Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2795

Hong Feng was so nervous that she pretended to be very flustered. She stood up and began to search around, "elder Bai, you said that's what I remember. Where's the ball? Where's the ball?"

"This little thing won't run around here. I've already warned him that there are traps all around. If he breaks into those arrays at will, I can't even save him."

"Oh, no, I'll go and look for it." Hong Feng's face is pale to shout a way, a turn round to want to run outward.

But he was held by elder Bai. He said, "girl, I'll go and look for it with you."

"No, no, how can I trouble you, Mr. Bai? You can rest here slowly. I will find the ball soon. After all, I have a heart to heart relationship with it."

"Well then..." Anyway, Bai Changlao didn't have much interest in that little thing.

When Hong Feng found the chance, he ran out. He and she rushed to the place where they met and called in a low voice, "Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu..."

Qi Tianyu heard Hong Feng's cry and flew out of the cave. He came to Hong Feng. Hong Feng was shocked to see that he came out from the bottom of the earth. "How did you come out of that place? Did you hide yourself underground? "

"It's a long story. What's the matter? You should have told me from there Qi Tianyu asked first.

Hong Feng nodded, "that's right. I just asked Bai Changlao. He told me that he was the one who had been secretly stuffed by their Bai family. He said that it was a very important task for him to take good care of it. That's why he hid those people underground. He said that there was a thousand years of ice there to ensure that they would never be corrupt. What's more, he told me that their Bai family was no longer corrupt The Bai family, the only one, has been infiltrated by the Tian family. Now the people in the upper class are all from the Tian family. "

"It seems that he really knows everything about you, even these secret things. "Qi Tianyu thinks the news is useful.

"Don't tell me any more. I'm afraid. I think he means that he doesn't want to let me out. Otherwise, why do you tell me these secrets?"

"No, what did he leave you here for?" Qi Tianyu was also shocked to hear Hong Feng say so.

Hong Feng shook his head and said that he was very scared. "I heard what he meant. These people are really strange, especially the white elder. He is just a strange person. I'm not surprised at what he can do. He has been here alone for so many years, maybe his brain has gone bad. "

Hong Feng also wanted to say that, but Qi Tianyu stopped her, "I know what you mean. Don't worry. I'll take you out."

"Can you? I'm afraid you can't even beat one of them. "

"Who said to fight with them, but I come to talk with them sincerely." Qi Tianyu patted her chest and motioned Hong Feng to rest assured.

Hong Feng looked at him suspiciously, shook her head and said, "well, it's better to rely on myself to rely on you. Maybe it's me who will take us out in the end?"

"Ha ha..." Qi Tianyu laughs awkwardly, thinking that the way he fell in the array just now was also seen by Hong Feng, otherwise Hong Feng would not look down on him so much.

"I don't have time to talk to you now. Give me the ball as soon as possible, or something will happen there."

"Ball, ball, come here." Qi Tianyu whistled. At this time, the ball under the ground climbed up along the wall and jumped out of the hole. He saw Hong Feng, who was looking around not far away. The ball's tail wagged fast and rushed to Hong Feng and plunged into her arms.

Hong Feng hugged the ball and said, "I didn't expect you to be very strong. After spending so much time with the ball, have you been able to communicate with it?"

"Communication! Don't mention it. I'll watch this little thing dance there today. " Qi Tianyu can't laugh or cry when it comes to this. Although he can really understand the little guy's habits, it's far from enough to communicate with him. It's really hard to communicate with him.

The ball nestled in Hongfeng's arms, hearing Qi Tianyu's words, suddenly raised his head and spat out his tongue at him. Hongfeng laughed, "it's saying that you are ungrateful. Today, it's exhausting him."

"No, I'm not ungrateful. I'm praising you, ball. The performance was really good. " Qi Tianyu stretched out his hand to touch his head, but the ball tilted his head to one side and thrust it into Hong Feng's arms again.

Qi Tianyu knew that he had provoked him again, so he had to withdraw his hand awkwardly, patted his sleeve and said, "it seems that he is angry with me again."

"Don't tease him all the time. Although the ball is sensible, it has a good temper."

"I know, whatever you want."

"You! What are you talking about? " Hong Feng did not have the good spirit to pat him, but realized that his speech voice is too big, then hastened to cover the mouth, looked around and said, "what do you want to do must as soon as possible, I don't want to stay here.""I know. Don't worry. After I figure out what to do, I'll go to those people. You should be by elder Bai's side, right?"

"Yes, the other elders call him Lao Wu. He wears dark yellow. You mustn't reveal that we have met. Otherwise, if the white elder knows, he won't be mad. "

"I know. I'm not stupid. How can these things not be clear?" Qi Tianyu nodded.

After Hong Feng said two words to him, he hugged the ball tightly and went back to the hut. Bai Changlao, who had been waiting anxiously, was relieved when he saw Hong Feng coming back. "I thought you were trying to run away, but you still don't come back."

"How can it be, elder Bai? You have already warned me not to run around. I remember that. No, you see I've got the ball back." Hong Feng holds the ball in her arms and shows it to Bai Changlao.

The ball lazily tilts in Hong Feng's hand. When he sees Bai Changlao's eyes, he is surprised and opens his eyes.

"This little thing seems to have done something big. How can it be so tired?" Elder Bai saw that the look of the ball was wrong, and he was muddy all over. He also consumed a lot of spiritual power.

"There's no big deal. It's a naughty little thing. I think it's because it broke into some array just now. Otherwise, how could it consume the spirit power?" Hong Feng took the ball back, touched its fur and said to elder Bai.

Bai Changlao looked at the ball again. The ball widened its eyes and looked energetic. He doesn't think there will be any other problems. After all, the two intruders just now were under his own eyes, and he didn't see the ball. There's no need to doubt others.

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