Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2794

Hong Feng waved her sleeve and let him go. "Well, I'll ask for you, but no matter what the result is, you can't act impulsively. Do you understand me? Now hide it quickly. "

"I see. I see. Go ahead."

Hong Feng turned and walked away. Qi Tianyu watched her figure disappear with satisfaction, and then jumped down from the hole again. Bai Jing was anxiously waiting for him. When he saw Qi Tianyu jump down, he quickly surrounded him. "How about Zhutian emperor? What's out there? "

"We have probably come directly to the residence of the elders."

"Are we here so easily?"

"Maybe it's by luck, but there's no array or trap outside. Let's wait here for a while. Someone will help me to find out the news there. When the news comes, we'll make the next step."

"News? What's the news? "

"I told you just now? The owner of this little thing is also trapped here. She seems to get along well with the elders. Let's see if we can get the information about the four coffins. If the four coffins are very useful to them, we can take the four living dead as hostages and ask them to agree to our request. "

"That's a good way." Hearing Qi Tianyu finish, Bai Jing immediately nodded in appreciation.

"Let's wait in peace." Qi Tianyu closed his eyes and raised his God. He really spent a lot of energy on this journey just now. He thought that he might have to see the elders later. He had to be in the best condition.

Hong Feng went back to the hut and saw elder Bai sitting alone tasting tea, with helpless expression on her face. Hong Feng rubbed her face, pulled out a smile and came in. "Elder Bai, you're drinking tea alone. Aren't you bored?"

"You girl, you're back so soon." Hearing Hong Feng's voice, Bai Changlao was very happy. After a while, he sat up from his chair.

He saw that Hong Feng's eyes were clear, and he had no tears, and he also had a smile on his face. He nodded with satisfaction, "that's right. That man is so easy to be killed by my array. It seems that he is not a capable person, so why don't you forget it."

"Elder Bai is right. I have figured it out." Hong Feng sat down beside elder Bai, poured him a cup of tea and said, "elder Bai, when are you going to send me away?"

"I'll see you off soon. What's your hurry?" Although elder Bai said so, he didn't want to send this interesting girl out.

After thinking about the wording, Hong Feng said to elder Bai, "elder Bai, you don't want me to leave so much. Do you want me to stay with you? Are you afraid that you will die and no one will die?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm still young. I don't want to die. "

"Well, people will die, and you are not young. Look at your white beard." Hong Feng said playfully.

"Well, as you say, if I die, will you die for me?" Bai Changlao has devoted all his life to cultivating martial arts and improving his ability. He has no wife and children. There are no close relatives. Hearing Hong Feng say so, he really has some feelings in his heart. He thinks that maybe no one will die in a hundred years.

"If you really don't have any help, I can." Hong Feng nodded and patted her chest, like I wrapped it.

Seeing Hong Feng like this, Bai Changlao was moved. He sneered and said, "it seems that you have a conscience. I know that I just saved you in front of those old men."

"I've always been a watcher. Why don't I know that elder Bai was protecting me just now?" Miss Hong Feng said, "but elder Bai, I'm just asking. If you really go, where are you going to be buried?"

"I've never thought about where to bury myself." Elder Bai touched his white beard and thought for a while before he said, "maybe we can bury them with the four old men. Anyway, their place is a geomantic treasure land."

Hearing that Bai Changlao finally mentioned the four old men, Hong Feng quickly asked, "which four old men, and where is the geomantic treasure land?"

"What do you want to know so clearly?" Bai Changlao takes a look at Hong Feng.

Hong Feng curled her lips and said, "didn't I just say that I'm going to help you raise your old age and die? Naturally, I have to ask these things clearly."

"You have a heart, so I'll tell you, you know? There's a treasure land full of spiritual power in this place. I found it by accident. It may be the place where the Tian family made it. It's full of ice for thousands of years. It's enough to preserve the corpses for many years. If it's buried in that place, it's not a beautiful thing, do you think? "

"There's such a magical place. I've really opened my eyes. But just now Mr. Bai said there were four old men. What's the matter? Are the four old men buried in that place? What is your relationship with them? "

"How can I answer so many questions from you girl?" Elder Bai glared at her, but he answered her one by one, "I don't know where the four old men came from? But it's from the Bai family, that is, my family. It's said that it's very important people. It's like the old-fashioned group of Tian family. Anyway, I accepted it without asking more questions, and helped them hide in that place. ""Elder Bai, I didn't expect that you were so kind-hearted. It was clearly the Bai family that helped the Tian family."

"Hey, you don't know. On the surface, our Bai family is a member of their own school. In fact, they are infiltrated by the Tian family. Over the years, they just listen to the Tian family's orders. The Tian family is really a chicken thief. Afraid to show up under Fang Qing, he sneaked into our house. "

Hong Feng is not very clear about the entanglement between everyone in this situation. When she heard Bai Changlao say so, she just nodded blankly.

Bai Changlao looked up at Hong Feng and saw that her eyes were full of doubts. He knew that she had no interest in these secret rooms. He shook his hand and said, "well, since you don't know, there's nothing to say. It seems that you just came in from the outside. You should know how surprised it would be if the news fell into other people's ears."

"Yes? It's a secret. I won't tell you. Don't worry, elder Bai. I won't tell you anything Hong Feng immediately raised her hand to swear.

The elder patted her hand, "what oath do you swear? You can't say it anyway."

"Ah, elder Bai, what do you mean?" Bai Changlao had a meaningful smile and lowered his head to drink tea.

Hong Feng felt chilly all over by his smile. She didn't dare to ask again for a moment.

"Tea, what are you doing?" Bai Changlao poured a cup and handed it to her.

Hong Feng felt guilty and almost broke out in a cold sweat. But she pretended to be clever in front of Bai Chang's face. She took a sip of the tea cup on the table and asked him as if nothing had happened. "So the four old people are very important to Bai Chang."

"It's important. Of course it's important. Since it's the task that our family has been asking us to do, it's naturally important." Elder Bai answered casually. "Ah, I haven't seen you for a long time

Bai Changlao realized that the goblin that followed Hong Feng had not yet appeared.

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