Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2776

"Hello, elders." After Hong Feng came out, she bowed to them timidly. The five elders were all of extraordinary bearing, and their eyebrows were full of heroism. They were very different from their age and looked like young people.

Hong Feng didn't dare to make a mistake. She looked very clever. The man in charge looked at her and said to elder Bai, "where is this girl from? How long have you been here? "

"It wasn't long."

"Did you go out and bring her in?"

"How can it be? She broke in on her own The white elder turned away completely. Hong Feng looked at him and didn't dare to refute. The elders took a look around Hong Feng and found that she was of low rank and didn't have any idea. They put down their heart and said, "where do you come from! How did you get into our position? "

Hong Feng didn't know whether to talk about the ball or not. She just looked at Bai Changlao. Elder Bai saw her eyes coming, so she had to say, "what do you think I'm doing? They ask you something."

Hong Feng falters, can't say, the elder of the head is impatient, "what's the matter with you girl? But just one question. Is it so difficult to answer? "

"Oh, forget it. Don't force her. I'll tell you. She was brought in by a beast."

"Nonsense, no beast has such ability to break through our array?"

"There's luck. Maybe we didn't fall into our trap." An elder next to him advised that he saw Hong Feng's appearance as a lady of a big family. He was very well dressed and thought that it might be everyone's daughter.

"You don't know. Come on, girl, give them a look at that ball?"

Hong Feng shakes her head. She doesn't dare to show these people. What can we do if we let them see that the ball is a monster?

Bai Changlao went over and took Hong Feng's storage bag from the inside. Hong Feng held on to it and refused to let him pull it. After a stalemate, elder Bai couldn't stand it. He patted Hong Feng's hand and said, "what's the matter with you girl? I just want you to give them a look. Maybe they haven't seen such orthodox biters since they were so old. "

"I don't think so." Hong Feng didn't dare to use any more force, but she also insisted on not letting him take it.

After hearing this, the elders were surprised and yelled out! There are still biting animals these days. Haven't they been extinct long ago? "

Elder Bai laughed when he heard their surprised tone, like the proud class patted his chest and said, "that's right! If I hadn't seen this rare thing, I might have killed it, too. "

"Lao Wu, why do you keep it? It's a disaster." The elder next to him was a little pale.

Elder Bai shook his head and said, "no, no, no, it's not necessary. This beast is just a child, and it doesn't have any aggressiveness. The evil is just aroused. If you suppress it a little, you can go back to the right way."

"Is that true?" Several elders nearby didn't believe it very much. Bai Chang pushed Hong Feng's hand hard and said, "I said they didn't believe it. Please let go of your little thing quickly."

Seeing that elder Bai just wanted to show off and didn't mean to hurt the ball, Hong Feng hesitated and released the ball. As soon as the ball came out, he saw so many people around him. He was scared. No longer as frivolous as before, he hid behind Hong Feng's feet and looked at them with a big eye full of fear.

The elders led the ball out and looked at it in the middle for a long time. One of them said, "it's really a goblin. It's amazing. The goblin with such pure blood has disappeared for many years."

"That's right. Where did you get this from, you little girl?" Hong Feng shook his head. How dare he say the name of heixuan.

"This wench is afraid to be scared by you, words all dare not say." Elder Bai couldn't help saying when he saw Hong Feng's pale face.

"Are we that scary?" Several elders touched their faces and looked at each other. They only saw the long white beard and wrinkles on each other's body. They didn't see any fierce look.

Hong Feng said, "I'm sorry. I really broke in by accident. Please don't punish me."

"No, we won't punish you." Bai Changlao hurriedly said that several elders beside him were not happy. "When is your turn to be the master, old five? Can you be the master with your crazy appearance?"

"What madness is not madness, this girl did not make any mistakes, also inadvertently broke in, is it difficult that you want to punish her now?"

"Even if she broke in unintentionally, she should be punished. Our rule here is that she can't break in casually. Is it difficult that she hasn't made a mistake yet?"

When Hong Feng saw that they wanted to punish herself, she cried. She took elder Bai's hand and said, "elder, you must save me. I don't want to be punished. They don't want to kill me."Seeing Hong Feng shaking, the elders also felt that they had gone too far. They looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, or comforted Hong Feng, "you, don't be afraid. When do we say we're going to kill you?"

"What do you mean by punishment?"

"What we mean by punishment is that..."

"I'll punish you for cooking for us." Elder Bai answered immediately.

"Five, what are you doing? Why do you always protect this girl? "

"I think this girl is very interesting. Why do you always scare her? This girl will bring us a lot of fun. " With that, Bai Changlao kicked the butt of the ball. The ball was kicked forward by him. He wanted to glare at him, but found that elder Bai winked at him. The ball was always smart. How could he not know what he meant?

The ball quickly changed into a pair of smirk. Suddenly it became bigger and smaller, and then it circled around them. It twisted its little buttocks, opened its round eyes and looked at them wet. Looking at the elders, it couldn't help laughing. "This little thing is very observant. Is it begging for mercy from us?"

Hearing the word "beg for mercy", the ball nodded his head desperately, spit out his tongue and wanted to lick some elders. The elders didn't avoid it because they were funny. They let him lick his bare feet and laugh, "well, it's very interesting."

"Isn't it interesting that this goblin has developed a dog?" The people nearby also couldn't help laughing.

Finally, after meeting several elders, Hong Feng was relieved. Bai Changlao was also relieved and said, "don't punish me. Come here. What do you come to see me for today?"

"Oh, I forgot about it. Do you feel something different outside?" One elder said.

"No, what's the difference?" Elder Bai shook his head. Another elder next to him came forward and said to elder Bai, "it seems that someone broke in from outside, but he has been wandering in the outer space, and has not been able to come in completely."

"Really? Who has the courage to rush here? "

"It's not clear. That's why we came to discuss with you. Don't you feel it at all?"

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