Qi Tuan looked at Lian Biqing with pity. He really didn't know what to say.

The woman's acting skills are completely online, and the art of changing looks is also at its peak. She doesn't even see anything wrong. If the woman didn't ask the earth to feel her pulse, she wouldn't have noticed anything.

However, the pulse was really strong enough. If Huang Yanran knew that the natural medicine bureau was staring at the child, he still had to run with Qin Liu. Qi Tuan didn't remember this clue.

But unfortunately, fake is fake.

Qi Tuan Tuan pinched Lian Biqing's chin, pondered for a moment, raised his hand, arched left and right, and snapped at her face.

"... Qi Tuan! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!" Lian Biqing's eyes seemed to be poisoned.

"What's your name?" Qi Tuan coldly took out a dagger and touched Lian Biqing's face: "just activate blood first to remove makeup."

"What are you doing?" Lian biqington froze.

"Don't be afraid, just cut off the skin of your face." Qi Tuan chuckled. The dagger in his hand turned a pattern and cut Lian Biqing's face.

"Ah! Stop! Stop!" even Biqing couldn't calm down again.

It's impossible for a woman not to care about her face. Qi Tuan cut her face so wildly that she became a sculpture for fear that Qi Tuan would cut her face.

"Noisy!" Qi Tuan impatiently took the handle of the knife and knocked on Lian Biqing's head.

"... ah!" Lian Biqing's cry suddenly turned into a silent low. She looked at Qi Tuan in horror and was almost scared out of control by the dazzling shadow of the knife in front of her.

"... OK!" a moment later, Qi Tuan stopped and took the blade to scrape Lian Biqing's face.


On the flawless face, a thin skin color film like cicada wings fell. After a while, it fell clean and revealed a face.

"...!" no! Even Biqing seemed to be aware of something. Her face changed wildly, she bowed her head, and even knocked her face to the ground. It was clear that she was trying to hide her true face.

"Lying in the trough!!" the crowd looked at this ordinary face and couldn't help but burst out a rude remark.

"... you..." even Qi Tuan couldn't help but take a step back and take a little breath.

Without him, even Biqing looks ordinary, but it is particularly beautiful. The more you see it, the more ugly it becomes.

Obviously, they all have the same facial features, and the face shape is beautiful enough, but I don't know why. When they get together, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

It is a kind of face that looks ordinary at first glance, will feel the vulgarity and discomfort of hot eyes at the second eye, and makes people frown and uncomfortable at the third eye and want to move away from their sight.

"Hiss! Why does this man look so strange?" Shui Yang couldn't help rubbing his arm. Only then did he find that he had goose bumps all over his body.

"Girl, she... How can she be so ugly?" the blood guards and the iron cavalry couldn't help but turn pale.

This feeling is too strange. It's clear that this person doesn't look ugly, but I don't know why. From the second eye, it makes people turn over their stomach and want to vomit. At the same time, their body is cold.

Qi Tuan frowned and stared at Lian Biqing. At this time, Lian Biqing's face was iron blue and twisted. This distortion made her face look even uglier.

"Don't look! Don't look at me! Look again, I'll dig out your eyes and eat them one by one!" Lian Biqing obviously didn't like to be looked at, and now she looked particularly crazy.

At this moment, the previously excellent acting and calm woman is completely gone. What appears in front of everyone is more like a dying dog with mad dog disease.

Her eyeballs are bulging, blood is dense, and her teeth are exposed. With the roar, she keeps splashing the outlet water, and the green tendons on her face jump up, as if she was about to be burst by the torrent of hot blood.

Everyone could not help frowning, but at least looking at this twisted face, the discomfort and cold in his heart disappeared.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Qi Tuan: "what's going on?" how could anyone be so evil?

At this time, Shui Yang had seen the clue, showed a sudden color, and then frowned.

Qi Tuan's face was also cold, and there was a flame burning in his eyes.

She said in a deep voice, "look at her face carefully. Her face is not symmetrical. Even, many details are opposite or even distorted."

"Don't look! Don't! Don't!" Lian Biqing became more crazy under the gaze of the people.

But even if her face was more distorted and she tried hard to rub her face on the ground, people soon saw that it was wrong.

"Sure enough, it's asymmetric!"

"The corner of her left eye is lower than the corner of her right eye."

"The bridge of the nose is a little crooked."

"The lip line of the mouth is very strange, and the corners of the lips seem to be rigidly pulled up by external forces..."

"Her pupils... Pupils of different sizes!"


"It's so strange!"


The murmurs of the people soon came into even Biqing's ears. She couldn't hear them if she didn't want to.

The woman who used to kill people without blinking an eye was suddenly like a weak and innocent girl. She collapsed and burst into tears. Her face was blue with madness.

"No! Don't look at me! Don't look at my face! I'm not, I'm not a monster!"

She screamed so loudly that her vocal cords broke and she kept bleeding out and refused to stop.

Everyone's voice slowly disappeared. Looking at the crazy Lian Biqing, my heart suddenly became inexplicably heavy.

Qi tuantuan sighed: "knock her out."

Wheaton breathed a sigh of relief when he pressed her blood, and knocked the man unconscious with a knife.

The shrill cry disappeared, but everyone was still surrounded by the heavy atmosphere.

Qi Li asked blankly, "sister, why do I feel so sad? Isn't she... A bad person?"

Hongluan also wiped the corners of her eyes and was at a loss.

Everyone present had a deep friendship with sun Zhanyuan. They should hate Lian Biqing very much, but I don't know why. Looking at Lian Biqing's collapse of the madman, the happiness was only fleeting, and no one really felt happy.

Qi Tuan said in a deep voice, "because we are still human and have empathy, we have felt some truth even if we haven't figured it out."

She glanced at Lian Biqing and almost confidently said, "this woman is definitely not just an example. She should be... Inferior products produced by the experiment of the natural medicine bureau."

All human beings as experimental samples, in addition to formal clinical trials and research that are willing to be regulated by rules and regulations and safeguard human rights, the rest are all kinds of appalling and insane darkness.

Qi Tuan actually sees a lot of organizations like the natural medicine bureau. In order to get new samples and verify the guesses of those medical lunatics, they let the samples mate with the samples, have children, reproduce and observe from generation to generation

In this way, there are always many "inferior products".

These inferior products are either crushed and discarded, or they will be used for other purposes, allowing them to produce more by-products to offset the economic losses caused by "inferior products".

Even Biqing is obviously one of these inferior products.

Maybe she was lucky enough, or maybe she worked hard enough. In short, she survived, and then used her congenital paranoia about appearance to become a wealth collecting tool of the natural medicine bureau

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