For cangluo, taking a woman to heart, providing her with the best living environment and giving her all the gifts she wants is already his limit and the best way for a woman he can think of.

Since the Cang family established itself, it has been such an education. Men should be self-improvement, and daughters are the tools of marriage. No matter how much they like it, they can't shake women's tenderness and damage their mind.

How can cangluo, who grew up in this environment, be willing to let Qi Tuan take the lead even if he thinks he likes Qi Tuan very much?

He pursed his lips and said in a deep voice, "why should we make such an impossible assumption? Once Tongxin Gu is planted, it is impossible to expel it. What about changing its position directly?"

Qi Tuan looked down dimly: "yes, so I'll become a puppet of what you say sooner or later, so you don't have to worry. You can trick me as much as you want."

She smiled: "are you very proud? When I poison my brain, I will be your brain powder. If you let me sleep with others, I will be obedient, and even think you must hurt me."

Cangluo's face was very ugly: "how could I do that?"

Qi Tuan asked with a smile, "do you want someone to exchange all the wealth of the Liu family for you and only let me give him a baby?"

Cangluo was stunned: "stop it."

Qi Tuan frowned: "I really hate your attitude of 'disagreement is nonsense'. I said, I'm not interested in making trouble with you..."

She waved her hand impatiently, "well, help yourself. I'm going to eat."

She pointed to the soup in front of cangluo with a small face: "that's a monster egg stewed with yellow lotus. You want to eat it! Eat it all!"

Cangluo's face wrinkled at once: "I already feel very bitter."

Qi tuantuan, with a small face, "didn't you say I was making trouble with you? Eat! I won't play with you until I finish eating!"

She was just like a child in a temper. Cangluo couldn't find any other way to deal with it except for a headache.

He bit his teeth and drank up the yellow lotus stewed egg in front of him.


She frowned and swallowed the last bite. Cangluo couldn't help but take a breath. Her face was as pale as earth, and she almost threw up.

Qi tuantuan looked at his expression and felt relieved. He smiled and pushed him a plate of dessert: "sweet."

Cangluo didn't doubt him. He immediately twisted one into his mouth, and then he was so hot that he took out his breath.

His face turned red: "you..."

He took a deep breath and kept pouring tea: "you're really going to toss me to death!"

He was angry and funny. Obviously, he should be angry, but he couldn't get angry when he saw that Qi Tuan no longer had a tiger face with himself, and even kept smiling at himself.

Especially when he found that the spicy taste had passed, there was no bitterness in his mouth for the time being, and he felt redeemed.

Cangluo looked at Qi Tuan with complicated eyes: "... Are you happy to see me make a fool of myself?"

Qi Tuan Tuan snorted, ignored him and only focused on eating.

Cangluo couldn't get a response, so he had to eat his own, but no matter what he ate, he would be stirred into a strange taste by the bitter taste. Only the extremely spicy cake felt very refreshing and delicious after he was used to eating it, which could give him a moment's rest.

Bitter taste is really tormenting the taste buds!

Unconsciously, he ate a whole plate of cakes silently!

Qi Tuan was stunned when he put down the dishes and chopsticks. He hesitated and asked, "is your stomach okay?"

She opened her eyes slightly: "I asked someone to put devil pepper in it. It looks like fruit, but it tastes abnormal and spicy, which hurts my stomach."

Cangluo had already felt the fire in his stomach, but the problem was that his taste buds were probably damaged by the bitter taste. At first, the cake was really spicy, but the more spicy it was, the lighter it was, and finally it was even a little sweet.

To tell the truth, if his stomach hadn't been protesting all the time, he wanted someone to make him a big food box and take one box away to eat at any time.

By now, the plate of cakes had been eaten for a while, and the bitterness in his mouth, which had not easily disappeared, began to spread wildly again.

At this time, because of the previous sweetness, he felt that the bitterness was going to drive him crazy.

Cangluo rubbed her burning stomach and asked with a bitter smile, "I heard that eating too much spicy food will pierce my stomach. Can I do this?"

He hesitated: "it may be strange to say it. I feel very sweet in the end."

Qi Tuan was really surprised. She asked, "how sweet? Can you describe it in detail?"

In fact, controlling the taste buds is just to cover up the special drugs in the pill. Giving him those cakes is also to appease the mother Gu, but I didn't expect to get unexpected joy.

Control your taste buds!

How interesting!

Cangluo couldn't help laughing and crying when she saw her cheerful appearance. She thought about it carefully and described it in detail: "when she tasted sweet for the first time, it was like glutinous rice cake without sugar..."

While listening carefully, Qi Tuan took out a notebook and wrote it down. He looked serious and was completely a medical fool.

Cangluo looked at such Qi Tuan and couldn't help softening her voice again and again.

But such a good atmosphere did not last long before it was interrupted. Just listening to the sound of "bang", the door was kicked open.

Qi Tuan was a little confused. She remembered that Moyun building was the top place in Suzhou County, and blood guards and iron cavalry were stationed in it. It was unexpected that someone would make trouble here.

She turned her head and saw a pink shadow coming. When she passed by, she grabbed the little book in her hand with her arm long enough.

"Give it back to me!" Qi Tuan was immediately angry. She always had the habit of recording things with a book. The book was made by the Emperor himself. The inner page was alive and could be removed. The outer seal was used as a refining tool, so water and fire would not invade.

Because the man rushed at cangluo just now, Qi Tuan was unprepared for a moment, but she was successful in helping the sheep. The baby was taken away, and she was furious immediately.

"You shameless, vicious and vicious bad girl!" the group of pink was a 16-year-old girl. At the moment, holding Qi Tuan's book, she stared at Qi Tuan, and threw her book directly into the soup basin.

"Ah!" Qi Tuan exclaimed and rushed over, fast enough, but there was still a corner of the book stained with soup.

"..." Qi tuantuan's veins on his forehead collapsed, calmly wiped the soup on the inner page, and then suddenly turned to the pink girl: "your uncle! If you don't waste your claws today, I'll take your last name!"

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