Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2684

"Brother Bai, why do you care so much about these things? It's just a little bit of good news Qi Tianyu can see that although he is calm on the surface, the anxious color in his eyes has leaked out his nervousness. Qi Tianyu deliberately disturbs his appetite, but he is not willing to say it in a positive way.

"I'm curious. I've never heard of such words here for so many years. Where did brother Qi know the news? I'm really curious. Brother Qi, just tell me. " White wood goes to Qi Tianyu side, a pair of don't get the answer from his mouth don't leave appearance.

Qi Tianyu said with a smile, "well, I'm just joking. You're so nervous. I don't know what you think you have to do with the Tian family. I don't think it's a deep hatred. I'm so afraid of getting involved with them."

"Are you kidding?"

"Of course, what else can there be? We all know that the Tian family and the Bai family have nothing to do with each other." Qi Tianyu took it for granted and looked innocent.

Bai Mu's anger surged up, but he couldn't say anything at the moment. He said, "brother Qi, you've gone too far. You can't make a joke like this. "

"What's the matter? Isn't the Tian family famous here? Wouldn't it be nice to have a relationship with the Tian family? " Qi Tianyu wanted to be taught very much. Bai Mu said to him, "you don't know. On the surface, the Tian family has great prestige here. In fact, there are very few people in the Tian family here. If you don't want to get into trouble, elder brother Qi, you'd better not say such words casually. I'm really advising you." White wood said to him and then turned to walk, Qi Tianyu looked at him to leave, there was some elusive meaning in his eyes.

According to the daily routine, Baimu went directly to a dark hut and reported to the old man here about today's situation with Qi Tianyu. After that, the old man sitting on the chair was silent for a long time and said to Baimu who was half regular on the ground, "Tianmu, don't you think you have been exposed?"

"I thought so at the beginning, but when I think about it carefully, I don't have the possibility of exposure. Qi Tianyu and I just met several times. How can we know so many things?"

"Then how could he suddenly mention the relationship between the Tian family and the Bai family? He said he was just joking. Do you believe it?"

At that time, he also felt that Qi Tianyu was suggesting something to him, as if he was teasing him. However, he didn't think it was possible. Who knows such a huge secret in this situation? Qi Tianyu just came to the forbidden area for a short time. How can he know these things?

"I don't think it's possible, sir. You can rest assured that I've ever violated your will. Every time I've finished your task safely and without any defects, I'm confident. I think carefully that I didn't expose anything in front of Qi Tianyu. He can't know the relationship between our Tian family and Bai family."

"Well, if you say so, I'll believe you once." The old man sitting in the chair thought for a while, and pondered that this white wood is the most valued person he has ever been. He has always been very reliable in his work, since he has said such a thing. The old man decided to give him such a chance.

Bai Mu nodded, turned around and left. But the more he thought about it, the more he felt a trace of doubt in his heart. He thought that he would test Qi Tianyu to see what he knew.

Qi Tianyu, who came back to Huang's home, also had some worries. He felt that his performance today seemed to be a little obvious, but he had learned from Bai Mu's expression and voice. He was definitely from Tian's family. Otherwise, why would he say that? He was obviously worried about Tian's family rather than speaking for Bai's family. It turns out that there are still a number of people hiding here Tian family, but dare not show up, this is why?

Qi Tianyu felt very confused. He thought that Mrs. Huang, who had just returned to the Huang family, was also a member of the Tian family. Qi Tianyu thought that there should be some secrets hidden in her. He wanted to see Mrs. Huang, but it was too late to meet. Just thinking about this, he thought of the knock outside the door.

”Who is it? "

"It's me, Huang Li."

"Why do you come to me so late?"

"Will you open the door?" Huang Li's voice was very tired outside. As soon as Qi Tianyu opened the door, he saw her face sad. "What's the matter with you? It can't be that I didn't go out with Baimu today. So sad? "

"Don't make fun of me. I'm bored now."

"What's the matter?" Seeing that she was really worried, Qi Tianyu put away her smile and sat down in front of Huang Li. Huang Li sat down beside him impolitely and began to say, "my mother already knows what happened to the Huang family."

"You told your mother what happened to the Huang family."

"No, my mother didn't know where she heard about it. She questioned me as soon as she came back."

"If so, what's hard to guess? Your mother has been imprisoned in Fang's house. The only one who can tell her these secrets is the commander Qi Tianyu didn't think it was strange. The commander seemed to be a scheming, mature man with a strong sense of control. He could guess the news outside the army."Don't you think it's strange? Why does he want to know about our Huang family? What is the commander thinking? " Huang Li asks Qi Tianyu in the street, she thinks this person may give her some analysis unconsciously.

"I can't say anything about that. I don't even know the identity of your mother." After Qi Tianyu said this, he stopped to look at Huang Li. Huang Li didn't stare at him curiously, "I knew you wanted to talk from me again, right?"

"Ha ha, now that you have guessed it, let me know." Qi Tianyu was not polite. Huang Li said angrily, "you want to dig out all the secrets here these days, don't you? I really don't understand what you want to do. It turns out that you want to get this army. I don't think you've made any changes these days. "

"I feel as if there is a bigger secret waiting for me to discover. The control of the army is not the most important now."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to know. It's just my guess. Let me know."

"I'm making a mystery again!" Huang Li glared at her and began to say.

"I went to ask my mother just now. She refused to tell me these things, but it seems that the commander was willing to let her come back after she exchanged some information with the commander."

"To change the information, it turns out that the clue in your mother's body is the most important one, so it was left by Fang Qing? How can you exchange information with his mother now Qi Tianyu felt strange.

Huang Li shook his head. "In fact, I don't know. I think my mother still has a lot of things she doesn't want to tell me, but when I ask her, she doesn't want to. Well, I'm also bored. Why don't they tell me anything? Can't I really do anything for them? "

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