It is said that people have left sound and geese have left traces, but the Cang family has done so many things behind the Zhao family. With the ability of blood guard and Qianji Pavilion, they can't find any clues.

If Cang Yu hadn't said it today, who would know that it was only a well-designed scam when Cangling and Zhao Changhua fell in love with each other with the chicken feather and duck blood of the Zhao family?

The Cang family can cover things so tightly. The contacts and power used are definitely not as simple as those found by Xuewei and Qianji Pavilion. There must be deeper and more terrible implications.

Just like Cang Yu's mother, who can think that such a seemingly ordinary concubine can even involve the Jiang Guoyin family thousands of miles away?

Jun Jiuli's eyes were heavy, and he vaguely felt that there was an invisible big net, which was opening towards the whole Daqi, but the whole Kyushu continent. Perhaps the person who cast the net was not the natural medicine bureau they saw, but a more terrible force or person.

Jun Jiuli's heart sank and turned to Qi Tuan, who was also dignified and serious, and his desire to become stronger suddenly rose in his heart.

Before, it was just the calculation of the natural medicine bureau. Tuan Tuan was so badly injured that he was only a little separated from her. If there was a more terrible conspiracy behind the natural medicine bureau, could he really protect her?

In the blink of an eye, Jun Jiuli's heart was filled with countless ideas and plans. His eyes had long changed from ink to blue, deep and invisible.

Qi Tuan subconsciously held his hand: "what's the matter with you?"

She felt that the air around her suddenly began to become thick, as if the sky was squeezing towards the ground.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, but when she doesn't understand it, these squeezes automatically exclude her.

If Qi Tuan felt something in his heart, he couldn't help opening his eyes: "Li Li, are you going to advance?"

After breaking through the last stage of the Mahayana in the Linghuang realm, the Lingdi power to cross the looting realm is. In this realm, it is very difficult, even difficult, to enter each stage.

Each stage of promotion during the robbery period involves not only massive spiritual power accumulation, but also an understanding of the way of heaven. It can be said that there are extremely strict requirements for strength and opportunities. The advanced difficulty of a stage is no less than that of every major stage in the realm of the spiritual emperor.

But Jun Jiuli had just been promoted to the Lingdi realm for less than two years, and he saw the news again. Qi Tuan's surprise and pride can be imagined.

She was so happy that she pushed him: "it's great to leave you! All right, go and shut up! Go and practice well! It would be great if you could jump for several times at once!"

She was full of joy and pride, so that the agitation in Jun Jiuli's heart slowly returned to calm. The spiritual power that overflowed outside her body finally began to become calm and obedient, proud to regain control.

Luo you, who came from a distance, raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "I found that this girl ming'er is more effective than a panacea!"

At first, he thought that the stupid boy in his family was badly hurt by his spiritual power. Unexpectedly, the girl just said a few words of encouragement. The stupid boy suddenly realized that his control over the spiritual power was higher.

Shuiyang smiled brightly, but said modestly, "no, no, ming'er is just sensible and talkative. It's better for your boy. He knows that he hurts his daughter-in-law and can carry the spiritual power riot without hurting anyone!"

He was a little sorry for what he said. After all, Qi Tuan was not hurt. The blood guards were forced to withdraw from the yard directly, and the unlucky child Cang Yu spit blood directly!

The bleeding Cang's heart collapsed. He always claimed to be a unlucky child, but he really didn't expect to be unlucky to this extent.

Did he just say something great? How can it stimulate Jun Jiuli to advance on the spot?

Lingdi territory! Less than two years! Advanced stage 2?

If he hadn't come across such bad luck in person, he would have kicked away the people who said this to him.

But at this moment, he really felt that he was dying. The overwhelming spiritual pressure had broken his ribs of the cultivation waste residue. If he squeezed it again, he was afraid to be pierced through his lungs by his bones.

Vaguely heard Qi Tuan Tuan encouraging Jun Jiuli to jump, and heard Luoyou and Shuiyang business blowing each other. Cang shouted weakly with one breath.

"Advance, advance is great... Yes, can you please stay away from me? Not ten meters, even one meter..."

This sentence was difficult to say, and he was spewing out a mouthful of blood.

Qi tuantuan was stunned. Inexplicably guilty, he hurriedly pushed Jun Jiuli: "go quickly! Make great efforts to advance! Protect yourself and don't get hurt!"

Shuiyang and Luoyou coughed at the same time, and then said in unison, "let's go!" stay longer, the blood spitting boy is really dying.

Jun Jiuli looked at Cang Yu with a sad smile, raised his hand and rubbed Qi Tuan's head: "rest when you're tired... I'll come back as soon as possible."

He tried not to let himself recall the shadow brought to him by the last closure, so as not to have an accident in the advanced stage, but delayed his time of guarding his regiment. He was only calm and calm, almost abnormal, and maintained his best state.

Qi Tuan nodded obediently: "you go. I'll find my parents if I have something."

Her words suddenly hit his most concerned point. Seeing that she looked up at herself with a smile on her face, Jun Jiuli couldn't help but wake up the corners of his mouth. The trembling heart demon was severely pressed to the ground by him.

He pinched Qi Tuan's cheek, turned around, and followed Luo you cleanly.

As for Shui Yang, he stayed to be Qi Tuan's temporary Guardian - not only did Jun Jiuli have a shadow in the last imperial capital, but he also had it. He was also afraid that his nephew daughter would disappear again if he didn't pay attention.

Seeing Jun Jiuli and Luo you go away, Qi Tuan waved to Shui Yang with a smile: "come on, uncle, if you want to look at me, you have to look nearby, or you will be taken away by bad guys from the sky. What should you do?"

Standing on the top of the wall, Shui Yang slipped and almost fell directly.

Uncle, uncle?

Why, how dare you shout so openly?

The water rushed to Qi Tuan's side with a swish. She looked complex and stared at her, trying to warn her that she must pay attention to the importance, but she was reluctant to refuse.

Such a soft and waxy uncle, he... He has really been waiting for more than ten years. He dreams of being called by both children openly.

Reluctant to refuse, how reluctant!

But what should I do if I am heard and understand the child's life experience?

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