows that although he is usually strict with himself, he doesn't have any specific measures at all, so although he speaks with respect, he doesn't have so many scruples.

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