The other side agreed that they were ready to fight, scold and punish. If Jun Jiuli insisted on it, it would be like Daqi was looking for an excuse to fight Jiang Guo.

Although Daqi is not afraid of war, Jun Jiuli always loves the people as a son and soldiers as brothers and sisters. He will never fill face with the bodies of the people and soldiers for the sake of morale struggle, and trample on their lives.

He nodded calmly: "well, since Lord Li is so serious, I believe what Lord Li said."

He didn't mean to talk to Li Yuehua. He waved to the two blood guards to take Li Yuehua away.

Li Yuehua's heart is full of fear and anxiety. The royal dignity can't be trampled on, especially the emperor's majesty. He doesn't know what kind of punishment he will receive.

Beg for mercy?

At least he is the prince of a country. No matter how flustered and frightened he is, he dare not do anything harmful to national glory.

"Wait." Qi Tuan shouted at the two blood guards: "I have something to ask him."

The two blood guards stopped instantly and twisted Li Yuehua to Qi Tuan.

Qi Tuan showed a sweet smile.

Li Yuehua inexplicably felt his back cold. He really couldn't treat the little girl in front of him as an ordinary child.

She just broke his leg!

Now, if he had not supported face, he would have been unable to walk long ago.

Li Yuehua asked cautiously, "what do you want to ask?"

Qi Tuan raised his chin slightly: "who told you I would cure? Who told you I was here?"

She smiled sweetly, and there were two lovely dimples around her mouth: "isn't it... Chen liuer?"

Li Yuehua's pupils contracted suddenly, and her eyebrows frowned: "what do you mean..."

Qi Tuan smiled even more: "it's funny that she has a grudge against me, but she asked me to introduce you to see a doctor. Why don't you know? She lost millions of bets with me and signed a pledge. If she occupied my field of vision, she had to roll quickly."

Li Yuehua is not a fool. When he heard this, he didn't understand Qi Tuan's meaning, and his face turned black.

Qi Tuan smiled and said, "what a good friend she is? She offended me, but the two martial uncles treated me and didn't dare to touch me, so they tricked you to come here.

Tut! I guess she hinted many times that I'm just a child and easy to fool? Or it's better to be scared so that I can see you obediently? "

Li Yuehua turned black again and said coldly, "little valley master is smart, but I don't bother little valley master about things with my friends."

He thought Qi tuantuan would continue to satirize him, but Qi tuantuan just puffed a laugh, then directly stretched out his hand to ask that Jun Jiuli to hold her and walked away with a smile.

Li Yuehua was taken away, went out for a long time, and vaguely heard the little girl's sweet laughter.

"... I was fooled around by Chen liuer's sand sculpture and even had a friend. Really, tut tut Tut, if this is not love..."

Li Yuehua's face was badly hot, but she pursed her lips, and her eyes went away coldly.

His master Li Tang frowned. Seeing that Jun Jiuli and Qi Tuan Tuan ignored his meaning, he took another young man to chase Li Yuehua.

The prince brought out by him can't let him really have an accident.

The people who looked lively laughed and felt very happy. After watching Qi Tuan and Jun Jiuli leave, they talked about it in the hall.

While the people were talking, two scribes from the sheriff's house came and solemnly conveyed the above meaning——

Recently, it is approaching the enrollment period for the selection of disciples from the major schools in Shanghai, so the religious schools at home and abroad will be very active. During this period, anyone who makes trouble, regardless of nationality, will be severely punished for right and wrong.

After the rules and regulations were finished, the scribe smiled and said to the people: "I am a great country in Qi, and I am not afraid of anything if I don't ask for anything. You are all the people of the emperor. Everything you say and do represents the face of our Qi and the Emperor. Therefore, when waving iron fist, don't forget to arrange the warm tea for guests."

Just now there was a dignified atmosphere, which was suddenly replaced by a burst of friendly laughter.

The scribe added, "of course, there is another important thing to tell you! The emperor has reached cooperation with MOHEN and Yaowang Valley, and will promote and encourage all people to practice!

Within three months, all state-run schools will promote the systematic physical quenching of marrow washing and cutting. As long as school-age children reach the age of six, they will have the opportunity to receive the essence washing and cutting provided by the state, and then carry out systematic practice and learning.

Not to mention, as long as you can be admitted to all county and government schools, the Imperial College in the imperial capital will also get higher-level systematic learning opportunities, and even enter the military school where the emperor is the president, and the military rank will be awarded directly after graduation! "

As soon as the scribes said this, the whole restaurant suddenly fell into a dead silence.

A moment later, the whole restaurant was as if it had been bombed. All those who had school-age children at home or were school-age children themselves immediately screamed with excitement.

Well, isn't that a surprise?

Before Mingming, they suddenly heard about the enrollment of major departments, and they were a little hesitant and moved. They thought whether to try. The next moment, we Daqi will provide a one-stop elite training plan?

"This, this... The emperor either doesn't make a move, but makes such a big move! Will the tuition be much higher?"

"Are there any restrictions? Are you sure you can go to school to receive sperm washing and pulpectomy at the right age?"

"When does school begin?"

"The children can continue to enjoy it. We are too old to go to school. Didn't the emperor say that the whole people practice? I, can we also rub some? We can pay for it!"


The so-called poor culture and rich martial arts, those who do not have the support of strong families, it is too difficult to cultivate themselves to make it come true. Now the state even supports them, which makes them laugh like pigs.

At this moment, they are afraid that if they miss something or ignore something, they will completely miss such a precious opportunity.

Compared with these excited casual civilians, the children of the aristocratic family changed their faces and their pupils shrank suddenly.

But all the children of an aristocratic family with a little insight and foresight have been aware of the approaching crisis, and it is imminent!

It is said that "the iron family is the emperor of flowing water", but this iron law seems to have been shaken since the emperor opened the medicine garden through mohmen. Now there is such a "national practice"... This is to completely break the monopoly of the aristocratic family!

In the wing room, Qi Tuan and Jun Jiuli leaned against the window and looked down. They looked at everyone, looked at each other, and narrowed their eyes slightly at the same time.

Is it lively?

It's just so lively. Come fishing!

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