Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2994

"Cousin, don't be afraid, I will save you!" In fact, Tian Mu was very nervous when he just came to see his cousin, but he was relieved when he saw that he had just stabbed the opponent's beast with a common weapon. After all, compared with those almost impossible to fight before, this beast should be a little simpler.

Although Huang Li really wants to respond to his cousin at this time, he can't make any sound now. As long as he wants to speak, he will feel the pain in his chest. Moreover, the vine of the beast is very tight, so he has no way to escape.

The beast knew that the man in the back was much more powerful than the one in the front, so he never took the man in the back as his prey. He never thought that the man in the back was so active in catching up with him. Now that he was like this, he had no choice but to fight hard with him. You should know that when he was energetic, he had to fight hard There may be no way to continue to confuse the other side, but when the other side has little energy left, they can easily treat him like other prey.

Seeing that his cousin is suffering, Tian Mu has no way to respond to him. He simply doesn't say any more and directly gathers his spiritual power. Because his cousin is now tightly bound in a place, he knows that he can't attack that place, or he may hurt his cousin, so he can only disperse these spiritual power He attacked the beast in other places.

The beast thought that the prey this time was the same as those before. At most, it had some special skills. However, in essence, it was just some beating and biting, so he didn't take it seriously. However, he didn't expect that the other side would have such skills and attack so many places at the same time.

Even if he had time to chop Fujita, he could only use his own time to deal with it.

But at this time, it's not just the beast on the opposite side that is surprised. Tian Mu thought he had fully understood what the attack method of the beast on the opposite side was. Didn't he confuse himself and then bind him like before? According to this method, the opponent should not have much attack power.

That's why Tian Mu is very confident. He thinks that as long as he is not confused by the other side, he can easily solve the other side, and then save his cousin. However, he didn't expect that when he attacked with so much spirit power, he only cut off a few vines of the other side.

"No, it seems that some of the things I thought before were too simple. I thought this beast had only one skill, but I didn't expect it to have this ability. It seems that although the attack power of this beast is very general, its defense power is still very strong. I know it very well by the effect I just attacked." Tian Mu could only murmur to himself. By the way, he wanted to think about what to do. According to the effect just now, even if he tried his best, he could not cut off half of the vines of the other side.

If Tian Mu knew about the heart eater, he would know that the heart eater really had two characteristics. On the one hand, he could confuse the prey by this way, and let the prey take the initiative to send them to the door. On the other hand, his defense was very strong. Even if there were other gods attacking, even if he could not resist with the other, the other could not fight against him How are you.

The beast on the other side thought that there was a hard stubble coming. He thought that the other side might attack him constantly. He didn't expect that the other side would stop after attacking him. He didn't know whether he had given up or had any other plans. But he couldn't care so much. He didn't stop himself now, so he was going to attack his prey.

"Cousin, help me!" Huang Li wanted to shout all the time before, but because he felt that he was entangled tightly, he wanted to protect himself as much as possible. However, he didn't expect that his cousin suddenly froze there, as if he had forgotten his existence, so he had no choice but to shout aloud and shake his head to avoid the bloody mouth coming down from his head.

Tian Mu was just standing in the same place and wanted to think about how to deal with each other. Suddenly, his cousin's sweat made him react: now he is not an ordinary opponent, and he just has no enough time to think about how to deal with each other. Otherwise, his cousin will die in the mouth of this beast.

There was no other way for Tian Mu. He could only hold his original weapon and soared into the air. Once again, he only rushed to the mouth of the beast.

The beast originally thought that the other party had given up, but he didn't expect that the other party would challenge him again and again. But in fact, he was not the opponent of the other party at all. Could he let him give up his prey? How is that possible?

Tian Mu slashed the beast one by one. The vine on the beast's body was very flexible, but in fact, the trunk was relatively rigid, and there was no way to escape Tian Mu's attack freely, so Tian Mu's sword and sword penetrated into the trunk of the beast completely."Cousin, don't worry. It's OK. I've found the weakness of this beast!" Tian Mu naturally saw that the method he used before might be wrong. If he directly dealt with the vine of the beast, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg. But he could directly deal with the main part of the beast. It might not be long before the beast could only fall to the ground.

Tian Mu thought that his strategy was very good, and he was also trying to practice his foundation, but he didn't expect that his cousin's voice came from his ear: "cousin I It's so tight... "

Huang Li thought that the pain before was incomparable, but he didn't expect that the other side was still making his body tighter bit by bit. Huang Li can hardly speak completely now.

Tian Mu thought he was going to succeed, but he had to stop after listening to his cousin.

While Tian Mu stopped, Huang Li also felt the entanglement on his body. Although he didn't relax, he didn't continue to tighten up.

"Cousin You can't continue to use the method just now. When you use the method just now, the beast has been exerting its power, and I'm getting tighter and tighter... " Huang Li is now very difficult to speak. He feels very painful without saying a word, but he has no other way to think about it. He can only endure the pain and tell his cousin about his situation.

Tian Mu is really helpless now. If he attacks those companions, he really has no chance of winning, not to mention he can't save his cousin. But if he attacks the trunk directly, his cousin may have suffocated before he saves her.

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