Facing cangluo's question, Qi Tuan suddenly turned cold.

She is not a silly girl who forgets her bottom line when a man says soft words. Her forgiveness is very expensive. Whether to give or not depends on the price, only on the mood.

Cangluo thought that his betrayal could be offset as long as he was soft for a month. He was delusional, not to mention that he continued to deceive Qi Tuan in the process of atonement.

Qi Tuan sneered and asked, "what makes you think I'm easy to cheat? Age? Because I look only six years old, you can't help looking at me as a child, can you?"

Cangluo hesitated: "I don't want to quarrel with you, I just want to remind you of your position. Ming'er, you are my fiancee, and your future is connected with the Cang family!"

Qi tuantuan asked, "really? Because there are concentric insects, do you think you will eat me?"

Cangluo's face was helpless: "I don't mean that. I just want to tell you that the contradiction between Mo men and Cang family is irreconcilable. You can't get too close to them. They will use you to deal with Cang family, and you will be hurt!"

Qi Tuan was amused: "in fact, they don't need to use me if they want to deal with the Cang family."

Cangluo was really angry and suddenly stood up: "do you have to make such a noise with me?"

Qi Tuan frowned: "are you scolding me?"

With a small face, she raised her hand and pointed to the door: "I hate people talking loudly to me. Since you don't want to eat, you can go."

Cangluo almost got up and left, but looking at Qi Tuan's cold face and cold eyes, his feet seemed to stick to the ground and couldn't go anyway.

Fortunately, the food delivery man came and broke such an embarrassing situation.

Qi Fang did not look at his face and the situation, but introduced every dish as usual. The Qingyue pleasant voice contained a shallow smile, which made people feel very happy.

Qi Tuan's unhappiness at the bottom of his heart soon disappeared in his voice, holding his chin and asking questions with great interest.

Qi Fang's smile at the bottom of her eyes became more and more obvious. She knew that Qi Tuan had recognized him, because when she was eating vegetables, she smiled and placed a plate of tofu farthest away.

In those days in the ink garden, he told her about the stem of the plate of sweet tofu at the emperor's birthday banquet. Although she didn't remember it, she also smiled and bent over.

Qi Fang looked at Qi Tuan Tuan's relaxed eyes with joy, and could hardly move his eyes.

Leaving aside those people who need her care, she has always been a person who can do everything easily.

Now Mohist has been able to operate independently. Even if she comes back, she only needs to use Mohist as a sword in her hand and a knife in her hand. She doesn't have to worry so much.

Qi fangwensheng introduced the last dish and said with a smile, "the guests should let go. It's all cooked by our boss."

Qi Tuan Tuan smiled, "thank you very much. I'll eat more!"

She took a sweet scented osmanthus cake and put it in the tray in his hand: "please eat!"

Qi Fang smiled, bent his eyes, and walked away with the plate like a treasure.

Qi Tuan inexplicably wanted to laugh. He rubbed the small head of the demon emperor around him and smiled and sandwiched a lot of dishes for him and himself.

Cangluo endured from beginning to end and looked at Qi Tuan who was not sharp when talking to Qi Fang. She just felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

It was not long ago that her closest person was her own except Bai Su, but now she is full of precautions and sharp against herself. She can't wait to say one word and refute ten words.

Cangluo said in a dumb voice, "I'm sorry, ming'er."

He looked down at his fingertips and felt sad in his voice: "my living environment since childhood is like that. Even my biological father and the brother of a mother compatriot can't fully believe it, because once I trust with all my heart, I may die inexplicably one day."

His eyes were burning. He kept his head down and didn't lift it up: "I'm used to calculating and mastering everything in the palm of my hand. What I like, what I hate, and what I fear

As long as possible, I will only hold all this tightly in the palm of my hand. I can't learn what you said. Be sincere and treat people sincerely

I'm afraid of death. I'm afraid you'll be brainwashed by the people of Mormon. I'm afraid you'll stand on their side and help them calculate me and harm me. I know it's cowardly and despicable, but I really don't know what to do. "

He was silent for a moment and couldn't help asking, "thank you for forgiving me. Can you... Teach me how to get along with you? If I'm willing to learn."

Qi Tuan looked at cangluo's hair in silence, with a heavy heart.

In fact, he was right. Her forgiveness at the moment was just to paralyze him and control his illusion.

If she was in his living environment, she might not be able to do better than him, so she did not talk about his way of life, nor ridicule his mechanism calculation, fierce and vicious.

She just doesn't like it and will never accept it.

Qi Tuan asked, "do you want to have a life-long friendship with me? You can trust me with your heart?"

She stared at the heron: "you look up into my eyes and tell me, do you really want this?"

Cangluo slowly looked up, and Qi Tuan saw that his eyes were covered with blood and sadness, as well as a deep sadness and loss.

Qi Tuan Tuan was as hard as iron. He just asked, "answer me, do you really want it?"

Cangluo looked back at Qi Tuan and said in a deep voice, "yes, I want to!"

Qi Tuan could almost see her reflection in his dark eyes. She smiled and asked, "would you like to change positions with me and let me be your leader?"

Cangluo was stunned: "what?"

Qi Tuan carefully explained: "it's to replace our concentric insects. I'll plant mother insects, and you, you plant son insects."

Cangluo's breath stagnated, and the fundus of his eyes instantly showed a color of resistance.

Although he covered up well, she caught this resistance to Qi Tuan, who was too powerful.

She chuckled: "you don't want to. You're afraid I'll hurt you and calculate you."

But it doesn't matter. Someone will.

She was willing to leave, and he even raised it on his own initiative.

He was not afraid of her using Tongxin Gu to calculate her, because he seriously told her that the only difference between planting Tongxin Gu and not planting Tongxin Gu was whether he would love her more madly.

He also said that although he could not plant it, he would still be as crazy as being manipulated by a quilt. He would do his best to meet her requirements.

Qi Tuan hung his eyes, filled himself with a bowl of sweet soup, drank it gently, and then it was sweet to his heart.

You see, sincerity and falsehood are so easy to distinguish.

Sincerity is voluntary.

And hypocrisy is forced not to give.

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