The young man who kicked the gate was named Li Yuehua. He was the 13th Prince of Dajiang empire. Because of his noble blood and high talent, he was a spoiled master who grew up both in the Imperial Palace and in the school.

He didn't come to Daqi with the master for long, but he just arrived in Suzhou County today, so he hasn't really realized the real meaning of "the middle three state empire that is not afraid of the upper three states" among the surrounding population.

Because Li Yuehua had received a letter from his friend before, she learned that Yaowang valley was actually in Suzhou County of Daqi, and the young master of Yaowang valley was very good at treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases. In order to please the master, he informed him and invited him over.

But he never thought that his identity as the prince of the great empire of the upper three states made him sought after and respected as a God in the lower three states. He was treated with high standards by the countries of the middle three states, which was comparable to the emperor, but he was insulted in the mere state of Qi!


Li Yuehua roared, and Jun's face turned red.

"Is this your Qi's attitude towards the big countries in the upper three prefectures? A small country, a small place, dare to be so presumptuous! You are not afraid to cause war between the two countries and be destroyed by our Qin Dynasty. Are you a small country in the middle three prefectures?"

As soon as Li Yuehua said this, the whole restaurant was quiet, and then everyone's face changed.

A gloomy and dignified hatred slowly burst out from the crowd, and even spread outside the restaurant in the blink of an eye!

Li Yuehua was not aware of the change of the atmosphere. Seeing the silence of the people, he thought they were frightened by his momentum and Dajiang was frightened.

If Li Yuehua turned to look at the silent onlookers at the moment, he would find that he had done a stupid thing - his "small bullet country" has completely angered the people of Daqi who are proud of Daqi!

"Ha ha, are you afraid now? You Dalits..."

"Yuehua! Shut up!" Li Yuehua looked down on zhongsanzhou and didn't know how to restrain, but his teacher, the middle-aged man who stood behind the two young people, didn't.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the middle-aged man immediately looked serious and scolded: "national affairs, how can they become angry words in your mouth? Be careful that your father and Emperor know and scold you!"

He tried to turn big things into small things, but he didn't know that he despised Daqi like Li Yuehua.

The reason why the people in the restaurant only changed their faces but didn't say a word was not because they were afraid of the national strength of Daqin, but because they knew that the black clad youth standing with Qi Tuan was their emperor of Daqi, whom they feared, respected and admired!

Jun Jiuli is the strongest and strongest emperor in the history of the Qi empire. He is as intelligent as a demon and has the cultivation of a spiritual emperor. Now there is no only problem of early death. He is simply the perfect emperor in the hearts of all the people of the Qi Dynasty.

Would they be afraid of Li Yuehua talking in front of their emperor?

The big deal is to fight!

They are big Qi people, will they be afraid of a prince with kidney deficiency?

Therefore, the words of the middle-aged man who seemed to teach Li Yuehua a lesson didn't play any role. He thought he was giving everyone a step down, but what he said was superior, but many people listened to it.

They sneered at Li Yuehua and his disciples, and then looked at Jun Jiuli with burning eyes.

Sure enough, the emperor did not disappoint them.

Jun Jiuli was more than half a head taller than the prince of kidney deficiency. He looked down at Li Yuehua and asked faintly, "is it your meaning or Li Feng's meaning that the state of Qin wants to destroy my Daqi?"

His Qi field was cold and his slender body was like a sharp blade that could split the sky. It was enough to crush and sweep everything. It was a murderous look that had never been exposed in front of Qi Tuan Tuan.

Qi Tuan looked at him in surprise, his big eyes shining.

Except Qi Tuan, everyone was frightened by his momentum. All the people of Daqi subconsciously straightened their backs, just like the soldiers being patrolled, with solemn, proud and severe awe.

The first three masters and disciples, Li Yuehua, who were oppressed by the emperor's power, were silent and tense.

The middle-aged man's look changed greatly. He had guessed the identity of the young man in black in front of him. For fear that his disciple would be killed on the spot, he had to stand in front of Li Yuehua and bear the spiritual pressure and momentum for him.

But before the middle-aged man softened his apology, Li Yuehua, who was able to escape the oppression of Jun Jiuli's momentum, began to be angry.

That "Li Feng" was exactly the taboo of the emperor of the state of Jiang. Li Yuehua consciously found the other party's excuse for blasphemy and began to attack with a fierce face.

He was furious: "presumptuous! How dare you call my father the emperor! Damn it! You bitch..."

But before he finished his abusive words, he felt a sudden heart piercing pain in his leg bones. He immediately covered his leg with a "ow", and couldn't say half a word.

Qi Tuan Kan took back his short leg and stamped his foot: "Why are you hiding after being scolded? Come out! Catch the little red man to the Yamen and sentence him for contempt for the emperor of Qi!

Also, immediately send the credentials to the emperor of the state of Jiang. Since he is so like killing our Daqi, come on. We Daqi are not afraid of fighting!

At that time, when we go to the battlefield, the medicine and treatment of all soldiers will be covered by the medicine King Valley and the Mohan! If you can save one, you will never let half die! "

All the people, including the onlookers, were stunned and looked at the dwarf Qi Tuan one by one. Although her words made everyone's blood boil, they couldn't help looking carefully at the emperor's expression.

Although it seems that their emperor likes this little girl very much, can this national event also make a little girl talk nonsense?

But soon, they found that they thought too much - as soon as the little girl's voice fell, the emperor solemnly nodded his head and said in a cold voice, "act according to the order, repair the national certificate immediately and prepare the whole people for war"!

Everyone was immediately gratified and fanatical - the emperor was indeed the emperor! Even if the speaker is a child, as long as he is reasonable, the emperor will accept the advice!

The people happily watched the two blood guards appear out of thin air, "KaKa" removed Li Yuehua's limbs and joints, so comfortable that they all showed a happy expression, even bold, and directly laughed at the pig's cry.

Until he was about to be taken away in public or dragged away like a dead dog, Li Yuehua finally reacted and screamed angrily and shamefully.

He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. If he provoked casually, he would provoke the other emperor!

Where can a prince decide national affairs, especially those involving wars between the two countries?

Li Yuehua thought that before he came, his father told Wan that when he went to the state of Qi, he should never provoke the crazy people of the royal family of the state of Qi, especially the mad dog Jun Jiuli, lest the state of Qi fight with Daqin and benefit others. His face turned white.

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