Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2996

Because most of the vines of the heart eater on the opposite side are wrapped around Huang Li's body, Qi Tianyu and Tian Mu don't need to deal with too many vines, so they worked together and soon cut a lot of them.

"Look, Qi Tianyu Tian Mu took the lead in finishing his work. He was just about to see the progress of Qi Tianyu. He found that the situation on his cousin's side was better than he had thought before.

Qi Tianyu has a little more love on this side, so he is a little later than his companion. But at the same time, he has already solved the problem. Looking up to that side, he can see that Huang Li's vines are disappearing at a very fast speed.

"Qi Tianyu, what's the matter? Is it that we accidentally cut down the main vines and made the other vines disappear? " Tian Mu didn't understand why he thought that Mingming had no way to deal with each other for such a long time. As a result, the people next to him came and quickly solved the problem.

"No, I don't know what's going on, and I don't know much about it, so if you ask me, I can't give you a clear answer." Qi Tianyu shook his head.

The reason why Tian Mu didn't dare go to solve his cousin's problem was that once he did it, the other side would wind his cousin more tightly, and there was no possibility that he would suffocate before he was rescued. But now the vine on his cousin's side has disappeared by 89%. If it's just this part, it's not just two people's cooperation, even if it's only on his own We should be able to deal with it.

Qi Tianyu and Tian Mu looked at each other and flew to the heart eating beast. The heart eating beast thought that there was a little girl in her hand. Even if there was no way to solve her prey at the first time, there was always a way to keep her advantage. However, she didn't expect that in a short period of time, when she didn't react, she was the most dominant All the vines have disappeared.

The heart eater also knows that the situation is over. Although he still wants to recover, even if he uses his whole body again, he can't control the rest, so he just struggles to death.

Sure enough, after Qi Tianyu and Tian Mu flew up, they were just a few simple spirit balls, which made the heart eating beast on the opposite side completely fall down. At the same time, the vines on Huang Li's body completely disappeared.

"Cousin, are you ok? You scared me to death. What happened just now?" Tian Mu can almost feel the feeling that his cousin just disappeared in front of him.

"Cousin, elder brother Qi, I'm the one who caused you trouble this time. If it wasn't for me, you don't need to talk here or fight with this beast." Huang Li lowered his head again. He thought that he could help after he came in, but he didn't think that he was delayed again and again.

Huang Li had been sober all the time, so he saw his cousin come first, but he didn't know what happened at that time, so he thought it was two people coming together, and he was just a cousin. Because of coincidence, he came first, and he didn't think too much about it.

It's not that Qi Tianyu didn't come early to save himself. Instead, he thought of what he had done wrong before. Moreover, he repeatedly asked other people to save himself. Isn't that another cumbersome performance?

"Cousin, you see what you're talking about. Do we need to be polite? What's more, the relationship between us is to help each other. If you say that, you'll be too outspoken. Besides, without you, I can't understand the divine book, so everyone is helpful to the team. Don't talk like that." Before Tian Mu's training, he didn't know how to comfort girls, so he could only say what he could think of.

"But before it was to save me, that's why elder brother Qi came to the underground place. Now it's to save me, that's why you two came to this place. It's all my fault." Huang Li didn't react at the beginning, but after waking up for such a long time, he completely understood that he should have been lost at that time, so he took the initiative to go to this place.

"Cousin, how can it be your fault? Didn't we know this place was very dangerous before we came in? Is it true that no matter which one of us is saved by others, we have to feel so guilty and sorry? We really don't have to do this. We agreed that we would help each other when we came in together. " Although Tian Mu has some understanding of his cousin, he doesn't really know why she cares so much about being helped, so he can only offer some high sounding persuasion.

Although Huang Li said this to the two people in front of him, he actually knew very well that his cousin would not blame himself for this reason, and he didn't need to have such an idea in front of his cousin. The focus of his speech was actually another person, but the other person didn't speak at all from the beginning to the end. Was he really blaming the other person What about yourself?

Huang Li lowered his head. After all, the other party didn't agree to follow him at the beginning. He forced him to follow him, so the other party couldn't agree to his request. But since he came in, I've been dragging my feet, and I didn't help him. It seems that he made the other party angry. Is the other party really unhappy What happened?Tian Mu saw that he had been persuading his cousin for so long, but it didn't help him. He looked up at his cousin and found that the person she saw was not himself. Sure enough, his cousin was still thinking about Qi Tianyu wholeheartedly. But since this was what she really wanted, she could only help her.

"Qi Tianyu, you're talking. Do you think your cousin is behind you? If it wasn't for my cousin, how could we know so many sacred animals? In addition, the situation just now, although we don't know what's going on, it's not our credit Tian Mu saw that there was no way to open his mouth directly, so he spoke for his cousin.

"Tianmu, don't talk nonsense. How can I think so?" Qi Tianyu has been used to girls thinking like this from time to time, but he has no way even to do dowry, so when the other party does this, he is too lazy to respond to himself, just thinking about something else in his heart, but if another companion around him misunderstands himself, it is not appropriate.

"Since you don't think so, you have to say it. You are worried about your cousin." Tian Mu of course has seen clearly the state of these two people, but he believes that his cousin is so excellent, the other side will not always be so cold.

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