As I said before, Qi Tuan is still that person, but he is ruthless and willful several times because he has been deliberately adjusted by Qingmin and his spiritual root has gone wrong.

Seeing a woman suddenly emerge, and the man robbed her baby indiscriminately and threw it into the soup basin, which annoyed Qi Tuan at once.

Although she was young, she was a real golden elixir. Under the full attack, cangluo didn't even have a chance to speak.

The girl in pink dress didn't know that she had angered the angry little devil. She was complacent. She didn't see how Qi Tuan went. She felt a stomachache and the whole person flew out.

When the powder girl hit the wall, Qi Tuan stood on the stool and kicked people's short legs back.

She stared down at the pink girl and asked coldly, "which way did you go? Why did you bully me?"

The girl was kicked into the Dantian by Qi Tuan, and her back hit the large decorative vase. At the moment, she saw blood, was hit by pain, and almost fainted. She couldn't hear what Qi Tuan said at all.

Qi Tuan looked fiercely: "good courage! Your mouth is hard!"

Before her voice fell, people rushed out again.

"Stop!" cangluo hurriedly stopped her. With a big long leg, she stood in front of the powder girl's lower abdomen and was hit by Qi Tuan.

"Hiss!" cangluo took a breath, and the pain almost fainted.

"... what are you doing?" Qi Tuan quickly stopped his strength and didn't let himself kick cangluo's lower leg. She angrily said, "what are you doing? If you kick your leg, my father should say me again!"

Cangluo was helpless and sad, but still pleaded for the pink girl and said, "this is my sister. She has no malice. I asked her to make amends for you. Will you spare her?"

He said in a warm voice, "I'll compensate you for a better book."

Qi Tuan frowned: "isn't your sister taking care of the children at home? I met all the people of the Cang family when I came here. This is not your Cang family!"

After a pause, she said angrily, "if I don't catch the book at all, my handwriting for more than half a year will be ruined! How can you compensate me? You don't know medicine!"

Cangluo frowned. He knew that the little girl was very paranoid as long as she was linked to medical skills. Just now her baby book was almost destroyed. I'm afraid it can't be done well.

But before he could figure out a solution, the pink girl who had slowed down on the ground began to get angry.

"How can you be so cruel to my cousin? The Cang family has inherited it for nearly a thousand years, but no daughter-in-law is like a shrew like you!"

"..." cangluo felt that she was going to be hurt as soon as she was breathing.

Sure enough, Qi Tuan, who had a bad face, turned black in an instant: "what should I do?"

The girl in powder dress snapped: "naturally, you should be gentle and small. You can do whatever your cousin says! Look at you! Not only give your cousin poison and yell at him, but also dare not serve him to eat!"

Qi Tuan smiled, "I serve him to eat?"

She pointed to her nose and pushed cangluo away. "Bang" kicked her on the girl's waist and directly kicked her to the wall: "ask him if he can afford it!"

"Ah -" the girl in pink dress was confused and screamed. When she fell off the wall, there was still incredible on her face.

She probably had never seen a child with such a hot temper and such amazing force, lying on the ground for a long time without regaining consciousness.

Qi Tuan Tuan was bored when she looked at her mentally retarded appearance. With a small face, he turned and left: "your sister, solve it yourself, and then let her show up before my eyes, and I'll break her claws and hooves!"

She said, without looking back, she led the demon emperor out of the door.

Outside the door, Qin Yu, who heard the noise to see the excitement, hissed and quickly walked a few steps to catch up with Qi Tuan: "you have such a bad temper?"

Qi Tuan turned to look at him: "I'll give you a chance to organize the language again."

Qin Yu stagnated, smiled and exclaimed, "it was too light just now! Such a fool just doesn't clean up!"

Qi Tuan had a little more smile on her face. Seeing green bamboo's regretful face, she carefully stood aside and dared not speak. She shook her head: "it doesn't matter, it's just a mentally retarded bug. I asked you to eat by yourself. It's not your fault."

Green bamboo immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "thank you, miss, for your tolerance. I will be more careful in the future."

Qi Tuan shook his head: "don't worry about those whose accomplishments are not as high as mine. If you dare to come up again, I'll beat them half paralyzed in person, so that they won't think I'm a weak chicken and easy to bully!"

Green bamboo nodded: "yes, I understand."

Qi Tuan beat people and got angry. He turned and went directly out of the Moyun building and found a shop selling pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Although only one corner of her little book was wet, because it was opened and dropped from the soup basin, except those notes, the blank pages at the back can be replaced with new ones.

She ignored Qin Yu, and Qin Yu didn't want to go, so she followed her all the way to the shop and accompanied her to repair the book.

After cangluo handled the powder girl and found the shop, Qi Tuan had come out with the repaired book, and there was no anger on his face.

Qin Yu successfully used this gap to get to know Qi Tuan again and get familiar with him, talking and laughing.

Seeing this, the pink girl who followed cangluo immediately sneered: "I don't know shame! Hook up three and four with wild men!"

Qi Tuan looked up and down at the girl: "Dantian doesn't hurt, does it?"

The girl was sluggish and subconsciously covered her belly: "Qingming! Don't be too arrogant! If you want to marry into the Cang family sooner or later, you have to abide by the rules of the Cang family!"

Qi Tuan sneered: "are you the master of the Cang family or the mother of the Cang family? The Cang family don't ask me to do anything. Where are you qualified to tell? Because you are ugly, can you blame more ugly people?"

As soon as she said this, several spectators immediately burst into laughter.

In fact, the pink girl is not ugly. She is enchanting, romantic, with willow leaf eyebrows, big apricot eyes, small upturned nose and cherry pink lips. She is pure and charming. She can definitely be regarded as a middle and upper class beauty.

Of course, her IQ may not be enough.

At the moment, the girl who was ridiculed by Qi Tuan and always held by Qi Tuan suddenly collapsed: "the owner of the house is my uncle! Why can't I say you? You bitch! Bitch!"

Qi Tuan Tuan glanced at her lazily, put away his little book, then stood on the steps, pinched his waist and scolded, "you retarded! Retarded!"

The girl's face turned green.

The onlookers looked at their confrontation and couldn't help laughing again.

One is an adult girl in sixteen or seventeen, and the other is a cute little girl film. It's natural for such a child to be ugly.

Unfortunately, the girl who was stunned by anger obviously didn't realize this, and her blood went to her head and her IQ flowed to a lower level. She was so angry that her IQ became more and more in arrears

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