Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2723

Qi Tianyu has no idea that Mrs. Liao has basically opened her granddaughter's heart. Now Qi Tianyu is busy finding Huang Li to see what's going on here? Is it possible to return to that place more quickly?

"Where's your lady?" Qi Tianyu came to Huang's house and walked around quietly. He didn't find the person he wanted to find, so he could only stop a person to ask.

"Miss? Do you mean the owner? " The person who was stopped thought hard for a long time before answering.

"Home owner? She's the owner? I haven't heard of it before. " Although Qi Tianyu was busy with other things two days ago, he was in this place after all. If he really became the owner of his family, how could he not receive any news?

"Are you talking about Miss Huang Li?" The man asked one more question to avoid listening wrong, so what went wrong.

"Of course, is there any other Miss Huang besides Huang Li?" Qi Tianyu was confused about the people in front of him. They were just looking for someone. He couldn't say clearly.

"There's nothing wrong with that. You know, there's only one lady left in our family now. Although it hasn't been formally settled and no ceremony has been held, there's only one person left after all. Anyway, the head of the family is Miss Huang Li." This man is right.

"Since there is no ceremony yet, why do you call it that? And when I just mentioned miss, you also corrected my statement Qi Tianyu felt very strange. After all, there was nothing wrong with this statement of the person in front of him, because Huang Li was really the only one left here, so there was nothing wrong with this statement. But after all, there was no ceremony, so it was strange to call the other person the head of the family.

"It seems that you are not what I think, those people. In this way, I can tell you the reason of the matter. After all, it's very reasonable for us to call you like this before." This person saw that the other party really did not understand, and he simply understood that the person in front of him was not the one he wanted to be on guard against.

Qi Tianyu nodded, indicating that the other party could tell him what was going on. It seemed that he was busy with other things a few days ago and ignored this side, but he didn't know what happened here.

"You don't know about it. The Huang family is divided into the main vein and the branches. There are very few people in the main vein. Now even we know that only Miss Huang Li is left. But you have to know that there are many branches in the Huang family. Although these branches have no other ability, and even everything is very mediocre, the only characteristic is that there are many people, so the current situation is very complicated Although Miss situation is a doubtless family, for those who are affiliated with the Huang family, there will certainly be a group of people who feel unconvinced. Although these people have little ability, if they come to the door one by one, it will take a lot of effort. That's why we changed our words together. " The man understood that the other side was on his own side, and he didn't hide anything. He just poured beans in a bamboo tube and said everything.

Qi Tianyu remembered that when he left here last time, Huang Li did say to himself that the other party needed to solve another group of people, and only after that group of people had solved would he think about going back to that place. Now it seems that although the current situation is not too bad, it has not been completely solved.

"By the way, now you can always tell me where the person I'm looking for is. No matter whether the other person is the owner or whatever, I always have something urgent to do with the other person." After listening to all this, Qi Tianyu finally returned to his original question. After all, no matter what the identity of the other party is, he must now see the other party to discuss the arrangement.

"Now that I'm sure you're not from there, I can take you there directly. The owner of the house is very tired at this time, so he locked himself in the secret room. I can only take you to the door, and then you can have a look by yourself. Do you want to see us?" This man is very crisp in his words and deeds.

Qi Tianyu followed the man to the northwest corner of the Huang family. The place was far away from the place where he came in. He couldn't even see it. He felt that the house he could live in was just some rockery.

"What did you bring me here for? Didn't you say your master locked himself up? It can't be put in here. " Qi Tianyu said that in the middle of his speech, he could see that something was wrong with this place. He simply stepped forward to explore what was going on.

"Hey, don't move. I'll report to the owner first to see if he wants to see you." The man went to the edge of the rockery and pulled out a piece of rock from the rockery. There was a thin tube inside. The man reported his situation directly to the thin tube.

"Is the person I'm looking for really hiding in here? It's too deep outside." Qi Tianyu didn't believe that the other party would just hide from others, so he locked himself in here.

"I don't know. After all, what our master wants to do is not my responsibility." He didn't say anything more. After all, he didn't know anything like this.Although Qi Tianyu didn't get the answer, he always felt strange. There should be some other reasons.

"Ding Ling." This kind of sound came from the south side of the rockery. It should be the shaking sound of the hands with bells inside.

"It seems that our master is willing to see you, so you can go in." The man had heard that there was no sound coming from inside, and he was still thinking that he had to find a way to get the seemingly difficult speaker away. He didn't expect that when he was preparing to speak, he heard such a sound coming from inside.

"What do you mean? Did that voice just mean that I was allowed to go in? " Qi Tianyu has dealt with Huang Li several times, but he didn't expect that the other side would have such a big show.

"Yes, if there is no voice in it after I speak, it means that I don't agree with it. But if there is a voice just like that, it means that I agree with what I just reported. In this way, of course, you can go in." When he saw the person inside, he even agreed to let the person in, so he trusted the person in front of him more, and he simply told the secret.

Although Qi Tianyu could not understand what the other party was doing, he still nodded. After all, this opportunity was not easy. If the other party really just wanted to avoid others, he would never look like this. He could only go in and see the other secrets himself.

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