"It was tens of thousands of years ago when fierce beasts were stronger than monks. Now we have tamed many fierce beasts in the wilderness." Zhu lin'er leaned on Qi Tianyu's shoulder and analyzed carefully.

Qi Tianyu nodded and was about to say something. He suddenly noticed that the power of fire in Zhu lin'er's body was rising.

The small Phoenix in the sky has already shocked everyone, except Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er, who have seen the world.

"Queling, what's the matter?" Qi Tianyu's face suddenly coagulated. Although he said that the Phoenix was a holy beast, if the appearance of the Phoenix had any influence on Zhu lin'er, Qi Tianyu didn't mind cutting the Phoenix.

Since ancient times, no one has ever dared to think of the Phoenix. The dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious. The dragon is the power of the zongmen Empire, but the Phoenix is directly linked with cause and effect.

If there is no causal relationship between you and Phoenix, and you still have to move the idea of Phoenix, you can only live for two days at most. After two days, the flame power of Phoenix will start to burn from your heart fire.

The heart fire will ignite the palace fire of the human body in the viscera, and the fire is vitality.

"Zhulin'er has both Zhuque fire and Qilin fire in his body. The two have been combined without distinction between you and me. Now the appearance of the Phoenix has stimulated zhulin'er's blood power." Queling hides in Zhu lin'er's body and tries to suppress his power.

Between rosefinch and Phoenix, there is only one who can survive. When Phoenix comes out, the only one who won't bow is the proud rosefinch.

If the bird spirit lowers its head, it is not a rosefinch.

"Queling, you don't have to suppress yourself. Your predecessors have noticed the smell of Phoenix." Qi Tianyu's face was a little determined. The Phoenix appeared too suddenly.

But in the xuanhuang Tianbei, the ghost of the rosefinch is already emitting energy, and the shackles sealed with the flesh of the last generation of rosefinch are also faintly broken by the power of the rosefinch.

The Phoenix's eyes suddenly look at Zhu lin'er. A hundred birds look at the Phoenix. Maybe the Phoenix will forget the names of other birds, but she will never forget the breath of rosefinch.

Qi Tianyu's heart moved, and the golden sword flew out of his spine, facing the eyes of the Phoenix.

"Young Phoenix just came out to see the world. It's very lucky that you can fight with rosefinch just after you came out. It's also very unfortunate, because the rosefinch in front of you is very powerful." Qi Tianyu procrastinates and makes Queling change quickly.

Hundreds of rosefinch's power flew from all directions in an instant, and fused into the body of Queling. They were all the rosefinch's body that had been cut and sealed by heixuan before.

Queling's heart is constantly resisting. She knows that this is the elder. Originally, her own elder can survive, but in order to let her defeat Phoenix, the elder has used his secret skill to fly out of the sealed places regardless of the cost.

"Queling, don't let your elders down. The reason why they do this is because they trust you!" Qi Tianyu yelled in a low voice and shocked the bird spirit completely.

Among the xuanhuang Tianbei, the rosefinch beast, who has recovered from waking up, also turns its own rosefinch power into wisps of power to merge with the spirit.

Qi Tianyu's heart is complex. In this way, the rosefinch beast in his xuanhuang Tianbei will disappear completely in the air.

"Boss, what does this Phoenix want?" Yue Yunfeng finally eased from the shock. Looking at the eyes of the Phoenix in the sky, he always felt some tingling.

"To fight, Phoenix and rosefinch are enemies of life and death. No one can fight between them, unless that person also has a sacred beast." Qi Tianyu said calmly.

Qi Tianyu now has a great impulse to fight with Phoenix, but he knows that if he helps Zhuque fight with Phoenix, Zhuque will lose an opportunity to improve his fighting capacity.

And the spirit of the previous generation of rosefinch needs an opponent to let him vent, otherwise, that powerful force will burst the spirit.

The Phoenix in front of him suddenly fanned his wings and sent out the power of two flames to bomb the bird. Qi Tianyu's face was frozen, and his golden sword came out of his hand to counteract the power of two flames.

"Ha ha, Lao Tzu was entangled with you Fenghuang people in the last life. Cause and effect is cause and effect. It's a big deal to cut off cause and effect." Qi Tianyu light smile, stopped the attack of Phoenix.

For a moment, all the winged birds watching around seemed to have received some instructions. In an instant, all the winged birds flew up and surrounded Qi Tianyu.

"A hundred birds are courting the Phoenix, but you can't intervene in the battle between the Phoenix and the rosefinch. Have you forgotten that you need me to help you think about it?" Qi Tianyu smiles, and suddenly sends out a burst of prestige.

It was the pressure of the green dragon beast, mixed with his own day-to-day emperor's pressure.

The white tiger appeared in an instant, standing on the right side of Qi Tianyu, looking at the winged birds around him with a ferocious face, as if he had suppressed countless forces to explode.

"It's a pity that we still need Xuanwu sacred beasts. Otherwise, the power of the four sacred beasts will complement each other. I see who can defeat them." Qi Tianyu had some regrets in his heart."Well? Little brother, I'm not late, am I? Ling'er said that you are coming to Jingdong. We are familiar with these strange places Huh? Wow, wipe! phoenix? rosefinch? Green dragon? White tiger Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

Qi Tianyu smiles knowingly, perceives the smell of xianlao and linger, and the Xuanwu holy beast also comes. Now, the four holy beasts can really transform.

But in this way, all the mysterious places in the wild land suddenly became turbulent.

The body of the four sacred beasts of the previous generation, which were sealed in various places, gathered from all directions.

It's hard to erase the power of the holy beast, so at the beginning, heixuan chose to trap them and use the array to consume their power, but heixuan underestimated the power of the holy beast.

Tens of thousands of years later, after the power of the holy beast was weakened by the array, it has made contact with the array and is slowly absorbing the power of the array.

But these sacred beasts have no power of spirit. Otherwise, the four sacred beasts would have been out of trouble.

For a time, the four sacred beasts, the Oriental Green Dragon, the southern rosefinch, the northern Xuanwu, and the western white tiger, stood in their respective positions and constantly improved their strength.

All the fierce beasts around were attracted before. They wanted to join in the fun.

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