Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3155

Qi Tianyu just had time to shout. Huang Li was surprised. He just hugged Qi Tianyu reflexively. In the next second, they both felt a shock. They had no consciousness in their brain for a moment. They felt like they were soaking in a warm spring and fainted.

This coma seems to have passed for a long time. When Qi Tianyu opened his eyes, Huang Li in his arms had disappeared. Qi Tianyu was surprised and stood up quickly. At this time, he found that he was really soaking in a pool of spring water and his whole body was wet.

"Huang Li Huang Li, where can you hear me? "

Qi Tianyu quickly got up and yelled, but his voice spread out in the open environment. There was an echo, but he didn't hear Huang Li's response.

Qi Tianyu was really flustered, "Huang Li, are you there? If you are here, please give me a quick response. "

Qi Tianyu called even louder, "in Here, brother Qi I'm here. "

What reassured him was that Huang Li's weak voice sounded, and it was not far away from him. Qi Tianyu ran to the place where the voice came out, and soon ran into a soft thing. He quickly lowered his head and saw Huang Li half soaked in the spring, all over his body was soft, "what's the matter with you? How could it be like this? "

Qi Tianyu squatted down and half picked her up. "I don't know how to be like this. I just feel that I don't have any strength. I've been awake for a long time, but I can't move. I heard you call me just now, I heard it long ago. I still have to work hard to answer you..."

Qi Tianyu helped her to stand up, but Huang Li didn't seem to have any strength at all. The whole person was paralyzed in his arms and slowly slid down.

Qi Tianyu quickly fixed her waist and picked her up.

"You feel your psychic power is gone, don't you?"

"Yes, it's like being taken away by something, but now I seem to have a little more strength..."

Huang Li suddenly found himself out of the spring. When he was held by Qi Tianyu, his spiritual power seemed to recover slowly.

"There must be something wrong with the water. Elder brother Qi, please take me out of here."

"Good..." Qi Tianyu nodded and flew into midair. As soon as he reached midair, Qi Tianyu felt his spiritual power flow blocked. It seemed that the spring had an impact on him, but his current state would not affect too much, and his free action was still possible. Qi Tianyu held her and flew into midair. He looked left and right, only to see the world It's all spring water that has just reached the crus. There's not even a place to land.

"There's no place to land..." Qi Tianyu sighed.

"How can it be like this? If there is no place to land, we will be soaked in the water all the time. Won't we be drained of all our spiritual power by these springs and can't move any more?"

Huang Li said softly, after leaving the spring, her strength was slowly recovering, and she was able to move her fingers.

"No, I'm sure there will be a solution."

Looking far away, Qi Tianyu suddenly found that there seemed to be an oasis in the southwest, "over there Did you see that? Huang Li

Qi Tianyu pointed to the southwest corner and said, "I didn't see anything. It's all water."

"No, I see an oasis." Qi Tianyu was not sure. After all, in such a strange place, Huang Li, who was a member of the Tian family, could see everything around him better. "Maybe it was intended to confuse me. Come and have a look, Huang Li, to see if there is land around."

"Well, I've been able to move a little." Huang Li tried his best to turn his head and look around. The slight movement seemed to exhaust all her strength. Qi Tianyu quickly taught her some spiritual power. Huang Li felt the warm spiritual power flowing into her body, and also felt some emotion.

"Elder brother Qi, don't pass too much to me, or you can't hold on for long. If we both fall into the water, we can't be saved."

"Don't worry. I know it myself." Qi Tianyu didn't feel so weak. Huang Li thought that under the current situation, since she could help Qi Tianyu, she was not elated, but also had an impulse to ask for credit. So she leaned out her head and looked around.

In her field of vision, it was different from what Qi Tianyu saw. Only a little far away was a piece of land. "Elder brother Qi, I think as long as we move a few hundred meters in other directions, it's land."

"How can it be? I see that it's all water. There's only an oasis in the southwest corner."

Huang Li looked at the southwest corner of Qi Tianyu again. At this time, she saw the boundless water. "No, except that place, there are land everywhere, only that place is a water mist. I don't know what's going on, but brother Qi, what I see is really different from what you see. Now only you can decide whether to believe in yourself or me... "

Qi Tianyu thought for a while and said, "I believe you. You are the real Tian family. At least this place won't harm you.""Brother Qi! If If it's wrong, you can't blame me... " Huang Li was a little flustered when he heard that Qi Tianyu believed in him so much.

"Don't worry, I won't blame you." Qi Tianyu grabs her soft hand, and Huang Li's face turns red slightly, but the long hair is scattered on her cheek. Qi Tianyu can't see it.

Huang Li can only comfort himself in this way, but Qi Tianyu really has a clear view of her coquettish look. Unexpectedly, Huang Li can have such a big reaction as long as he hears his gentle words, and he doesn't know whether he should be happy or not.

Qi Tianyu's heart was throbbing, but he couldn't talk to Huang Li too much about this situation. He flew to the left with Huang Li in his arms. He didn't fly fast because of the stagnation of spiritual power. It took him a long time to fly to the place hundreds of meters that Huang Li said.

"Can I really fall down? Huang Li Down here is the land? "

Qi Tianyu's eyes still see a spring, but Huang Li sees the real ground.

"Yes, what I see is the ground."

"Good." Qi Tianyu falls down with Huang Li in his arms. Just a few meters after he falls, he touches a piece of hard land. It seems that Huang Li's vision is real, and what he sees is illusion.

Qi Tianyu was relieved. After the two men touched the ground, they recovered their strength after a while. After calming down, Huang Li was a little worried. "We were swept to this place without communicating with our cousins. Will they not find us and worry?"

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