However, when they know the truth and want to leave, the four sacred beasts, Phoenix and unicorn have completely suppressed them to crawl on the ground and dare not move.

"Mr. immortal, it's good that you came in time, otherwise I don't know what to do if one of the four sacred beasts is missing."

"Ye Fei, come here. What do you want to do here?" Qi Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This, that..." Ye Fei was a little shivering. Although he knew that Qi Tianyu's identity was beyond his estimation, he summoned the four sacred beasts all at once and scared him out of his courage.

"I'm here to report to you that we have taken over the forces in contact with the Qinglong Dynasty and the forbidden territory."

"But we find that there is another force that sometimes confronts xuanshewei and sometimes cooperates with he xuanshewei. Of course, this is just speculation. The most important thing is that the one of Qinglong Dynasty has contact with us."

Ye Fei is also smart, quickly make a long story short, let Qi Tianyu know a general, lest let Qi Tianyu think they are idle egg pain just to proud of the big country.

When the winged bird flies out, ye Fei and his friends are also smart. They also follow the winged bird and fly out.

"Let's talk about it later. Those who know the array should go and block this place completely. If we leak the news, we will start our life-long life of escape in a moment." Qi Tianyu calmed down and said.

"Yes Xuantian is the honorary elder of Xuantian. He doesn't know when he will appear in front of Qi Tianyu.

"There's too much turbulence around here in the wilderness. I'm very sensitive to the environment when I'm proficient in array." Xuantian elder laughed happily and explained to Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu nodded. He was also a master of the array. Naturally, he knew how sensitive master Xuantian was to the array.

"It's up to you. I'd like to see what kind of fighting power the four sacred beasts can produce after inheriting the power of the previous generation."

With Xuantian elder in, Qi Tianyu was relieved and focused on the Phoenix in front of him.

All the people present are trusted by Qi Tianyu. Even if they betray Qi Tianyu and want to tell what happened today, they can't speak.

Because things related to the four sacred beasts have been set up by Qi Tianyu. These people around can't tell the secret about the four sacred beasts unless Qi Tianyu has killed heixuan.

Phoenix is a little restless, although she knows that Qi Tianyu is the only one who dares to stop her, and only rosefinch can fight with him.

However, Phoenix is still suffering from the obvious disparity between the number of the enemy and ourselves.

Even the birds and fierce beasts who are worshiping the Phoenix are all prostrated on the ground by Qi Tianyu's four sacred beasts.

The Phoenix didn't move, and Qi Tianyu was also deadlocked. He just had to guard the transformation of the four sacred beasts. After this transformation, the four sacred beasts should be able to stand alone, Qi Tianyu thought.

The growth speed of the sacred beast is relatively slow, but once the sacred beast grows up completely, there is basically no existence that can help them.

Day by day, Qi Tianyi looks at the direction of Aoyue, and always feels that something big is going to happen.

"Suzerain, there is slight turbulence in many places nearby. I don't know if there is a secret place to appear. Would you like to send someone to explore it?" Wang Yan Ran in in a hurry and said to Qi Tianyi, who was meditating in the living room.

"Yes! Send more people over and pay special attention to the movements of xuanshewei. Although earthquakes often happen in wild places and those xuanshewei don't care much, they can't be taken lightly at any time! " Qi Tianyi orders with emotion.

Wang Yan nodded cautiously. In the early days, he didn't touch these things at all. He was shocked when he first heard them, but now it seems that Wang Yan has begun to adapt.

The master who follows himself is the one who wants to reach the top, not just the wild land.


snow gleams white. But it is covered with Wutong trees. There is no trace of snowflakes.

Wutong forest, the site of Phoenix, hidden in the continuous mountains, no monk dare to easily set foot on this mountain.

Here is the end of the wild land, the junction of the endless sea of bitterness. No one has ever set foot on it. Even the invincible black Xuan, because of the injury of the dark power on his back, did not dare to go.

It is said that there are two other Taiqing Jue, youmingjue, which are comparable to xuanhuang Jue. One is hidden on the cliff at the end of the wilderness, and the other is hidden in the island of endless sea of bitterness.

in Wutong forest, dozens of Phoenix awakened, and the eyes opened. In the twinkling of an eye, the power of two fires melts away the snowflakes in the distance. It is a far cry from the distance, as if the mountain peak was cut off by a knife.

But in a moment, the mountain at the end of the wilderness will return to its original height.If it wasn't for the existence of Fire Phoenix, the mountains at the end of the wilderness might be far higher than that.

In this world, people who live in the heat of the earth think that the power of the Phoenix is the power of the underground monk.

They ignored a problem that Phoenix needed the sky, and they didn't know that the hidden fire attribute in the mountain at the end of the wilderness was much stronger than the underground lava.

Among the dozens of Phoenix, two of them felt something in their hearts, spread their wings and flew out into the sky.

the Wutong forest was rustling, but no half of the leaves fell.

Qi Tianyu and the stalemate of the young Phoenix, suddenly relieved, and then a very unhappy look.

If Qi Tianyu knew what she was thinking now, she would laugh directly.

This young Phoenix, aware that his parents came to pick him up, a look that he knew he would be defeated, a burst of unhappiness in his heart.

Young Phoenix is really afraid of defeat and death, but she still wants to have a try.

In the evening, the setting sun is infinitely good. The two huge Phoenix cover the sky and block the sun, just like a moving cloud, which is extremely red.

Only at dusk in the evening, the Phoenix will fly under the white clouds, because dusk will help them cover up the shadow.

Qi Tianyu was waiting. Everyone and the fierce beast were waiting. I didn't know that after a few quarters of an hour, suddenly, Queling opened her eyes, and there was a burning flame in her pupils, like the anger in her heart.

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