Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2683

"It's not that I don't want to drink, it's that I really can't drink. Brother Bai, let me go, or you can have tea with me."

"How can that work? Do two men come out and have tea with each other in this pub? Isn't it funny, brother Qi? You're welcome. I think you can drink like this. " Then Bai Mu poured a full glass of wine for Qi Tianyu and handed it to him. He didn't accept it. Qi Tianyu had no choice but to drink the wine in the glass. The feeling of burning hot came down from his chest, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Qi Tianyu's expression was not very good, and Bai Mu also noticed.

He burst out laughing, "it seems that brother Qi really can't drink, so forget it."

Qi Tianyu had some doubts. Didn't Bai Mu want to intoxicate himself? Baimu carefully separated the wine beside Qi Tianyu and said to him, "brother Qi, aren't you from us? You know, we are full of spirits here. Most men can drink several jars, but you can't even drink three jars. It's really strange. "

It turned out that he was waiting for himself here. Qi Tianyu was worried and said, "well, I'm the same as you. I've been secretly cultivated in the Huang family since I was a child. I don't even know how to get out of the door. How can I get involved in these wines? But brother Bai, you are a little strange. Haven't you ever shown your face in this forbidden area? It's Tianjiao who was secretly cultivated in the Bai family. It seems that you are very familiar with the outside. Last time you even knew the tea party in the back street of the Huang family. You know, we don't know. "

"This is because the brothers in my house have a very good relationship with me. They are free to enter Bai's house and go around here. Naturally, they will come back and tell me anything interesting." At the beginning, Bai Mu's face changed, but he soon realized what he said. Qi Tianyu saw that he was quick to respond, and he didn't say anything more. He just gave a meaningful smile, which made Bai Mu's heart beat very fast. He felt that Qi Tianyu seemed to know something, but his expression was normal. Could it be that he was suspicious, and the two of them said it again and again They're all unimportant. They don't give any information about each other at all.

Gradually, Baimu couldn't sit still. Qi Tianyu was too cautious. After drinking so much wine, he had nothing to say to him. Why can't Qi Tianyu answer his questions directly? So Baimu's face was flat and aligned with Tianyu and said, "brother Qi, I think you seem to be on guard against me. I don't know what I've done Is it something you're not happy about? "

"Why do you think so? I never think you make me unhappy." Qi Tianyu knew that he could not sit still, and he was a little pleased.

"Although you speak well, I still think you are hiding something from me, brother Qi. You don't answer my questions, so I have to worry about it."

"In fact, I also want to ask brother Bai. You always beat around the Bush and don't want to mention the key points. It's better for you to tell me what you want to ask." As soon as Qi Tianyu said this, Bai Mu's face changed. For a moment, the atmosphere on the table seemed strange and unpredictable. Qi Tianyu saw that he didn't look right, so he suddenly laughed, poured a glass of wine for Bai Mu, and said, "brother Bai, I can see that you seem to want to approach our young lady. Can you tell me why?"

It was for this reason that Qi Tianyu was so strange. Bai Mu's heart was a little relaxed. He thought Qi Tianyu knew something. He suspected his intention to Miss Huang, so Bai Mu relaxed and said to him, "brother Qi, you have wronged me. I really like Miss Huang before I approach her. How can I have any other intention?"

"Then I'll ask you a question. You should answer me honestly."

"Go ahead, please."

"Do you know the identity of Huang Li?"


"You must tell the truth." Qi Tianyu's eyes were burning, and he was staring at Baimu. Baimu knew that if he didn't admit it now, Qi Tianyu would have more doubts about him, so he took the initiative to say, "yes, I know Miss Huang Li is Huanglong's own daughter."

"I knew it, so you approached her on purpose, didn't you?"

"It's not like that. I really like her. Maybe there are some reasons why I want to get close to her because of her identity, but it's not as dirty as you think."

"How do you know what I think?" Qi Tianyu was just right, but now he suddenly relaxed his tone and joked with him, "I don't mean anything else. I'm not interrogating you. On the contrary, I think you two are quite compatible."

"Brother Qi, you are giving a date and slapping me in the face. I really don't know what to say." White wood involuntarily lowered a drop of sweat, he wiped, alignment Tianyu smile some embarrassment, Qi Tianyu just light smile, but did not say anything, white wood full of embarrassment, stood up to Qi Tianyu said, "today we drink a lot, might as well get together another day, brother Qi, what do you think?"

"Well, as long as you don't bring me to drink these spirits next time, I promise I will come out with you.""Sure, sure." White wood turned to walk, this posture looked at all have some to run away of meaning.

Qi Tianyu just watched him leave. After he disappeared in the store, he stood up and hesitated for a while. Qi Tianyu followed Bai Mu. Bai Mu noticed that Qi Tianyu was following him. He looked back at Qi Tianyu strangely and said, "brother Qi, what are you doing with me like this?"

"I want to give you a ride and see where the Bai family is. I'm very curious about the Bai family these days."

"Curious about Bai Jia? Why? Our Bai family and Huang family have never been very compatible. "

"Oh, I don't think it has anything to do with whether they can get along or not. It's just that they can't get along on the surface. In private, no one can tell. It's just like I always thought there was no connection between the Bai family and the Tian family in the past, but recently I think the Tian family and the Bai family seem to be closely connected."

"What do you mean, brother Qi? How come I've never heard of any connection between the Bai family and the Tian family? " Bai Mu was surprised, trying to restrain his shock, or calmly asked Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu said faintly, "Oh, no connection? That's what I heard wrong. Maybe there's no connection. "

"Brother Qi, if you know anything, you can say it all. It's really hard for me to say something like this. Who are you listening to about the connection between Bai family and Tian family?" This is a big thing. Bai Mu must ask clearly.

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