Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2779

"Ah, this boy has been trapped by me." As soon as they stepped in, elder Bai on the other side was very happy and called to the elders.

"What are you happy about? They are going the wrong way. "

"What do you say I'm happy about? Of course I'm happy. Finally someone came to try my array. Am I happy?" Elder Bai is just like a child. His joy is beyond expression.

When Hong Feng heard that it was the array set by elder Bai, she was a little relieved. At least she could draw some words from elder Bai, and she didn't even dare to look at the other elders.

Hong Feng said to one side, "elder Bai, it's the truth you set up. That's really great."

"What's good?"

"I can broaden my horizons. I know that Bai Changlao is not an ordinary person. If you set up an array, it must be different." Hong Feng's words made Bai Changlao feel a little happy. He said with a smile, "you are a girl with eyes. Naturally, the array I set is much stronger than these."

The elders sneered and did not argue with elder Bai.

"Elder Bai, why don't you tell me how you set this array? Let me open my eyes, too. "

"What's the matter? You want to send a message to your lover secretly Bai Changlao is not totally without vigilance.

Hong Feng pulled the corners of her mouth and laughed awkwardly. "Elder Bai, look what you said. How can it be? I'm on your side now, and he's trapped in the array you set. How can I send a message to him? You're looking at me."

"That's what you said. You can't be a demon under our noses. " Elder Bai nodded, summoned Hong Feng and said, "didn't I tell you just now? What we represent is gold, wood, water, fire and earth. What do you think my clothes represent? "

Looking at his dark yellow robe, Hong Feng thought and said, "it's earth."

"That's right, so if you want to pass my array, you have to find a way from it."

"Look at you, elder Bai. I can't understand you if you only talk half way." Hong Feng didn't know what elder Bai meant.

"Think for yourself, little girl!" Elder Bai seemed to enjoy this feeling. He laughed and looked at Qi Tianyu again.

Hong Feng stamped her feet angrily, but she didn't dare to speak out.

And the ball over there has been looking for Qi Tianyu's taste, and is about to find him. When it is close to Qi Tianyu, the ball's mouth bulges and changes slowly, becoming a worm size shape. Hidden in the grass, there was no trace of it. Naturally, the elders would not have seen it so carefully. They could not find a ball the size of an insect rushing towards Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu naturally didn't find it. As Bai Jing walked carefully here, he felt more and more spiritual power. He paid close attention to the changes around him. Suddenly, something was installed on his feet and hurt his toes deliberately.

Qi Tianyu stood still and looked down. It was an insect, and he was hairy. "What is it?"

Qi Tianyu kicked the ball away as soon as he kicked it. The ball was too small to control his body. He kicked it to the ground and rubbed his dizzy head. He hated Qi Tianyu more deeply. "This idiot! If it wasn't for the host's nervousness, I wouldn't have come to save you. "

The ball scolded in his heart and started to Qi Tianyu again. Now he learned to be good. Instead of starting from Qi Tianyu's feet, he turned to his pants and climbed up with his clothes.

Qi Tianyu felt itchy in his legs, as if there were insects. He raised his hand and patted it. The ball quickly dodged Qi Tianyu's palm and climbed all the way to his neckline. Looking up, Qi Tianyu's chin was facing it.

The ball squeaked twice, but Qi Tianyu couldn't hear it because it was too small.

The ball slapped the bare skin on Qi Tianyu's chest. Qi Tianyu felt a stab. Looking down, the ball immediately jumped up and called him at his collar.

Qi Tianyu saw that it was just an insect. When he wanted to take a picture of it, he saw that the insect was jumping on its neckline like a bed, and it also jumped in front of his eyes.

Qi Tianyu was facing the insect's eyes, and he could not help shouting, "this thing, you are that..."

Although it has become so small, it's not like a normal insect. The ball saw that Qi Tianyu finally recognized himself, immediately nodded his head desperately, jumped back to his collar, grabbed his clothes and looked at Qi Tianyu.

"What's the matter?" Qi Tianyu thought, but he didn't say it.

Seeing that Qi Tianyu stopped suddenly, Bai Jing turned to him and called, "what are you doing? Come here. If we wait for the sun to set, we'll be in trouble if we want to go out again. "

"Shh, don't talk. Let's sit down and have a rest." Qi Tianyu could feel that the ball wanted to tell him something, and he must be hiding from someone when he became so small, otherwise it would be too troublesome."Rest? I'm not tired at all Bai Jing just wants to make a quick decision.

Qi Tianyu grabbed his back collar, pulled him over, threw him on the ground and said, "rest!" Bai Jing had no choice but to sit and stare at Qi Tianyu and say, "I don't know what you think. Just now, I was in such a hurry to show you the way. Now I have to rest."

After sitting down, Qi Tianyu held the ball in his hand and put it in front of his eyes. But the ball seemed to be very afraid of him in the palm of his hand. He jumped down and hid at his neckline. Qi Tianyu was more sure who he was hiding from. So he whispered, "ball ball, is someone watching us?"

The ball desperately nodded, Qi Tianyu thought for a while and said, "are those elders?" The ball nodded again, and Qi Tianyu became silent. It turned out that the elders were still looking at themselves in the unknown place. "Wait a minute, how do you know about the ball?"

When Qiu Qiu heard Qi Tianyu's question, he seemed to have a headache and patted his forehead. Then he began to perform at Qi Tianyu's neckline. He couldn't tell Qi Tianyu what he thought from his heart, he could only express it through this kind of action.

Qi Tianyu saw it rolling around, crawling around, pretending to be dizzy, even eating, and playing something. Although Qi Tianyu could not fully understand the meaning of it, it seemed that he and Hong Feng came to this place and were met by the elders.

"Well, what did you come to me for?"

The ball made a righteous and awe inspiring expression, pointed to himself, and pointed to Qi Tianyu with a disdainful look, "Oh, you want to help me."

The ball nodded, Qi Tianyu couldn't help laughing, "just how can you help me now?"

Qiu Qiu wants to talk again, but Bai Jing shouts, "Qi Tianyu, who are you talking to? What are you looking at at your neckline? "

Bai Jing said that he was about to come over, and Qi Tianyu quickly got out of the way. "I don't care. Everyone has his own hobby. I love to talk to my collar. What's the matter? "

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