Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2995

"Tian Mu!"

When Tian Mu was standing in the same place and helpless, he could only keep his attacking posture all the time, so that the beast did not dare to speak to his cousin easily. On the other hand, when he really had no way, he suddenly heard the voice of his other companion.

"Qi Tianyu, here you are!" Tian Mu and Huang Li look at the other companion who comes. Their eyes are all shining. Although they don't know whether the other party understands this kind of beast or whether the other party has any way to solve the problem, they always settle down when they see the other party. They always feel that the other party can save all this.

"Tian Mu, what's the matter?" Qi Tianyu originally only saw one of his classmates. When he came over, he naturally saw Huang Li. Huang Li was hanging in the air like that. How could Tian Mu stand on the ground like this without any action?

"Qi Tianyu, I didn't expect that such a thing would happen..." Tian Mu simply explained to the people around him what had happened before: "you know, although our ability is relatively good, if we judge each other's love one by one, it doesn't work. But if we cut down the main root directly, the other side will entangle the cousin more and more tightly, and we don't have any way, It's possible that before we look like each other's cousins have suffocated to death. "

Qi Tianyu had already had this kind of psychological preparation. After all, when hidden Warcraft just said that, he didn't believe the other party, and he was a little angry. But after he calmed down, he also understood that hidden Warcraft was not a ball, so he would not cheat himself. In fact, he had a little psychological preparation along the way. When he heard what the other party said, he would not cheat himself Wait, there is a feeling that it is.

"Qi Tianyu, I don't dare to act rashly now, but at the same time, I must keep such a posture, otherwise the other party thinks we give up and will talk to my cousin." Tian Mu maintains such posture, but also has to explain to the people next to him.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Qi Tianyu thought that he would have no other problems as long as he found these two people, but he didn't expect that this would happen after he came over.

"Master, that's what I wanted to say before. If the prey has not been captured by the heart eater, there are still some ways for you to save your companion. Although it is dangerous to wake up your companion in that case, you can save your companion by a good way, but if your companion has reached such a stage In fact, there is no way for you to keep your classmates. After all, you can see that there are not thousands of vines but hundreds of them. If you are really going to solve them one by one, how long will it take

What hidden Warcraft is talking about now is actually the lesson of his own blood and tears. When he first trained, nothing happened, but after a few training, he met these terrible beasts. At that time, he was also *, and then lost all his mind. Fortunately, he woke up in time for various reasons in the process, otherwise I've been dead for a long time.

"Huang Li, do you want to see if you can break free on your own initiative?" Although Qi Tianyu also knows that the feasibility of this method is very small, if he does not say it, there is no possibility at all.

Huang Li didn't dare to break free at all, because he was afraid that the other party would be more and more tied up, but now that Qi Tianyu had spoken, he began to try.

In fact, the heart eater did not dare to act rashly just now. After all, there was a man standing in front of him who could not beat him. If he really took a bite out of his prey, the other party would completely solve himself without the hostage, so he could only stand in a stalemate with the other party. I didn't expect that the prey would be so disobedient, even here Struggle, oneself can't solve the person in front of, difficult also can't solve this prey!

"No!" Huang Li didn't feel much at the beginning of his journey, and even felt a little loose. But he soon found that he was just his own illusion. It was also possible that the other party didn't react to him at the beginning, but after he reacted to him, he immediately entangled himself tightly, and it was even worse than before.

Qi Tianyu didn't need Huang Li to say what the situation was. Looking at each other's appearance, he knew that he was a kind-hearted evil: "Huang Li, forget it, don't move!"

"What to do..." Tian Mu looks at his cousin and knows that he has the ability to defeat him, but because his cousin is in the other's hands, he has no way at all.

Qi Tianyu had been told by hidden Warcraft before he came. Although he didn't know the specific situation, he also knew that it was really difficult after he came, but he didn't expect that it would be so difficult. This heart eating beast has such intelligence that it can know how to coerce himself with hostages!

Of course, no matter Tian Mu or Qi Tianyu, it's easy to want the other party's heart eating beast, and they will never be confused and limited by the other party. But now that their partner is in the other party's hands, they really can't do anything.

"Well? Look, Qi Tianyu Tian Mu always needs to keep the original posture so that the other party doesn't dare to act rashly, so he always stares at the other party's movements. At this time, he sees something wrong for the first time.Qi Tianyu had been looking down to find a way. When he heard the people next to him shouting, he could not help looking up: most of the vines of the heart eating beast were originally tightly wrapped around Huang Li, but the vines in front of Huang Li suddenly seemed to be emitting green smoke, as if the vines had been corroded. What's the matter?

Tian Mu and Qi Tianyu look at each other, completely don't know what happened, this in the end is how? Originally, he thought that his companion had been hurt, but it was obvious that Huang Li didn't feel it at all. On the contrary, the heart eating beast seemed to be in pain and began to be irritable.

"Come on, Tian Mu, no matter what, according to what we see now, there should be something wrong with the heart eating beast. Since there is something wrong with the vines on Huang Li's body, what the heart eating beast is most likely to do is to continue winding up the other vines, then we will directly cut off his way back!"

Qi Tianyu didn't know what was going on, but he chose to follow his intuition: even if there were more vines, there were a certain number of vines. Since the vines on Huang Li's side began to have problems, he would try his best to solve the other vines. After all, the vines on Huang Li's side occupied the majority, and the other parts were the same as the people beside him It should not take long to solve the problem.

"Good." Tian Mu didn't dare to go to Wandong because he was afraid that the other party would attack his cousin, but now it seems that the other party is too busy to worry about this aspect, so he directly rushed to the vines, weapons and spirit balls to cooperate with Qi Tianyu.

Huang Li didn't know what had happened, but when he looked at the vines that had been corroded from his chest, he suddenly remembered what he had developed before he came in. It was in his arms.

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