But for all close relatives, who use real feelings, who doesn't want this feeling to be aboveboard?

Shui Yang has worked hard to bring up Shui Qiyuan. Now he has found his niece who thought he was dead. How happy he is, but no matter how happy he is, he is afraid to bring trouble to the child.

At this moment, Qi Tuan gave a sweet "Uncle" and almost cried down his tears. He wished he could hear her cry again. Where would he be willing to refuse her?

But his eyes were red and red, and his heart was sour and sour. He still touched Qi Tuan's head: "don't call people randomly!"

He was afraid of her accident and Xiaoyuanzi accident. As long as the two children were well, he could not recognize them, just as he did not recognize his sister in those years.

Qi Tuan Tuan glanced at him with his eyes: "why not? My mother recognized you as an adoptive brother, and I can call you uncle."

Shui Yang was stunned. There was a moment of blank in his mind: "what, what?"

Qi Tuan pulled his sleeve, and Shui Yang squatted down: "you just said..." he hesitated all over his face.

Qi tuantuan smiled happily: "is it good for my uncle to be my mother's adoptive brother? She is not in good health, and my father is not optimistic. In case my father makes trouble again in the future, if my mother has an uncle to be my adoptive brother, my uncle can help me and my mother beat my father!"

She seems to be thinking about Bai Su, but in fact, she is also trying to call Shuiyang uncle openly.

There are many people and many things in the world. It is really a person who will never see you again if you don't pay attention. There is no chance to make up for your regret, so you must try your best to seize the people and things you can seize so as not to regret.

Qi Tuan doesn't know why her biological father came to the common enemy in the world, but she knows that the man really loves her and Xiaoyuanzi, and so does her biological mother.

In front of this uncle, he is the best uncle in the world. She can't do anything for her parents for the time being, but she can do everything she can for her uncle.

Qi tuantuan shook Shui Yang's hand and spoiled: "OK? Be my uncle and brother to my mother! My mother is good! I... I am good too!"

Shui Yang's heart trembled because of her soft appearance. He seemed to see his same soft sister. He touched Qi Tuan's head and replied in a dumb voice: "OK. I... Be your mother's adoptive brother, give you, and be your uncle."

Qi Tuan suddenly smiled and bent his eyes: "my mother has occupied the stool!"

Shui Yang was amused and ordered Qi Tuan's forehead: "I'm the one who takes the shit. My daughter has another mother who really loves you."

Qi Tuan smiled shyly and nodded seriously: "I'm a very lucky person. I can always meet good people."

Shui Yang touched her head and a soft color appeared in her eyes: "because you are very good, you will always meet good people."

On one side of the ground, Cang Yu lay cold and didn't want to move and didn't bother to speak.


They are all good people, so they met good people!

So he's a bad man. He deserves to be used, caught, crushed by the spirit and forgotten by everyone?

That's really sorry!

He's so bad!

Maybe Cang Yu's squint at Qi Tuan and Shui Yang was too hot. The uncle and nephew finally remembered his injury and ended their love for each other.

Qi Tuan tapped on his forehead and said, "I forgot you!"

Cang Yu hehe in his heart, and there was no expression on his face: "it doesn't matter, I forgive you."

This can be regarded as feeding Qi Tuan poison before and blaming him for pressing too hard to fight back.

Qi Tuan was not angry but happy. "Pooh Pooh" laughed: "ha ha! You're so funny!"

Cang Yu's face twitched fiercely. He found that he couldn't compare with Qi Tuan Tuan's face. Finally, he pulled his eyelids and closed his eyes without saying anything.

Qi tuantuan ran over with a smile to feel Cang Yu's pulse, and then looked at Cang Yu in surprise: "I can't see that you were such a tough man. You won't make a sound when you're dying."

Cang Yu's cold face pretended not to hear.

Shuiyang felt that he had finally passed his nephew's daughter over Ming Road. It was a happy time. Hearing Qi Tuan say so, he was suddenly curious and his heart to join the fun was very high.

He went to Cang Yu's side and raised his hand to press on his head. A moment later, he raised his hand in surprise: "I'm really dying!"

Cang Yu opened his eyes and mouth several times, but only asked in a deep voice, "how fast is dying?"

Qi Tuan Tuan felt his pulse and said, "I still think you know. You don't know from a distance."

She put down Cang Yu's right hand and changed to her left hand. A moment later, she twisted her eyebrows and said, "you are poisoned too deeply. The person who poisoned you doesn't seem to know much about pharmacology. The poison he poisoned you has exceeded the scope of your body and has been poisoned into your internal organs for a long time. If you don't treat it as soon as possible, you will die for a month or two at most."

Cang Yu's eyes were heavy: "so serious..."

Qi Tuan was shy: "in fact, it wasn't so serious. The medicine I gave you before added a little poison to your viscera, so it suddenly changed from two years to a month."

Her baby's fat, white face is very cute, coupled with an apologetic expression, which makes people refuse to accept criticism - if it's not related to life.

Cang Yu took a deep breath several times before he didn't let himself scold. Seeing Qi Tuan's apology, he still smiled. He immediately felt more and more that he had encountered a pervert.

What's wrong with Jun Jiuli?

How did you love this little pervert so much that you spoiled her into such a perverse state?

Cang Yu stared at Qi Tuan: "how long can you help me delay?"

He is not greedy, even if he can't have the original two-year life span, he can drag it from one month to half a year!

When he shook his mind, Qi Tuan had moved his hands and pricked more than ten silver needles in his head. Hearing his problem, she said casually: "a month..."

Cang Yu was in despair.

Qi Tuan tied up the part of her head and motioned Cang Yu to get up. She was going to tie up her chest: "it would be better to detoxify once every seven days in a month, but after all, it hurt the deep organs. The problems of weakness and cultivation residue can't be changed."

Cang Yu was stunned and even forgot to follow the doctor's advice and get up.

"Yes, can it be cured?"

After a long time, he finally reacted. A carp jumped up and grabbed Qi Tuan's wrist.

"Can I still be saved? I don't have to die?"

As soon as he finished asking, he felt the blood vessels on his head jump suddenly, as if they were pierced by thousands of steel needles.

Qi Tuan Tuan was stunned and then became angry: "are you mentally retarded? Are you mentally retarded? You farted when you acupuncture your head! Do you want to die? If you want to die, don't fall into my hands! Are you using your life to slander me as a quack? Are you mentally retarded!"

With Qi Tuan's angry voice, Cang Yu brushed two tubes of nose blood under his nose, and then he was black and didn't know anything

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