Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2722

"Qi Tianyu, are you really going to take me out Will he go to the place of the army together? " At the beginning, Hong Feng habitually wanted to call that person his grandfather, but when it comes to the general situation, he thought that the person he saw today had nothing in common with his grandfather in his memory, so he changed his words directly.

"Of course, it's true. I've promised the other party before. After all, the other party didn't tell me where your grandmother was. I can only make a deal with the other party in this way to get the clue of where your grandmother is. There's no way." Although Qi Tianyu had already revealed some of his thoughts to the other party before, after all, he really wanted to take the other party's grandfather as the scapegoat at at this time. If the other party knew, he might not be on his side.

"But didn't you just promise that I would take my grandmother and me to that place? Now you have to take him with you, and you have to know that if you take him with you, it is equivalent to taking a group of people. In this case, will the people in that place agree? " What Hong Feng is worried about is totally different from what the people on the other side think.

"You don't need to worry about this now. After all, even if I take your grandfather, I won't directly take him to that place. I can only tell him where the place is and whether or when I can get in. It doesn't matter to me." Qi Tianyu has understood from the other party's two sentences that the other party and her grandfather have no feelings, so there is no cover to explain them.

"But even if you don't bring him in, what about me and my grandmother? You said that you would let me and my grandmother go to that place to look for necessary use, but are you sure you can bring us in?" Hong Feng can also see that the place is extraordinary from her grandfather's persistence. If it's really unusual, can she and her grandmother go in this way?

"If it's ordinary people, of course not. But you don't remember when I met you at the weekend, I asked your mother and grandmother if they had any evidence to prove their family. After your grandmother promised, I told you that I could take you to that place. You will know the reason when you get to that place, but for the time being Don't worry too much. Just go back and get ready. We can start at any time. " Qi Tianyu has basically finished his own work. After all, the most important thing for him to come out this time is to find the culprit. Now he has finished his task. Now he just needs to wait until Huang Li has finished what he needs to do, and then he can go back together.

"Well, I have no other way but to trust you now. You should finish your business quickly. After all, my grandmother and I don't want to live here any more. It's a wolf's nest!" When Hong Feng was a child, she loved to play in her grandparents' house. She thought it was a very warm place, but she never thought that when she came back here now, she would have a feeling of fear.

"It's not up to me to decide this matter. Go back and have a rest first. I'll go out and have a look at the situation. When it's finished, I'll take you away for the first time." Qi Tianyu also hopes that he can return to that place as soon as possible. After all, that place is the focus of this operation.

Hong Feng didn't say much. After all, she had just found her grandmother. Naturally, she had a lot to say to her grandmother.

"Grandma You, are you ok? " Although Hong Feng had asked after her grandmother before, there were other people. Now when they arrived in the room quietly, there was a kind of sadness in the air.

"Feng'er, I'm just impulsive. Now I want to understand. You're right. Obviously, this place has been controlled by that person. Even if I want to do something, I can't do it. If I do it, I'll put myself and you in a bad situation. I want to understand. You don't have to worry about me any more." Although Mrs. Liao's consciousness was very painful when she first came here, and she couldn't bear her inner emotions at all, after a short rest, she also reflected that she still needed to focus on the overall situation.

"Grandma is my fault. If I hadn't come here, maybe you and your grandfather would not have become what they are today. If I hadn't always wanted your grandfather to avenge me, you two wouldn't have such a big difference, causing today's result." The pimples in Hong Feng's heart have never been solved. On the contrary, with the accumulation of these days, they become bigger and bigger.

"Girl, why do you think so? Didn't you hear that today? What happened between us has happened since we met. Besides, your grandfather hated me very much since then. Even if you saw that we had a good relationship on the surface, it was just an act of pleasure. How could you put all these things on your own head? It has nothing to do with whether you come or not. " Although Mrs. Liao did see some changes in her granddaughter after she came out this time, she didn't seem as headstrong as before. She thought it was a good thing, but now it seems that her granddaughter should have a heart knot."But you've been fine all the time. It must be because of me that you've become what you are today. Don't worry, I'll find a way to avenge myself at noon. I don't need you to help me any more, and I'll help you do things." Of course, Hong Feng understood that she could not interfere in the feelings between her grandparents, but she was really sorry for her grandmother. If her grandmother did not want to avenge herself, she would not have divulged more information, and would not have come to such a situation today.

"I believe my granddaughter must be a very smart and good child. I know what you think. You should do well for me, but you don't need to blame yourself for all your mistakes, let alone punish yourself for others' mistakes."

After Mrs. Liao calmed down, she could learn kindness from her granddaughter, just like an old wise man.

"This..." Hong Feng's heart, of course, is not completely ignorant of this matter. It's just that she can't get over it. Now her grandmother has been sitting in front of her as usual, and her heart is much better.

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