
Big trouble!

Seeing that Jun Jiuli did not hesitate to order him to take him away, but also to repair the National Certificate and prepare the whole people for war, Li Yuehua could no longer maintain the dignity of his great power prince, and his lips were scared white.


Li Yuehua didn't care about the tearing pain on the joint. His head was full of how to save it.

"I really didn't know you were the emperor of Qi! Please... Please don't quarrel with me! Before... I was presumptuous! My father didn't mean to go to war with Qi!"

Although he felt ashamed to be soft with a small monarch of the three central prefectures, he thought that once he caused a war between the two countries, his father would abandon himself, and Li Yuehua had to give in if he was not reconciled.

But his arrogance before, and his reluctance at the moment, did not make people feel his sincerity, only felt full of condescension and unwillingness.

The onlookers saw that Jun Jiuli looked cold and had no expression at all. Obviously, they didn't stop to have a rest. They were immediately full of excitement and no worries. They opened a group of ridicules.

"Don't! Your highness, the prince of the Dajiang Empire, we Dalits are not sensible. How can we not teach them a lesson? We must go to war and teach us a lesson!"

"Yes, your royal highness! Although our ladies and sisters in Daqi are really beautiful and have high accomplishments, don't look at their face and let yourself be wronged too shyly!"

"Yes! We Daqi are a small country where you can destroy bullets with your mouth open. Fight! Our emperors are not afraid, and we are not afraid!"

"Don't give advice, Prince. Don't say anything well and fight! Otherwise, you will meet the emperor here today and run to frighten and bully the ladies and sisters of Daqi in the name of war between the two countries tomorrow."


Everyone's words satirized Li Yuehua's endless skin.

Such a familiar scene of group ridicule almost made Li Yuehua think he had gone to the kingdom of Boqi, which was stronger than Dajiang - that was the first time he knew that there were high and low between empires, and his status as prince was not enough to make him eat all the fresh food in the world.

At this moment, the familiar humiliation and powerlessness filled him with fear and helplessness, and suppressed his grievances and resentments.

"Master!!" Li Yuehua couldn't help shouting.

"..." the middle-aged man's face was very ugly. Although he felt that the disciple was too reckless to cause trouble, he could not watch the disciple have an accident, so he had to stand in front of the two blood guards: "please stop."

He said it very politely, after all, but anyone with a little insight knows that the followers of the emperor of Daqi, those named Xuewei, have a virtue with the emperor - mad dog! If you bite people, you will never die!

Sure enough, he just stopped with a warm voice. The two blood guards had shown their intention to kill, and the blood color appeared in the black pupils.

The most terrible thing was that in the blink of an eye, four blood guards appeared out of thin air and completely surrounded him!

The middle-aged man hasn't experienced such a creepy feeling of life and death crisis for many years since he reached the peak of Linghuang realm.

He could clearly feel that although the four blood guards were not as good as him, they could definitely kill him accurately in the time of a cup of tea!

That's it, when the emperor of Qi didn't do anything and didn't participate!

The middle-aged man, Li Tang, looked at Jun Jiuli with a bitter smile on his face: "my name is Li Tang. I am the peak Lord of Qingming sect and the royal family of Jiang state. Although I dare not assert state affairs, I know the intention of the emperor of Jiang state."

He said sincerely, "please don't get me wrong, emperor of Qi. Our state Jiang really doesn't mean to fight with Qi. Yuehua is young, naughty and doesn't know the importance. That's why he said such presumptuous words.

The emperor wants to punish him. I have nothing to say, and I will implement door rules to punish him, so that he won't dare to mess around in the future.

Please think twice about such a big event as the war between the two countries. If the emperor really feels uneasy, just go to a book and ask my brother, he has no intention! "

He looked solemn without slightest slightness. He had always held high in the bottom of his eyes before, and now he has all changed to sincerity and seriousness.

Weak countries have no diplomacy, and iron fists break aggression.

Daqi is strong enough, so it can be located in the middle three states. It is too lazy to get involved in the promotion of national rank, which also scares the people of the whole upper three states.

Li Tang was also remorseful at this time. He always felt that Daqi didn't want to be promoted, but couldn't afford to be promoted. This was a loss of propriety. Unexpectedly, he was so ashamed that he had to apologize.

Jun Jiuli narrowed his eyes slightly and said faintly, "it's the king of the state of Jiang. It's disrespectful."

There was a touch of embarrassment in Li Tang's eyes: "Li dare not be presumptuous in front of the emperor of Qi."

The royal family of the state of Jiang has always liked beauty. Every emperor has to choose beautiful women and have children as soon as he takes office. Therefore, he is not worth money, and he is not even as noble as the leader of Qingming zongfeng.

Even if Li Tang wanted to pose and identity, he knew that the LORD had no chance of winning against the emperor, so he was dissatisfied and had to put Jun Jiuli on the same level as his royal brother.

Li Tang's posture was low enough. Even if Li Yuehua made a fool, he did not have that identity and status to cause the collapse of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Jun Jiuli said coldly, "according to the rules of Daqi, if other people enter Daqi, they should abide by the national law of Daqi. Lord Li knows this?"

"I already know what the emperor means." Li Tang had guessed what he was going to say. He glanced at the disciple compassionately and nodded slowly: "yes, Yuehua destroyed the property of the restaurant and disrespected the emperor. He should be punished."

To which country to abide by the laws of which country, this is a rule that everyone knows when they go in and out of different countries.

The only difference is that Daqi is really playing. If they don't obey them, they have to abide by the rules, while other middle and lower three states dare not even mention it to them.

Li Yuehua opened her mouth and wanted to remedy it again. It's easy to smash the shop and invade the emperor's power. It's a heavy punishment!

However, the retort came to his mouth and was swallowed back by Li Yue Watson.

He is just arrogant, but not really stupid. If he meets a tough emperor and wants to test the bottom line set by the emperor, it will only make the situation worse and cause trouble to his brother and his mother.

If you are stupid, you will eat the consequences with tears.

Li Yuehua clenched her teeth and said, "I'll give you compensation later. I'll punish you as much as I can. Just don't take my previous nonsense to heart. I have no intention of war in Dajiang."

It's so far away, and Daqi is different from other places. It can't be a pasture for pure supply to the country. It can let them harvest "wool" endlessly. What's wrong with beating it?

What's more, if they really want to fight, they come across rivers and mountains, and they may not be able to fight against the fully prepared state of Qi!

Although Li Yuehua is arrogant and stupid, he is always the prince of a country. He always knows state affairs.

Therefore, Li Yuehua recognized him quickly and ruthlessly, as if the arrogant man before was not him at all

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