Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2960

"Huang Li, I thought it was very strange before you just appeared, but now I feel that I have figured it out. After all, although we have come in many times before, what we come in each time is actually a virtual world. That world does not really exist. On the contrary, the old lady drove those animals to one place for us to train Let's train in such a world, and now we are entering the real world. It is before us that no one has ever come in, so no one knows what you are like. "

Qi Tianyu had already understood this matter when he was looking for two people just now. After all, coming to the real world was totally different from the virtual training world before. When he was in the virtual training world before, he only felt that there were beasts all around him. He could only endlessly fight with those beasts and come to the real world Although I can't see a beast, I can feel the danger around me, as if there are many divine beasts hidden.

"What you said is very reasonable. We are entering the real world this time, but do you feel it? It seems that there is no animal around us, but I can always feel the danger around us. " After Tian Mu came in, he didn't speak. He was just feeling the surrounding environment. The more interested he was, the more he felt that there were things that scared him everywhere.

Qi Tianyu's own ability is higher than those two people, so naturally, he has found this problem before them. But now, as the backbone of these people, he must not panic, so he can only comfort these two people: "I feel it, but we don't have to worry. After all, these animals haven't appeared, as long as we don't have them If we invade these animals, they won't take the initiative to attack us. Now we'd better consider which direction to go

Tian Mu Huang Li was very flustered when he first came to this place. After all, no one thought that when he came in, he would go back to eat these people together. But now he calmed down after listening to what the other party said. After all, he came here to look for things, and finding the direction is the most important problem.

Without waiting for Qi Tianyu to speak again, Tian Mu took out the jade pendant in his arms and summoned the things displayed in the jade pendant.

"Sure enough, the color of the word here is much darker, and there seems to be a kind of arrow feeling. Don't you think so?" Tian Mu was excited when he saw the words on it. After all, although he had guessed before, and everyone had decided to come here to look for it, he was not sure. But this time, the color on it was so dark that he could be sure that he was right, and he might be afraid that he could not find the direction, so the words were put together Come on, it's even in the shape of an arrow.

"Yes, it provides us with the direction to continue to walk forward. In this way, we will walk according to the arrow, Tianmu. I won't remind you later, but you must take this thing out from time to time. Only when we have determined the direction can we ensure that he is looking for the thing in the shortest possible period of time." Qi Tianyu was also very excited. After all, he had been hearing about the secret since he came to that place, but he never knew what it meant. Knowing his secret was only one step away, so he couldn't help his joy.

Tian Mu nodded: "no problem, I certainly understand the importance of this matter. In the desert where we can't tell the direction, it's very important to have such a thing that can guide us. Of course, I will always pay attention to it."

Qi Tianyu listened to the other party's promise and didn't worry about it. After all, he still believed in the other party's ability. Now he needs to pay attention to the hidden dangers around him. Although he can't see an animal now, he can always feel the breathing sound of the animals around him. What he can do now is not to disturb them as much as possible.

Of course, this is the important reason why Qi Tianyu put all the goblins, hidden Warcraft and golden warbler in that box, because if these animals were brought in directly, their breath would attract more animals, and if several people were aroused to come in, their breath would be very weak, and other animals would not find it or even get angry After feeling it, it won't cause too much attack. Only when the animals feel that they have the same kind to invade their territory, they will be very excited.

Of course, the fact also proved that this choice was correct, because all the animals were put in the box, so the breath of those animals did not leak out. After the three of them had gone all the way, they felt that they were about to walk out of the desert, and no animals came out to attack.

"Qi Tianyu, do we think too much about it? The difficulty of this secret fragment is that it's not easy to come in, but it's not as difficult as we think. After all, we didn't see any animals after we came in. Although we always felt that there were animals around, they would not come out to attack us, In this way, we can get it very easily. " Huang Li followed him. At the beginning, he still held all the powder in his hand. He was afraid that animals would come out to attack him. But up to now, he didn't see any animals. He didn't even bother to take those things and put them in his bag."Don't worry, and don't act rashly. After all, you have to know that we are now in another world. We don't know the thoughts of all the animals in this world. We don't know what these animals mainly do. What's more important is that we must understand that the secret fragment is here, and there will be animals guarding us. We come in here just to grab it They will be angry if they take their things. " Although Qi Tianyu has relaxed his vigilance a little now, he can't help but scold the girl behind him for completely relaxing.

Huang Li also understood that Qi Tianyu was right, but this time he came in, his appearance was completely different from what he had thought. He thought that he would start to kill after he came in. He didn't expect that he had been so calm after walking for such a long time, which made him feel a little at a loss.

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