Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2578

But it's obvious that Liao Wen is wrong about his grandfather's thoughts this time. Although the Huang family usually doesn't scold his grandchildren too much, after all, his family is not prosperous, so he is still very fond of them. But when it comes to such serious matters, he won't be too lax.

"Liao Wen, I really don't want to talk about these things with you any more. As I said before, you have only two choices. Either you stay alone, or you two go away together!" The master of the Huang family didn't expect that his grandson was so stubborn that he didn't want to talk nonsense any more, so he gave an ultimatum.

"Look at what you said, grandfather. Although I haven't been back for a while, this is also my home." Liao Wen has indeed recognized that his grandfather has some body, but he thinks that he can get better if he is as well coaxed as usual.

"Liao Wen, you, you!" Master Huang really doesn't know how to talk to his grandson.

"Grandfather? Grandfather? Where are you? It's almost noon, and you don't have to eat yet! " Huang Li was going to come over to have a good meal with his grandfather, but he saw that the lunch was placed on the table intact, but no one was sitting beside him.

Huang heard his favorite granddaughter's voice, a little relieved: "it's Li Er, come here, grandfather is here." Huang Li was originally looking for his grandfather. After hearing this voice, he naturally came to the place where the three met very quickly.

"Brother? When did you come back? Why don't you tell me in advance when you come back? " Huang Li just came to see his brother standing in the middle of the room.

"This is my home. Of course, I will come back whenever I want. Should I inform you before I come back? Do you think you are really in power here now? I tell you, it's a long way off! " Liao Wen has no good feelings about his sister.

Liao wenlai is the eldest son and grandson of this generation in the family. If there was no accident, he should have inherited the family by himself. But no one thought that when Liao Wen was young, he was sent out by his grandfather to be the bodyguard of the Liao family. Instead, his grandfather began to cultivate Huang Li. Almost everyone knows that his eldest son and grandson was released On the contrary, the one who was abandoned was his sister.

Although Liao Wen sometimes persuades himself and may feel that his younger sister is more suitable for that seat than himself, most of the time he still can't figure it out. After all, he may have some shortcomings compared with his younger sister, but he hasn't come to the point where his grandfather has to give up. If he cultivates himself well, he may succeed.

"Liao Wen, how did you talk to your sister? Your sister just saw you saying hello. Why are you so angry?" Master Huang said a word nearby.

"Yes, you always think my sister is better than me in everything, but why? It's not because you gave up early and I chose to train my sister. If you chose to train me, how could it be like this today! " Liao Wen's previous dissatisfaction with the backlog of those inside all of a sudden poured out today.

"You Although master Huang had thought about whether his choice was right, he never found that there was so much dissatisfaction in Sun Tzu's heart.

Feifei had been standing quietly in the same place, but now she began to quietly pull the sleeves of the people standing next to her.

Although Liao Wen is very angry, the staff are paying attention to Feifei who is brought back by himself. You can feel Feifei pulling her sleeve, even though she turns her head and looks at each other.

"Brother Liao Wen, grandfather made such a choice. He must have his own reasons. Don't be angry. After all, it's your grandfather. Even if he did something wrong, you should forgive him." Feifei's words at first listen is to persuade, but carefully ponder over, but found that is completely the excrement basin to the other party's head.

"Feifei, you're just too kind. If it wasn't for you, you wouldn't be like this for so many years. But it doesn't matter. Now that you have me, I will help you." Liao Wen looks at Feifei with such admiration. His heart is full of passion.

"Brother Liao Wen, I don't need you to fight against your own grandfather for me. After all, he is your relative, and I'm just a person who is not recognized by the family at all..." Feifei said here, and then simply can not go on, in each other's ears is already choked to uncomfortable.

"What more nonsense do you say? How can my grandson and I talk to each other? You are just an outsider to us!" Although master Huang knew what the other party had said, he had to reply. After all, he couldn't bear the anger in his heart.

"What do you say, grandfather? Now that I have brought Feifei here, it means that I have admitted that the other party is my family. If you are really like this, I really want to leave with Feifei. " When Liao Wen said this, his tone was full of threats. He always thought that his grandfather would not let him leave like this.

When Feifei heard this sentence, she broke out in a cold sweat. She worked hard to get to this step, not for the other party's downfall, and then left directly. If so, what's the significance of what she did?"Brother Liao Wen doesn't say that. If you leave now, there will be a tie between your grandparents and grandchildren. If you want me to say, you'd better stay and have a good chat with your grandfather. I'll go." Every word Feifei said today is in Liao Wen's heart, which makes Liao Wen feel more distressed.

Huang's master became more and more angry when he heard Feifei's words. After all, the other side's words were adding fuel to the fire. If there was no other side, he would have explained the matter clearly in three or two sentences.

"I tell you, you don't want to..." Huang's master just wanted to speak, but he was interrupted by his granddaughter who had been standing beside him since he came here.

"Look at the relationship between this girl and her brother. It should be my sister-in-law in the future. Come on, give me a good introduction. Who are you?" Huang Li said this with a smile on his face.

"Li Er, what do you say? I'll tell you this... " The master of Huang family didn't expect that his granddaughter would say such words. He thought that her granddaughter just didn't know who she was, so he was ready to tell her.

"Grandfather, what do you want to do? If sister-in-law and brother really love each other, you can let them together Huang Li continued to say with a smile, as if he had not heard his grandfather's words.

"What are you talking about? Do you know this woman is... " The master of the Huang family didn't respond at all. Why did his beloved granddaughter suddenly say that.

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