Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2780

"You are a wonderful flower!" Bai Jing was speechless when he came back. After holding on for a long time, he also scolded him. "Forget it, I don't care about you. Can we get up quickly? Do you have enough rest?"

Bai Jing stood up and wanted to move forward, but Qi Tianyu held him, "wait a moment, I think something is wrong here. Don't you think the fluctuation of spirit power is a little severe? We must have entered the depth of the array, otherwise there will be no sudden change. "

"So what? Isn't it safe for us to walk so long? That means I've chosen the right path. " Now Bai Jing is less alert. Nothing has happened since he just came here. He thinks that he must have no problem choosing this road.

While Hong Feng looked at it, she raised her heart. Then she thought what's the use of sending the ball. It can't show up, and it can't communicate with Qi Tianyu like herself and the ball. How can she deliver a message?

In elder Bai's eyes, Hong Feng's nervous look made him feel very interesting. "You this wench also see, they are about to have bad luck."

"Elder Bai, you don't want to do this. Please save them and don't hurt them. They may just come to me. They are not malicious to destroy anything."

"If we leave you here and don't hurt you, even if we are very kind to you, how dare you ask for so many things." The elder of the Tian family next to him yelled at Hong Feng impatiently and pushed her back. Hong Feng was pushed to the ground. Seeing that the elder of the Tian family was staring at him without any pity, he knew that he was a man with a heart of stone and did not dare to speak any more.

Elder Bai frowned at the scene and said to elder Tian, "what are you angry about a little girl?"

"What did you say? Don't you think it's strange that three people broke into our territory in one day? "

"There's nothing strange about that."

"Of course, it's strange. It's too coincidental. It's like someone arranged it carefully. What's this man doing in our situation? This girl does not say! You let her go. "

"Didn't she just say that? It's for her Bai Changlao doesn't know why he wants to help Hong Feng refute, but he is inexplicably angry to see Hong Feng pushed.

"Nonsense, how could it be that I came to her? You can see that this boy has the slightest sign of looking for someone along the way. He clearly wants to break into our situation. "

"Well, even if you want to break into our realm as you said, so what? Do you still have no confidence in yourself and think he can break in? " Elder Bai sneered. It was obviously against him.

Tian Chang's face was stiff when he said this. He glared at him and said, "Lao Wu, don't look for something for me. I'll settle with you about this girl's business later."

"Count it! What can you do? Get me out of here, right? You Fang are really powerful. You can drive whoever you want! "

"What are you talking about, old five? What do you mean to drive you away? Elder Huang has to go out because his family's status has declined. What does it have to do with us? " Elder Ling couldn't listen any more. He also stood on elder Tian's side and said.

This can infuriate another white elder, he said, "you are bullying people because of many people."

"Bullying? Don't talk about it... " Another elder Tian also joined in the curse battle.

All of a sudden, the five of them started to quarrel in front of Hong Feng, "Hey, I said, elders, elders..."

Hong Feng called them, but they couldn't hear any more. They were very angry, but they didn't start.

Hong Feng watched and knew that it was the best chance to pass a message to the ball. She closed her eyes tightly and kept repeating what she wanted to tell the ball. Once she heard heixuan say that as long as the ball grows to a certain extent, she can be telepathic even if she is not with it. Although the ball is still in a young form, it may not work, But now Hong Feng has only this method.

She condenses all the divine consciousness, calmly recites what she thinks in her heart, and wants to convey it to the ball.

The other side of the ball seems to feel something, in Qi Tianyu's clothes suddenly stunned, motionless standing, Qi Tianyu thought he was what, quickly touched him with his fingers, "what's the matter with you?"

The ball didn't respond, still standing still, Qi Tianyu stood up a little nervous, "what's the matter with you?"

This is louder. Bai Jing also heard it. He had been keeping his eyes closed. He was startled by Qi Tianyu's roar. "What's the matter? what? I didn't know how

"I didn't ask you again."

"Who are you asking? It's not just the two of us right now. "

"Well, forget it. Come here." Qi Tianyu knew that if he didn't tell Bai Jingqiu about his existence, he might talk more nonsense.

Bai Jing frowns and thinks that Qi Tianyu is really a strange person, but he also obediently walks over. Qi Tianyu puts the ball in his hand and shows it to Bai Jing. Bai Jing takes a look at it and jumps away. "Where are the insects? Throw them away quickly!""What an insect, it's a beast." Qi Tianyu in Bai Jing's ear, simply said about the ball.

Bai Jingting's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it and said, "is it such a powerful beast? is that true? He can really control his body shape at will

"Of course." Qi Tianyu glanced at him and saw that the ball in his palm was still frozen. He was a little flustered. "What's the matter with you, ball?"

Qi Tianyu came close to the ball's ear and said softly. It seemed to wake up the ball. The ball suddenly jumped up and touched Qi Tianyu's nose.

Qi Tianyu was hit by him, but when he saw it move, he also laughed happily, "what happened to you just now? It's like losing your soul all of a sudden. "

But the ball didn't have the time to explain to him. It felt what she wanted to pass from Hong Feng, so it began to demonstrate in front of Qi Tianyu. It is very difficult to express to Qi Tianyu the elders represented by the five elements.

It took a long time for Qi Tianyu to understand the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. "Oh, you mean the elders represent the five elements, right? I know that. Baijing has told me just now. "

Qi Tianyu pointed to the white scene standing beside the ball. At this time, the white scene had been shocked by the vivid ball, staring at him without blinking.

The ball seemed to stamp his feet angrily, and scolded in his heart, "since you know, you didn't tell me earlier, which made me perform in vain for so long."

The ball will tell him that the place they enter is the earth represented by elder Bai.

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