Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3156

"I understand your concern, but I can't worry about others in this situation." Qi Tianyu had to sigh. He didn't expect that this place was completely out of his control. Everything could happen in this place. There were many crises everywhere. Now he didn't care about others.

"But I'm really worried, and my cousin is still with that sinister villain Tian Sha. What can I do if something happens?"

Li Tianyu's face was worried and his hands were yellow.

"There's no way, Huang Li, but don't worry. Tian Sha is not a fool. We are now in such a situation. He can't be playing tricks to let Tian Mu leave him. He has to rely on Tian Mu to live here. You two are the main people of the Tian family. This place is friendly to you, at least it won't hurt you openly."

"What you said is the same. I found it just now. It seems that Tian Mu and I can see things you can't see, and even avoid some dangers."

Huang Li heard Qi Tianyu say so, his heart also put down a little.

"Yes, so you'd better follow me and protect me." Qi Tianyu gave a faint smile. In this way, he felt a little ridiculous, and immediately closed his mouth, turned his head and pretended to have said nothing.

"I heard what you said. Brother Qi, don't worry. I will protect you from any harm." Huang Li smiles and jumps in front of Qi Tianyu. The smile on his face warms Qi Tianyu. Why didn't he find that Huang Li smiles like a spring breeze before.

Just as the two of them were looking at each other, there was a scream in the distance, "anyone? Is there someone? Come and help me, hurry up

"It's like the Lord of the city, Qi Tianyu. Do you hear me? It's the Lord of the city. He's here, too. "

Huang Li suddenly heard the cry and looked left and right, but he couldn't see the nothingness clearly.

Qi Tianyu listened again, but he didn't hear anything. "It seems that only you can hear the real situation here. I can't hear it at all. You lead the way. I'll follow you to find out if the city leader is in this place."

"Well, Hello! Lord, can you hear me? I'm Huang Li. I'm in this place with elder brother Qi. If you can hear me, I'll give you a quick response. We'll follow the voice to find you... "

"I'm here. I'm here. I don't know where I am now. Please come to me quickly. If you don't come again, I'm going to be unable to hold on..."

"If you talk again, we'll follow."

Huang Li's voice seemed to come from the front left, so he took Qi Tianyu's arm and went there.

As he walked forward, Qi Tianyu felt more and more foggy. His vision was a little blurred, but he saw Huang Li walking at his feet, as if he had not received any influence.

"You can't see the fog, can you? Is this vision clear in front of you? " Qi Tianyu asked directly.

"Yes, I think it's very clear."

"Then you and I will describe the situation around here..."

"well, as like as two peas, there will be trees in the trees, but it seems that if we walk a few meters, we will find that it is exactly the same as it was just now, but it is like a continuous cycle, but we can't move around in the same direction as we keep walking forward."

Huang Li told Qi Tianyu everything he saw. Qi Tianyu thought about it. He was in a mess and couldn't figure out any clue.

"Hello Lord, you are talking. I can't hear you any more... " Without the voice of the Lord, Huang Li also lost his sense of direction.

"Why haven't you come yet? I really I can't hold it any longer... " The voice of the Lord of the city was getting weaker and weaker, and he could hardly hear.

Huang Li felt his weakness, so he quickened his pace and pulled Qi Tianyu to run fast.

"There it is! Do you see elder brother Qi? "

All of a sudden, Huang Li yelled, pointing to a tree in front of him.

"See..." Qi Tianyu saw the city master holding a strong tree trunk, lying on it, covered with cold sweat and wet as if he had just fished it out of the water.

The moment he saw Qi Tianyu and Huang Li, his eyes immediately enlarged, "you've finally come, you've finally come!"

"Come down quickly. What are you doing with that tree?" Huang Li said with staring eyes.

"I feel strange here. Except for a little sense of security here, I dare not touch the ground..." The city master looks pathetic.

"You came up from the water, didn't you?"

"How can you know where I am? I don't know. As soon as I spoke, I was sucked here by something. I was in a coma for a long time. I found that I didn't have any strength lying in the water. I finally saved some strength and crawled a few meters casually. I didn't expect to come across the land..."

The city Lord said that he jumped down from the tree and moved to Qi Tianyu."Then you're lucky. You've got your life back."

Huang Li didn't expect that the city master had escaped from the water by mistake.

"Really? I said there was something wrong with the water area. I was soaking there, and I couldn't move. "

"Well, don't talk about it. It seems that what mechanism was touched in your shouting words at that time, and it sucked us here. It must be the second floor of the nine turn tower. Do you know anything to remind us?" Qi Tianyu asked.

"I don't know. In fact, how many people have come in this nine turn tower. When I heard from my mother, I was young and didn't know a lot about it. I told you everything that I could tell you..." The Lord of the city looked confused.

"Well, forget it. Let's explore first. There must be something waiting for us."

Qi Tianyu's heart has never been put down. At the first level, they were attacked by inexplicable beasts, and there must be some traps waiting for them at the second level.

"Ah, why are you two, Tian Mu and Tian sha..."

The Lord of the city circled around them, and did not see the two figures.

"Well, don't mention it. We are separated from them. I don't know if they can enter the second floor by mistake." Huang Li lowered his head and was worried about his cousin.

"It's like this. Don't worry. Maybe they are much easier on the first floor than we are on the second floor. They won't encounter any inexplicable danger."

"Impossible, can't you guess? Only through these nine floors can we go out. If they are trapped in the first floor all the time, they will be trapped here all their lives... " Huang Li stares at the city Lord and thinks that his words are completely out of his head.

"Ah, what you said seems to be reasonable..." The Lord scratched his head.

"Well, what shall we do? How can I pass the news to my cousin? I'm really worried, elder brother Qi. "

Qi Tianyu looks at Huang Li's sad face, and his heart is also pulled together. Right now, this situation is really difficult. They can't directly talk with Tian Mu and Tian Sha, so naturally they can't send this message to them. With Tian Mu's dull brain, if they have been quietly waiting for them to come back, wouldn't it be a long time.

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