Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2959

"You don't have to worry about this, because although we don't have some food supplies here, our girls will make a lot of medicines, so as long as we have these things made by girls, we don't need to take those you said at all." Qi Tianyu can see that the other party is really thinking about his side now, so he doesn't mind telling the other party some of his preparations. Anyway, these are not secrets at all.

"Take a good look. You've solved all my worries. In this way, I won't worry about you. I'll open the door now and you can go in." In fact, the old lady was just a little nervous. Naturally, she knew that all these people were ready, so after thinking about it, she didn't say much. She took out the thing in her hand and opened the door.

Qi Tianyu's eyes darkened when he saw that thing: "old lady, I'd like to ask you how you got that thing in your hand." Qi Tianyu had noticed this thing long ago, but he was embarrassed to ask because he thought that the other party might have some secrets. But now, no matter what the details are, it is possible to decide the success or failure of the inside, so he must make it clear first.

"Well, you may not believe it. Didn't I tell you that I was in a coma? Then when I woke up, he remembered the energy in his body, and what he had in his hand was this thing. In fact, at the beginning, I didn't know what this thing was used for, but later, through my more and more powerful ability, I found that with this thing, I could open the door of the different world, as for this I don't know what it is The old lady understood that at this time, no matter why the other party had to answer, otherwise some questions might happen.

Qi Tianyu did have some regrets after listening to the other party's words. After all, if the existence of this thing is to open the door, he will never be able to take it away. He also thinks that having this thing may help him inside. But if he takes it in, the door outside can't be opened. What can he do?

Qi Tianyu was ready to give up and go outside, but he didn't expect that the person on the opposite side reached out and gave it to him: "old lady, what do you mean? Don't you mean you can open the door for me only after you have this thing? After you give it to me now, how can you open the door when we come back? "

In fact, the old lady didn't consider giving it to the other party at all before. Just now, when the other party asked, she also reflected that the other party might want something in her hand, but she was embarrassed to say it directly, so she asked such a question: "since you have already said it, it means that you think this thing may be useful after you go in. In this case, if If I don't give it to you, there may be some problems that are difficult to solve. So I'd better give it to you. As for the opening of the door, anyway, you need to do something very important after you go in this time. Then I can keep the door open and wait for you to come back. After all, if I keep the door open, I'll wait for you If you can't find this side, I can tell you the direction through my power. In case of the worst result, the door will be closed when it is out of my control. You can release this thing through the spiritual power when you come back. After I feel it here, I can try to open it through my ability The door. " Although the old lady is not sure, she thinks that this method should not be too big a problem, and it is more important to hold this thing in the other party's hands than in her own hands, so she can only choose this way.

Although Qi Tianyu knew that there were some loopholes in this method, he always felt that this thing would play a very important role after entering, so he couldn't give up. He could only tell the other party to have a good look, guard the gate and never let it close. Then he took this thing in his hand and was ready to take it directly.

"Now that you're all ready, I won't say much. Now that they've opened you up, let's go in. I hope you can win." The old lady has opened the door just now. After all, she has opened the door many times during this period of time and is very experienced. What's more, when she doesn't need to use her own ability to control the number and species of animals in it, it will become easier than before. Although it costs more ability, she doesn't need to control it, so she opens the door It's still easier when it's time.

Qi Tianyu Tian Mu Huangli looked around and didn't find anything, so he went directly along the shining place. Although he didn't know what would happen inside, he had to go this time.

Qi Tianyu was able to open his eyes again. When he saw the surrounding environment, he already found that the surrounding environment was completely different from before. There was a desert all around.

In the past, when I came in, only the remote areas were quiet and peaceful. When I stepped forward a few steps, I could see that there were many animals in them. I thought the world had always been like this, but I didn't realize that this time when I really entered the world, I found that the entrance was a desert."Tianmu! Tanmu! Huang Li? Huang Li Qi Tianyu looked around and didn't find his other two partners' homework, so he couldn't help crying out anxiously. After all, several of them came in together, and they must unite together at the beginning, because they don't know what will happen inside, so a person's heart is very dangerous.

While Qi Tianyu was shouting, the other two figures appeared on both sides of him. It turned out that the distance from the gate was still a little far, and people with different abilities came in at different speeds, so when he woke up, there was no one at all, and when he woke up to look for someone, the two came.

"Brother Qi? What's going on? How can we appear in a desert? We can't go wrong. Didn't we come to the animal kingdom? What about the beast? What about the monster? " Huang Li had done it before. After the accident, he might see a lot of animals. He had already figured out how to crack it. He had caught all the powder in his hand, but he didn't expect that it would be a desert when he came in, and no animal could be seen.

Although Tian Mu didn't speak, what he revealed in his expression was the same meaning. After all, he didn't expect to find this situation after he came in.

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