Her hair is as black as clouds, her face is as red as peach, her eyebrows are as light as spring mountains, her eyes are as charming as autumn waves, her breasts are big and her waist is slim, her hips are slim and her legs are long, she looks like a drunken crabapple in the sun.

This is what Qingqiu Xiaoyu looks like after she transforms into a human form, and it is also her fixed appearance.

With such a beautiful face, she is not inferior to Rong Xiyao, Tang Qingyi and others, and even more charming.

The evil and charming aura she naturally exudes is far better than that of the Queen Mother Hua Yanqiu, and the two are simply incomparable.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Changjing was deceived and almost fell for it.

In addition to her natural body fragrance and the power of confusing the heart, she can be called a first-class beauty in the world of Shenzhou.

Qingqiu Xiaoyu also has the body of Jiuyin, which is of great benefit to his practice. Lu Changjing is also looking forward to the next practice.

"Master, since you have captured me, can you help me repair the injuries of my Nine Yin Body in the future?"

"If the injuries can be repaired, and with a few auxiliary divine objects, I have at least 60% chance of breaking through the shackles of gods and demons and becoming a strange god. At that time, I will definitely help you clear all obstacles and establish an unparalleled achievement."

"Master, do you want it?"


Looking at Qingqiu Xiaoyu with a face full of expectation, thinking of the huge benefits brought by the exchange of pure yang energy and nine yin energy, what else can I say.

Lu Changjing immediately hugged her: "Yes!"


When practicing, time passed quickly, and a few hours passed in a blink of an eye. It was not until midnight that the two stopped.

Sensing the surge of pure yang energy and the greatly improved Cang Yang Technique, Lu Changjing was also very happy.

In just a few hours of practice, he has caught up with his previous months of practice. It can be said that the speed of practice has increased by dozens of times.

At this speed, it will not take a few years for him to complete the Cang Yang Technique.

Moreover, as the physique continues to increase, the talent and qualifications will also increase, the speed of practicing the Cang Yang Technique will be faster, and the time to complete the practice will be shorter.

Compared with the benefits obtained by Lu Changjing, Qingqiu Xiaoyu's benefits are much less, but it is enough to surprise her.

She can also feel that Lu Changjing's pure Yang Qi is getting stronger, and the speed of the Nine Yin Qi is far less than that of the pure Yang Qi.

At this rate, there is a great chance that it will transform into the Nine Yang Qi in the future, thus completely solving her hidden dangers.

Not only that, when the Nine Yin Qi and the Nine Yang Qi complete the first great combination, it can greatly increase the probability of breaking through the shackles of gods and demons.

This means that she can get greater benefits from Lu Changjing, so even if Lu Changjing drives her away at this moment, she will not leave.

After taking Qingqiu Xiaoyu, Lu Changjing did not place her in the imperial study, but placed her in the three palaces and six courtyards where the concubines lived, replacing the position of one of the concubines, just like treating Cai Xiuer.

If Lu Changjing needs to practice the Cang Yang Technique in the future, he will notify Qingqiu Xiaoyu to come over. On weekdays, she only needs to be busy with her own practice, without too many restrictions.

She can also enjoy various delicacies in the palace on a daily basis. Occasionally, Lu Changjing will also give her some suitable resources. Of course, the resources suitable for Lu Changjing from Qingqiu Xiaoyu have been almost plundered by him.

Qingqiu Xiaoyu is quite satisfied with this kind of life.

However, the sixth soul-picking quota was given to Qingqiu Xiaoyu, which means that there is no quota for Cao Wenzheng.

It is not possible to breed the seventh soul-picking hook in a short time, so a way must be found.

After repeated consideration, Lu Changjing decided to release Cai Gu from slavery and free up a soul-picking hook.

The reason is that Cai Gu has done too many things to harm Cao Wenzheng. Now only Lu Changjing can protect him, and at the same time, he also holds the life and death of his family.

In this case, Cai Gu is basically impossible to betray, so there is no need to add insurance with the soul-picking hook.

So he decisively summoned Cai Gu and told him that he had worked hard and expressed his loyalty to him during this period, so he decided to release him from slavery.

Lu Changjing did not tell him that he had no choice but to release him from slavery to make room for Cao Wen Zheng because there were not enough soul-picking hooks.

So Cai Gu was very grateful for this and swore that he would work hard for him until his death.

What Cai Gu did not know was that through the soul-stealing technique, Lu Changjing had stolen many secrets of the Cai family and his own secrets from him.

Even if he dared to betray him later, Lu Changjing would have many ways to control him.

Moreover, Cai Gu's strength was not up to par. He was now able to enslave a grandmaster, and the soul-picking quota was so precious. He had to find a way to enslave a grandmaster who was strong enough in the future.

There were also Cao Xiuyuan and Zhao Yali, who would be slowly replaced later.

After seeing off the grateful Cai Gu, Lu Changjing looked at the soul-picking hook that had been vacated, nodded with satisfaction, and prepared to polish it for a while and then find an opportunity to take down Cao Wen Zheng.

At that time, Lu Changjing will call Jin Longyu and Qingqiu Xiaoyu over. If the three grandmasters attack together, I don't believe that they can't defeat Cao Wenzheng.

Before that, it is better to improve the realm of cultivation to ensure that there is no risk.

After all, he is an old grandmaster. Who knows how many cards Cao Wenzheng has hidden? Don't be careless.

Although it is temporarily impossible to break through the bottleneck, it is still possible to cultivate to the seventh level of perfection, and the strength can be increased a lot.

With sufficient resources and treasures to assist, and without having to worry about the problem of unstable foundation, it is so easy to practice.

It only took a few days for Lu Changjing to improve his spirit, energy and spirit to the seventh level. He only needs to polish it for a while, and when his physical fitness is improved, he can break through the bottleneck.

At this moment, a year has passed since he crossed into this world. The physical fitness brought by the immortal demon body alone has reached more than 360 points, and it is still the kind of all-round one.

The improvement of physical training also nourishes and drives the improvement of spiritual veins, Dantian, spiritual sea... If nothing unexpected happens, when the physical fitness reaches 400 points and breaks 100 again, it may be able to break through the bottleneck.

The quenching and nourishment of pure yang energy is also quite comprehensive, at least much more comprehensive than the enhancement brought by physical training, and it can also greatly increase his physical fitness.

The effect on the growth of physical training is particularly large, and there is also Xiao Lu, who is related to Lu Changjing's dignity, so the improvement is even faster.

This also made Lu Changjing determined to practice the Cang Yang Technique well and not give up prematurely. He also wanted to become more than 20 centimeters taller than the average book friends in his previous life's chat group, and awaken his special talents at the same time.

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