Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2764

Mrs. Huang didn't care about Qi Tianyu's embarrassment and said, "in fact, those people found me when I was young and followed me all the time. They are four invisible spirits. I can't know their identity, but I know they came to protect the secrets of our family. They should be the Tian family."

"Spirit, and invisible spirit?" Qi Tianyu also felt very strange when he heard this.

"Yes, I don't know what kind of skills they use. They can actually come out of the body, and they can't be perceived at all. They can only be seen by the people they want to see. Over the years, almost no one has found these four spirit bodies around me, and no one can talk to them except me." Qi Tianyu was really surprised. He had never heard of such a strange skill. "Are they alive or dead?"

Qi Tianyu didn't know how to answer this question. "I really don't know. I told you just now. They all followed me to protect the secrets of our family. They just urged me to be vigilant and didn't let me say anything. They never told me something. What's their identity today It's not very clear. "

"So strange?" Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu, is quite strange. What's the secret of the Tian family? There are even so many strange things.

"Yes, I just want you to know that I have no secret to you now. I also hope you can help me sincerely now."

"I really want to help you, Mrs. Huang. Since you believe me so much, I must know everything about you." Qi Tianyu was firm in his mind. Mrs. Huang even told him about it, but she kept it from her. It seems that she is really taking the heart of a villain as the belly of a gentleman.

He told Mrs. Huang the white wood he and Huang Li met, and even told Mrs. Huang all the things he heard.

The more Mrs. Huang listened, the more surprised she was. "It seems that It seems that he is my cousin's son. Listen to you say so, the age is just the same, did not expect! I didn't expect that for so many years, since they are in the penalty area, I never know

"Mrs. Huang, after listening to what I said, can you be sure that he is the Tian family?"

"That's right. I can't remember if you don't say that. I remember when you said that. I met him when I came back that day. He was standing with you two at that time, and Li'er was beside me."

"Yes, he came to see Huang Li that day."

"That's right. When I met him, I had a secret sense of familiarity. I even felt like I had known him before. At that time, I didn't care much about him, but now I think about it, that's the characteristic of our family. But is my cousin gone? Why would he give his name to his son? " Just now, Mrs. Huang was so excited that she didn't think about it. Now she wants to know why her cousin's son is also called Tianmu. Obviously, in terms of seniority, his cousin's name is Tianmu, and his son's name should be Tianfeng.

"I'm not very clear about what's going on with the Tian family. But since Mrs. Huang thinks that the person is the Tian family, we've got the right clue. If we find Tian Mu now, we can know a lot of things." Qi Tianyu thinks that starting from Tian Mu is the best way now.

"How can we find it? If they are hiding behind the Bai family, we Huang family can't do anything. We always go into the water with the Bai family. Isn't it strange if we suddenly and rashly go to the Bai family to ask for someone

"That's the hard thing to do, Mrs. Huang. I just heard you say that it seems that the Bai family and the Ling family have come to you, haven't they?"

"That's right. Because of Fang Qing's recklessness, the Ling family and the Bai family can't see it any more. They came to our Huang family some time ago and wanted to fight against him. By the way, when the master of the Bai family came to me, he revealed to me that he was from the Tian family. I just remember now. Look at my brain! " Mrs. Huang suddenly thought of it and patted her head in chagrin. Her eyes were suddenly dull and then returned to the original. She is so strange recently that she always forgets something important.

"It seems that the Bai family are not afraid to expose their identity in front of you. It's much easier to do." Qi Tianyu didn't notice Mrs. Huang's strange, and then said, "it seems that Fang Qing has no public hostility to you. If you act rashly now, won't it cause unrest?"

"That's what we need to think about now. Fang Qing's cunning is always under the table. He doesn't let everyone know what he's doing. Even if someone asks him, he just says that he will take over the Tianjiao of Bai family, Ling family and even those small families to cultivate. Those small families are very happy to send their families to them after they hear about it, not like Ling family and Bai family The family knows something inside, that's why they are so indignant. "

"I see. Fang Qing didn't do it without brains." Qi Tianyu felt that the matter was difficult now. Mrs. Huang sighed, "it's really difficult. Do you have any idea about Zhutian emperor?"

Qi Tianyu thought for a moment and said, "is Fang Qing the supreme commander in this situation? No one else can cure him? ""In fact, we can't say that completely. Oh, by the way, we haven't told you about it yet. In fact, there were six highly respected elders here, including two Tian family members, two Bai family members, one Ling family member and one of our Huang family members. But after our Huang family was down, he was demoted and ended up depressed. So now I'm sorry We have only five elders here. "

"There are two Tian family members in the five elders, so why can Fang Qing be so unscrupulous?" Qi Tianyu felt very strange.

"Listen to me first, don't worry. "Mrs. Huang slowly explained to Qi Tianyu," these two Tian family members were the main family members of the Tian family at the beginning, that is, my elders. But after Fang Qing came to power, he used many means to make our main family members step down, thus replacing them with his branch Tian family members. That is to say, these people are not orthodox Tian family members, but listen to them It's a pity for you. "

"I see. Fang Qing is doing this now. The elders already know it. Why didn't they show up?"

"Although the elders are highly respected and in charge of the highest affairs, they never show up. Most of the affairs are handled by Fang Qing and our families. They won't show up until they have to deal with it. "

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