Huang Yanran knew the people's hearts very well. Seeing Qin Liu looking at himself with a slight frown and no warmth at the bottom of her eyes, she knew that this person would give up himself.

Huang Yan pursed her lips: "second uncle! You can't help me! I'm Yunqing's wife! When the cloud family comes to Yunqing, this generation is a single pass, and I'm pregnant with his only son!"

Qin Liu frowned, looked at Huang Yanran with some hesitation, and was obviously moved by her words.

At this time, as soon as Qi Tuan raised his hand, a blood guard directly pressed Huang Yanran on the ground, face to the ground.

Huang Yanran nibbled at the mud and was speechless.

Qi Tuan Tuan held out his hand in the direction of the gate: "second master Qin, you should go. The time you delay now is included in the hour I promised."

She smiled: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot to tell you something."

Qin Liu was stunned: "what?"

Qi tuantuan smiled: "the previous thread incense may have some sequelae."

Qin Liu was stunned at first, then narrowed his eyes and felt it carefully for a moment, and then his face changed greatly: "Qi Tuan, how do you do!"

After that, he turned around and ran without any hesitation. The crazy running posture was like a ghost chasing after him.

Huang Yanran finally looked up and saw only a corner of Qin Liu's clothes falling on the wall. Her face was white and the whole person was not well.

"Qin Liu!!" Huang Yanran screamed.

However, more debilitating things obviously await her.

Qi Tuan walked to Huang Yanran step by step, pinched her chin and stuffed a pill into her mouth.

The pill melted at the entrance. Huang Yanran noticed that it was wrong. It was too late to spit it out.

"What did you give me?" Huang Yanran looked frightened.

"Abortion medicine." Qi Tuan smiles.

"You! Qi Tuan, you devil! You madman! How can you be so abnormal?" Huang Yan screamed in horror, subconsciously covering her stomach and twisted her face.

"Ha ha." Qi Tuan Tuan squinted and smiled, suddenly raised his foot and kicked it on her stomach.


"Ah!" Huang Yanran screamed, and the fingers protecting her stomach were broken. The man also flew backwards from a distance. When he collapsed on the ground, he was convulsed and fainted.

In the house, the Huang family, who saw the scene from a distance, were stunned and struggled to shout.

"Qi Tuan, you beast! How can you be so cruel?"

"Qi Tuan Tuan! You should treat a pregnant woman like this. It's against the law! Damn you!"

In fact, not only them, but also the Mohist people, blood guards and iron cavalry stared at Qi Tuan at a loss. They didn't know what had happened to her.

Based on their understanding of Qi Tuan, even if she was firm and resolute, she would not abuse a pregnant woman like this - it was too cruel to kick her in the stomach.

However, out of the trust in Qi Tuan, no one spoke, guarded Huang Yanran's blood guard, and even rushed to Huang Yanran as fast as possible to control her again.

Huang Yanran, who was whining, gnawed her teeth. Before she got up, she was pressed on the ground again.

Qi Tuan slowly walked over and looked down at Huang Yanran with a smile: "Gee! I'm afraid you're not pregnant with a child, but a stone egg? It's still good to kick like this?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the speech, and then they all realized that something was wrong.

As soon as Huang Yanran's face changed, she covered her stomach and shouted.

"Stop!" Qi Tuan said coolly, "if you dare to bleed at this time, I'll ask someone to take off your pants and let everyone see how you 'miscarry' and what can flow out!"

Huang Yanran's hand covering her stomach froze instantly and looked up at Qi Tuan. Her eyes were like watching a pervert.

Qi Tuan sneered: "don't look at me like that. Compared with you, what's my practice in kicking people? It's not as good as one in ten million that you kill people and torture people! Right? A thousand faced fox, even Biqing!"

Some people may not remember the words "Lian Biqing", but everyone can remember the words "thousand faced Fox" clearly.

It caused a tragedy in sun Zhanyuan's family. It was designed to almost destroy the family with a beauty trick... Anyone who has heard of it will never forget it.

Qi Qing, the daughter of a thousand faced fox, almost brought the Liu family to a nest by the same means.

However, at that time, they used Qi Qing's body and failed to catch even Biqing. Unexpectedly, this man was here and disguised as Huang Yanran!

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Huang Yanran seemed to laugh angrily and roared with red eyes: "why bother to add a crime? Don't you just want to make an excuse for your cruelty? I don't know Lian Biqing!"

She covered her stomach and burst into tears: "if there is something wrong with my child, I will not let you go as a ghost! Sobbing..."

The shrill and desperate wailing sound broke the hearts of the Huang family and his wife in the inner yard.

However, all the blood guards, cavalry and Mohist people standing at the gate of the hospital looked at Huang Yanran with a mocking look on their faces.

Huang Yanran's face changed almost undetectably. When she opened her mouth and was about to speak, she saw Qi Tuan raising her hand with a smile. There was a dull little thing in her palm. She was looking at her with a pair of black bean eyes open.

It's from Qi Qing's body. It can contain the Gu that connects Bi Qing!

Huang Yanran, no, it should be called Lian Biqing now. Lian Biqing's face is blue when she sees it.

At this moment, she can't disguise anymore.

"Stop!" Lian Biqing shouted, "don't... ah!"

Before she could finish yelling, she turned into a shrill cry that was not like human voice.

But it turned out that it was Qi Tuan who gently clenched the insect in his hand.

Obviously, it's just the general strength of the feather, but even Biqing seems to have been trampled and run over by an elephant, rolling and aching into a silly dog.

Everyone's pupils were tiny. The Huang family thought Qi Tuan Tuan had used some magic method. They scolded more and more severely, and were directly kicked over by impatient cavalry and blood guards.

The people in Qi Tuan's side have been completely sure that this man who looks clearly Huang Yanran is indeed Lian Biqing!

"How did you see that?" asked Shui Yang curiously.

"It's very simple." Qi Tuan touched the Gu insect in his palm, but didn't answer the question. Instead, he asked, "are you sure that the divine Archer followed Qin Liu?"

Shui Yang nodded: "indeed, there are no spies around."

Qi Tuan nodded with satisfaction, and the color of interest flashed across his eyes: "she just touched my pulse."

She smiled: "happy pulse? It's very similar, but if you use this little trick to cross me, do you think I'm stupid or overconfident? Tut! It's stupid!"

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