Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 3157

"Brother Qi, what are you thinking?" Seeing that Qi Tianyu kept his head down and did not speak, Huang Li felt more anxious.

"I'll try this first." Qi Tianyu released the ball from the storage bag. As soon as the ball landed, he found himself in a strange place. There was plenty of spiritual power, but it seemed that there was no living thing. He turned around and moved to Qi Tianyu's feet. Looking up at Qi Tianyu, he said, "what's this place? What strange place have you taken me to! "

"Qiuqiu, I'm sorry for you this time. In fact, I don't know where we are, but the only thing we can be sure is that we can only go out through all the checkpoints in it..."

"I don't want to hear that! Don't you mean to take me to see Hong Feng? Now that you have brought me to such a place, are you playing with me on purpose? "

Ball listen to anger came up, climbed Qi Tianyu's clothes into his chest, tightly clenched his collar, his face showed anger.

"Qiuqiu, don't be angry with me now. I'm also very upset. If you can think of any way to take us out of here, I'll thank you. But I don't think you have a clue about this situation..."

"I can't help it..." Hearing Qi Tianyu's lost tone, the ball was too embarrassed to quarrel with him. He jumped out of Qi Tianyu's arms and began to look around.

As a divine beast, his vision was almost the same as what Huang Li saw, because he was not a living man. He could still move freely in this place. He jumped into the water and watched for a long time before jumping back to the land. Looking at Qi Tianyu, he shook his head. "This place is very strange, I can't see the end. What is this place? Isn't it an illusion? "

"Mirage, you have a point." Reminded by the ball, Qi Tianyu suddenly found this point. If this is a mirage, they can only see the real world by breaking the mirage. Maybe the real world is completely different from what he sees now. However, since they have been here for so long, they have not touched the flaw of the mirage at all. With his ability, they should not.

"I don't think it's a mirage. I don't think it's an illusion, because what Huang Li sees is different from what I see. If it's a mirage, there's no need to be so complicated..."

"Maybe it's the second level of fantasy, which is designed to confuse you." Qiu Qiu still doesn't agree with Qi Tianyu.

"Well, what if it's a mirage? You can't find a way to break this illusion, can you Qi Tianyu didn't want to argue with the ball, so he acquiesced to his view.

"You're also saying that. I don't know what this place is after a long time. Are we trapped here like this?"

"It's impossible. The nine turn tower wants us to go through this test, and then it designs the nine layers. If the second layer traps us, isn't it intentional to prevent everyone from getting out of this ghost place?" Qi Tianyu added.

"Then what? I don't want to be stuck here all my life. " The ball squatted down angrily and looked at Qi Tianyu's eyes. "It's all you! It always puts me in adversity. "

Qi Tianyu squatted down, looked at the slowly growing ball and said, "don't argue with me about this. Didn't I tell you that now we can only escape from this place by joining hands and entering. Now you have to do me a favor."

"Help again, when you ask me to come out one day, you can talk to me well, not ask me to help you, I will be very happy!" The ball rolled a white eye, but did not refuse.

Qi Tianyu touched his hairy head in tears and laughter. "Now Tian Sha and Tian Mu are on the first floor. They don't know how to reach the second floor. Do you have any way to find them? I know your ability is very outstanding. There are still many abilities that have not been discovered. You should have a way

Qi Tianyu didn't mean to flatter the ball. He just spent so long with the ball. He found that the ball had many skills he didn't find. Maybe this time, it could be useful.

The ball tilted his head for a moment and suddenly said, "maybe there is a way. I can confuse people's minds, but I can also convey my ideas to people. Although I'm not by Tian Mu's side, if I can pass on my ideas to him, he will know how to get to this place. "

"That's great. What can I do?" Hearing the ball, Qi Tianyu was so happy.

"Don't be happy too early. I haven't finished yet. I've never confused Tian Mu. I haven't established a connection with him, and I don't have the ability to pass on my ideas to him."

"What? Then you are talking nonsense Qi Tianyu listened to him so turn a bend, the whole spirit decadent down.

"Look at you! Listen to me The ball jumped to Qi Tianyu's ear and said, "if you are willing, I still have a way!"

"What do you mean by that?" Qi Tianyu heard the ball and looked at the ball.The ball laughed twice and said, "that woman! It's Huang Li. Didn't I confuse her before? My connection with her has already been established, and I can easily confuse her as long as I want to. "

"What does this have to do with Huang Li?" Qi Tianyu avoided Huang Li and said softly.

"Isn't she related to Tian Mu? As long as I can get a part of her body, her arms, her legs and so on, maybe I can establish a connection with Tanmu. "

"No, it certainly can't. You are not allowed to hurt Huang Li!" Qi Tianyu frowned and finally understood what the ball was up to.

The ball turned his face and said with a snort, "I'll tell you. You must be reluctant to give up. Then you can wait. Tian Mu's brain is very dull. If we really don't send him any news, he certainly doesn't know how to get to the second level."

Qi Tianyu can't speak even when he is full of breath. The words of Qiu Qiu are right. They can't wait like this. The air has solidified for a moment.

Huang Li found something wrong, went to Qin Tianyu's ear and said, "brother Qi! Did the ball tell you something? How do you look like that? "

"Forget it, you don't care." Qi Tianyu naturally didn't want to hurt Huang Li. Huang Li turned his lips and said wrongly, "brother Qi, why are you doing this again? Didn't you say you wanted me to protect you? But now you don't want to tell me anything. "

The city master suddenly found that there was something wrong with their atmosphere. He had goose bumps all over and rushed to one side.

Qi Tianyu thinks it's better to tell Huang Li. After all, Tian Mu is her cousin and she is the closest.

"Just now, Qiu Qiu told me that he had a way to send messages to Tian Mu, but..."

"But what?"

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