Be handed down from age to age, the medical bureau will continue to experiment with the offspring and choose the best people, so that these excellent samples will continue to combine and produce more excellent new samples, which will be passed down from generation to generation, leaving the essence of the waste and leaving the essence.

Qi Tuan said in a deep voice some fragments of the human experiment, looking a little terrible.

"But in this process, they do not refuse the birth of some 'new varieties' with strange characteristics. On the one hand, they can be used for other purposes and do research in more directions. On the other hand, they can develop into dead men or low-grade experimental samples, which can effectively stop losses, and they won't feel heartache when they die."

Lian Biqing is very powerful, perhaps because of her natural appearance disability, which makes her paranoid in this appearance. Her attainments in changing looks can be called a rare genius in ten thousand years.

If Qi Tuan hadn't found her wrong from the pulse and logic, Qi Tuan wouldn't recognize the woman's face-to-face.

Shui Yang "tut", the usual smile on his face has disappeared, and now it is full of condensation.

Everyone else was also very serious and his lips were straight.

As human beings, they also know a lot of dark things, but this kind of taking people as experimental varieties, forcing designated "samples" to make peace and have children, and going back and forth, is also too contrary to human relations and makes people feel uncomfortable.

People now look at Lian Biqing, and their hearts are complicated.

According to Qi Tuan, this woman has come to this point step by step. Her mind is distorted and abnormal, but her craft and acting skills are very superb. They are all the products under the distorted chain of Tianyi Bureau.

Everyone put themselves in her shoes and thought, but they didn't know what they would look like if they were in her growing environment.

Asymmetric and even distorted facial features are like a person's face growing towards the back. It is against common sense that people feel uncomfortable and gloomy physiologically.

Even Biqing, with such a face, has been regarded as a monster since she was a child. Her abnormal distortion seems to have been doomed as early as the day of her voice.

"Put people in custody, interrogate them first, and then ask Zhan yuan to deal with her." Qi Tuan ordered directly.

"Yes!" all the people answered in unison, and their hearts were still inexplicably heavy.

"Cheer up!" Qi Tuan's voice was slightly raised and Lang said, "there's no need to feel discouraged and sad. Now we catch more and more big fish. We can catch them one day!

When we catch their leader, we'll screw his head off and kick him as a ball! If we don't treat people as people, let them have a taste of being played with! "

No matter what kind of blood force he has, what kind of human experiment, he should be arrested if he violates the national law. When the time comes, he should chop and kill. Once his head is off, isn't it all rotten meat? What kind of blood, high and low!

Qi Tuan's clear tone made everyone's eyes clear and nodded with emphasis.

Isn't that it?

To deal with such people, just catch them and kill them. It's better to talk about human relations and reason with them than to cast pearls before swine!

"OK! Do what you should do, and don't let go of any clues!" Qi Tuan ordered loudly. After everyone returned to you again, he turned around and began to search inch by inch according to the original steps.

At the same time, she took time to write a prescription and gave it to xue16.

"Ask someone to prepare all these things for me. Then you go to the palace and go to the dungeon to bring Third Master Qi out. When I'm finished here, I'll take Hong Luan and Xiao seventeen back to Qi's house. There is an array to control poisonous insects in fengluan Pavilion. Go to poisonous insects this time and do it there."

"Yes!" xue16 nodded and soon went to work.

Red Luan and Qi Li followed Qi Tuan Tuan all the time. Hearing her orders, they couldn't help reddening their eyes again.

Qi Tuan Tuan touched their heads and said in a deep voice, "have you remembered the lesson this time?"

Both nodded obediently.

Qi Tuan asked, "what lessons have you remembered?"

Hongluan said in a small voice, "we shouldn't be careless because the young lady came back. We think no one can hurt us and don't take good precautions against others."

Qi tuantuan nodded, "it's quite profound. What about you? Little seventeen?"

Qi Li clenched his fist: "we shouldn't have to bear it because we're afraid of troubling our sister. It seems to be understanding our sister, but it's actually adding trouble to our sister."

She looked up at Qi Tuan: "the natural medicine bureau is very powerful. No matter who is at home, whenever he is uncomfortable, he should tell his sister at the first time

My sister has told us this many times. It is our self righteousness and self assertion that have led to today's situation. "

Hongluan was thoughtful and soon nodded: "yes, I didn't think of it."

Qi Tuan pressed their shoulders and said in a deep voice, "it's the two points you two said. First of all, it's necessary to be careful wherever you are. After all, I can't stay with you all the time. Therefore, I can't lose my self-protection power forever!

Secondly, never put yourself in a position where I am a burden! You two are my relatives. Between relatives, we should abide by each other's duty and do not add trouble to others. However, being too cautious and careful will push away the distance from each other and give others an opportunity to take advantage of it. Do you understand? "

The two little girls with red eyes nodded solemnly: "we know, we won't do it again in the future!"

Looking at it like that, I felt guilty and almost cried.

Qi Tuan jokingly wiped the corners of their eyes, and then continued to pat their heads: "OK, just wait aside. When I'm finished, I'll take you home. From tomorrow, you two will live in the princess's house."

"Hmm!" they nodded together, and a little smile appeared on their faces.

Qi Tuan rubbed their heads and turned around to concentrate on other things.

Shui Yang looked from the beginning to the end and couldn't help picking his eyebrows: "you are a child, but this means of coaxing children is really skilled."

Not only these two, but also Qiu Tian, Mian Mian and the children from Qi's family in Lizhou county are all brain powder of Qi Tuan.

These children said to Qi Tuan, what is it? If a bear comes to Qi Tuan, it will become a soft and cute little milk beast in an instant.

Qi Tuan was checking Huang Yanran's residence inch by inch and smiled: "it's just because you are a child that it's so easy to coax. As long as you treat them well enough and respect them enough, you can say things they don't understand clearly enough."

Unlike adults, what they want is not only your kindness to him, but also power, wealth and all kinds of things. If one is missing, they may turn against each other.

Therefore, by comparison, children are probably the best "coax" existence in the world.

Of course, the most important thing is

Qi tuantuan smiled: "the most important thing is that they are good children."

So, it's not that she is good, but that these children are too good, too clever and sensible.

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