Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2775

"If you think so, just take it as if I didn't say it. Anyway, I don't know where you are or who you are. I don't really have something to look for you, and then you happen to pick me up. Do you believe there is such a coincidence?" Hong Fenggang just just said a word, but if the other side refused, there was no loss for him.

"It doesn't matter that the little girl is smart. Remember what you said now. Since you don't think you have anything to do with me, don't speak in the future." Elder Bai said nothing more with a mysterious smile, as if he wanted to end this topic.

"Go on, your story has just begun. How can you shut up because you are in a bad mood?" Hong Feng continued to sit beside her, looking like she wanted to listen to the story.

"Back There's nothing to say in the end? " Bai Changlao smiles again.

"You told me you were going to tell me something about it, but you just said one or two words. You don't mean what you say!" Hong Feng mumbles, but she can also say that when the other party wants to talk to her, she has to listen if she doesn't want to. When the other party doesn't want to talk to her, she won't even listen if she wants to.

"You Let me tell you Wait, what's this strange smell? " Elder Bai seems to be ready to change his mind again, but in the middle of the speech, it suddenly stops.

"What is it?" After the other side spoke, Hong Feng carefully smelled the smell around her. It really seemed that she smelled a strange smell, as if something was burning

"Ah, fire!" Hong Feng thought along with this idea, and soon figured out what it was like. It should be that he didn't put out the fire in time after baking, so he burned some plants around him.

"Can you make things or not? Don't you know how to destroy Mars with your own things? " Bai Changlao rushed out. On the one hand, he was afraid of destroying himself here. On the other hand, he was even more afraid of

"It's none of my business at all. It's clearly said that you are responsible for making food and eating fire this time. How can you light the fire and then put it out..." Although Hong Feng also felt that she had made some mistakes, she was still unforgiving.

But after Hong Feng finished, she wanted to wait for the old man and herself to be stubborn as usual, but the old man didn't say a word.

"Master? senior? What's up? What happened? I'm not used to it... " Hong Feng waited for a long time, but she didn't hear any more from the opposite person.

"Oh, shut up. I'm really in trouble, and let those people know that if I don't have the heart to make a bet, where can I put my face? Right? I tell you, you just say that you eat all these things. Do you remember? Do remember, these things are you know, have nothing to do with me! No, no, you should hide first. After all, they don't allow me to bring people here. You should hide and hide! " When Bai Chang came out, he already had a bad feeling. After all, the smoke and fire had been found, and people in the sky should be able to see it. But after he came out, he still had a fantasy. Of course, this fantasy was soon broken.

"Old man Bai, what are you doing? How did you make this place look like this? You want to burn us together, right! It's just that you lost a bet? You see who like you is willing to gamble but not admit defeat The four people over there quickly approached this place. The leader had already started to swear before he saw Bai Changlao.

"Oh, I didn't mean to? I'm just... " Elder Bai just wanted to explain, but he couldn't explain clearly if he did. After all, he promised that if he lost the bet, he couldn't steal. In this case, it's better to let the four old men think he was a prank.

The four soon arrived at the gate of Bai Changlao. They were dressed in gold, brown, green and red robes, similar to the deep yellow robes on Bai Changlao.

"No, five, what did you do? How can I smell something else besides meat? Is there anyone else here? " The man in the golden robe at the head opened his mouth, which is to question.

"This..." Of course, elder Bai wants to deny it directly, but he knows very well that even if he denies it, the person in front of him can quickly find the little girl he used to be. At that time, his guilt will be even worse. It's better to admit it first.

"You come out!" The leader quickly found Hong Feng hidden in the cupboard. Hong Feng was directly put in by Bai Changlao, and several bones were thrown in his arms when he put in. At this time, I really didn't know what to do, so I heard someone outside calling me out.

"Ah?" Elder Bai knows that the person in front of him is very powerful. He will find the person he hid very quickly. But he didn't expect that the time was so fast that he didn't even have the chance to admit it.

"Lao Wu, why do you still have this kind of character for so many years? Didn't I tell you never to bring in people from outside? You've been doing well for so many years. Why did you suddenly bring in an outsider? " The leader is also the elder of the Bai family, so when facing this fifth brother, he always unconsciously takes up some of his elder brother's kindness."I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I just picked up this little girl to play and sent her out soon. Otherwise, can I send her out now?" Bai Changlao can only admit his mistake very happily.

"Don't rush to send the little girl out. Call her out first. There's no big problem. Let's talk about something else." The leader stopped the other side.

"No problem, no problem, I promise." When elder Bai heard that the other side let go, he quickly stood beside the cupboard and pulled out the Hong Feng who had been put in.

"Little girl, I tell you, that's what I told you before. My other brothers, I'll tell you a secret. What we represent respectively are gold, wood, water, fire and earth. You can see from the color of our clothes." When elder Bai spoke, he didn't pay attention to the other people standing in front of him.

"Lao Wu, do you know the rules? Who allowed you to say all these things?" The person standing in the front could not help saying a word.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, no one has come in here for so many years. Our checkpoints are about to rust. Even if we are known by others, what elements are we corresponding to, it is impossible for people nearby to break those checkpoints through these things? " Elder Bai is very confident about what he has in it. If he only knows these five words and can break the switch card, he should really admire each other.

But what Bai Changlao wanwan didn't expect is that he really gave Qi Tianyu an opportunity because of his operation. If it wasn't for his own side, Qi Tianyu couldn't have taken advantage of the situation and crossed the front two levels directly. If he didn't speak out the corresponding elements of each level so easily, the other side couldn't have done that either In the end, they had to agree to each other's terms and get out of the mountain again.

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