Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2765

"According to Mrs. Huang, these five elders are useless." Qi Tianyu thinks what Mrs. Huang said just now is rubbish.

But Mrs. Huang didn't think so, "zhutiandi, don't you recognize the deep meaning of my words? There are two white elders in the five families

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Huang, you mean..." Qi Tianyu was stunned, as if he knew what Mrs. Huang wanted to say.

Mrs. Huang nodded, "that's right. I suspect that the two white family members may be the main source of our Tian family. Otherwise, Fang Qing hasn't found the hidden Tian family in this situation for so many years. Doesn't that make sense? And as you said, Tian Mu was able to act outside under the name of Bai Mu, which shows that the Bai family behind him is very capable? "

"Mrs. Huang, your analysis is very reasonable, which I haven't thought of yet." Qi Tianyu touched his chin and felt that it was really a direction to think about. "Why don't I go to the elders to find out."

"Ha ha ha, Zhutian Di, are you kidding..." To Qi Tianyu's surprise, Mrs. Huang burst out laughing.

Qi Tianyu was stunned and said, "I don't know where Mrs. Huang's smile comes from."

"Oh, by the way, I haven't told you that. In fact, these five people are always out of reach in our situation. They are also located in places where we can never come and go. I don't think it's possible to see them with you."

"So mysterious?" Qi Tianyu felt a little alarmist.

Mrs. Huang nodded solemnly, "that's right. I'm not deceiving you. You have been in our situation for so long, so you should have seen the skills of the people here. Think about what kind of people are the five elders whom we all admire above Fang Qing? Of course, they are not people we can see. Where are they? We don't know. "

"Don't you know where they are? Are they not in this situation yet? " Qi Tianyu felt that the more she said, the more mysterious she became.

Mrs. Huang thought for a while and said, "in fact, we can't say that we don't know where they are. We know their specific location, but we never see their figures, so the people here are collectively referred to as people who don't know where they are."

"I don't believe it, Mrs. Huang. Why don't you tell me where they are and I'll go and find out."

"Zhutiandi, are you sure you want to do this?" Mrs. Huang asked as calmly as possible, but her eyes were full of surprise. She felt that Qi Tianyu was really out of measure.

Qi Tianyu didn't know what she meant, but no one could stop him when he thought, "Mrs. Huang, just say it, even if I can't see it, can't I have a long insight?"

"Well OK, but you should be careful of Zhutian di. Those people are not easy to be provoked. If you disturb them, they may... "

"I know, I know, I'm just visiting."

"Well, I'll tell you the place. You should be careful. If you don't see it, you can come back as soon as possible."

"Good." Qi Tianyu nodded, and Mrs. Huang told him the location of the elders. Qi Tianyu turned around and was ready to leave. But when she met Huang Li at the door, she was surprised to see Qi Tianyu carrying a burden and ready to go out. "Where are you going now?"

"I have a place to visit. Don't worry. I'll be back soon."

"But we still have a mess here. Are you sure you want to go now?"

"I can rest assured that it's nothing to have you and your mother here." Qi Tianyu said a few words casually and was ready to leave, but Huang Li stopped him again, "what about Hong Feng? Don't you worry about her? "

"This Don't provoke her, or I can't help her to lose her temper with you. " Now Hong Feng's situation, he really can't help, but listening to Huang Li's meaning will not have a great impact on Hong Feng's body, so he is not so worried.

"Well, if you want to leave, just leave. Anyway, you are always mysterious and don't want to say anything to me. I'm stupid. I told you everything." Huang Li stamped his feet and turned away.

Qi Tianyu looked at her angry back and couldn't figure it out. But I couldn't manage so much, so I went to the direction Mrs. Huang said.

"Southeast corner, the whole situation is so big, I don't know how long to look for it!" Qi Tianyu also regretted for a while, and he was ridiculous just now.

After walking a long way to the southeast corner, Qi Tianyu found that he had separated from the main urban area of Jingdi, and the surrounding area was gradually covered with mountains. After walking on for half a day, Qi Tianyu found that there was no one left. It was all jungle and mountains. There was an invisible mountain in front of it. The fog covered the hillside. From his position, it was like a fairyland.

"Those elders shouldn't live in such a place. What's the point of being uninhabited and far away from the central city?" Qi Tianyu just finished abdominal Fei ready to climb the mountain, behind suddenly came a burst of footwork sound, let him find it.Qi Tianyu turned his head and saw a white figure not far away, which was particularly conspicuous in the green jungle. He was so bold to follow him, but he did not taboo to let him see it. It seemed that he came to him on purpose.

Qi Tianyu stood in the same place, waiting for the figure to approach. When he approached, Qi Tianyu was surprised to find that this person was the half old child who had been following him. He could not see his face with a layer of cloth on his face. When he saw Qi Tianyu, he stood still, three or four meters away from Qi Tianyu and said, "Zhutian emperor, I saw him for the second time, I don't know Do you remember me

"Of course, what? I escaped from my hands last time, but do you still want to die this time? " Qi Tianyu sneered. When he was ready to approach him, the man stepped back a few steps. "Zhutian emperor, of course, I believe in fate, but this time I'm not malicious to you. You have to believe me."

"No malice, OK. What are you going to do?"

…… Before that, I want to ask Zhutian Di a question. How can you go this way? "

"What do you have to do with me going this way?" Qi Tianyu is not ready to answer his question.

The man felt his nose awkwardly, "zhutiandi, if you don't answer my question, we'll be in trouble if we talk about it again."

"You are such a funny child. Why are you following me and asking me questions

"I have absolutely no intention. I want to help you, zhutiandi."

"Help me? What can I do for you? Make it clear. "

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