Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2778

"You can do anything." Qi Tianyu looked at the crack as big as a crack, and then looked at Bai Jing's strong body.

In front of Qi Tianyu's face, Bai Jing leans to the crevice. When he passes through the crevice, he can shrink his body and push it slowly. When he passes through the crevice, Qi Tianyu is too surprised to speak, "I didn't expect you You are really good

"Of course, Qi Tianyu, come here as soon as possible."

"I I can't Qi Tianyu shook his head.

"No? I can't tell you what to do

"I didn't know you could get through such a small gap. You've practiced, haven't you? "

"What have you practiced? This is the unique skill of our family. We can contract our body through spiritual power. "

"Why don't you teach me."

"Bah, how can it be! It's said that it's a unique skill of our family. How can it be spread abroad? " Bai Jing is more courageous there. Qi Tianyu is not standing in front of him. He is more courageous.

Qi Tianyu snorted, "if you are brave, you are not afraid that I will be rude to you."

"Well, you are I can't make it Bai Jing stammered, but as soon as he finished his words, Qi Tianyu stood in front of him, and behind him that piece of illusory state was directly broken in front of him and scattered.

Bai Jing could not help but open his mouth and mechanically turned his neck to look at Qi Tianyu standing in front of him, "you How did you do that? "

"Didn't you say that? I'll split it just by spirit and brute force! " Qi Tianyu raised his eyebrows at him and walked towards him.

Bai Jing was startled and quickly stepped back, "I, I was just joking, you must not do it!"

"Who cares to do something to you? Come to me quickly. There are many illusions and arrays in it. Don't blame me if you walk around and fall into a trap!"

"Oh, oh." Bai Jing rushed to reply and ran behind Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu shook his hand with Taiqing Tianjian. Although he tried his best in front of Baijing, his moves just now really wasted a lot of his spiritual power. Now he even feels a little tired.

Bai Jing naturally can't feel this. He just respects the man in front of him for a moment. It's not easy for Qi Tianyu to be the emperor of heaven. It's amazing that he can destroy a situation just by relying on spiritual power and brute force.

And a few elders on the other side were also stunned to see this scene, "this boy is really not simple, since it is so barbaric that it destroys our most external boundary."

"Oh, it's just to be brave. I don't believe that he can break through the next level after spending so much spiritual power." Elder Bai snorted. Obviously he didn't think so, but he also said that he had some admiration for him.

Hong Feng looked at it, but she didn't have any other thoughts. She was just worried, "what is Qi Tianyu doing? How can he break in so abruptly? Doesn't he know what's in it? "

The ball can feel what Hong Feng thinks in her heart and naturally feel her inner entanglement. It rubs Hong Feng's feet and winks at her. Hong Feng whispers in her ear, "no, you can't. don't you see that all the elders can see Qi Tianyu's figure? If I let you go, they'll find out. "

The ball to Hongfeng, blink, Hongfeng a Leng, "you, can you do it?"

The ball nodded desperately and raised her little paws to Hong Feng. Hong Feng tangled with each other. While the elders were concentrating on the dreamland, they released the ball. The ball quickly jumped down the hill and ran to Qi Tianyu. Soon it's gone.

Hong Feng's in the heart is clenched, can't help but sigh a breath, white elder hears her voice, turn to see to her, "what is your wench thinking?"? Come and see your lover. "

Hong Feng was startled. She quickly looked back at them and said, "who said that he was my lover? Don't talk nonsense, OK? Elder Bai, I'm still a girl. "

"You look so nervous and anxious. This man has nothing to do with you. Can I believe it?"

Hong Feng doesn't argue any more. Instead, she stands beside him with her heart and looks at Qi Tianyu in the dreamland. When he and Bai Jing come to the real place, they don't dare to act rashly any more. Instead, they stand in the same place and observe the surroundings. Bai Jing also follows Qi Tianyu carefully. After seeing the surrounding scenes, Qi Tianyu sighs, "the remaining traps are still true Many, I don't know which way to go

"I said, or we'd better turn around and go back. It's not worth living here."

"No, it's all here. I can't go back now."

"You are a dead brain. You have said it yourself. You don't know which way to go. What are you still stubborn about?"

"I don't know. Come and have a look." Qi Tianyu took Bai Jing out from behind him and asked him to look around, "don't you mean you adults know everything? Then he must have come here and met these elders. Doesn't he know how to get there? ""I don't know if our adults have ever been here. Now you force me to find your way. Isn't it hard for you?"

"Stop talking nonsense and choose a way for me." Qi Tianyu patted him on the shoulder, unwilling to listen to his nonsense.

Bai Jing is excited by Qi Tianyu. Looking back at the unhappy look on his face, he doesn't dare to refuse him. He thinks that he once overheard the conversation between adults and Bai Mu. He does know something about the news here. The reason why he didn't want to tell Qi Tianyu just now is that he wanted to retreat when he was killed. It seems that Qi Tianyu's insistence is not an ordinary person After all, he doesn't have the courage to turn around and go back. If he meets any difficulties on the road, he will die here. Maybe he has a way to live with Qi Tianyu.

After Bai Jing figured it out, he began to concentrate on studying the surrounding array. I heard that the elders had special identities, which seemed to represent the combination of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Therefore, their abilities were very strong, especially when they were combined.

The location should also be paid attention to. The place where their elders are located should be the one with the highest status among their five elders. Bai Jing thought that the two elders of the Tian family should be the ones with the highest status. As for who they are, Bai Jing didn't know which one.

"Boy, have you thought of it?" Qi Tianyu saw Bai Jing frowning. He didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't make a sound after thinking for a long time.

"Forget it, take a gamble." Bai Jing looked up to the southeast and said, "let's go this way."

"Are you sure?"

"There's no other way." Bai Jing said that he thought he was looking for the right direction, that is, the direction of elder Tian, the leader. He went to the southeast by himself, regardless of Qi Tianyu.

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