Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 113: Chess Piece Princess Wanping (500+ additional chapters per subscription)

More than an hour later, the well-fed Imperial Concubine left the Imperial Study Room with Lu Changjing's secret letter, feeling a little dizzy.

The Imperial Concubine was a little overwhelmed by the imported delicacies. Although she did not bring any food this time, Lu Changjing prepared a lot.

There is another important point in the secret letter, which is to allow the King of Southwest to act at his own discretion. If he thinks it is beneficial to the Daning Dynasty, he can make a decision directly.

The so-called generals are not subject to the orders of the king when they are away from home, this is the truth.

The King of Southwest has been silent for too long, and it is time to let those barbarians see the strength of the four kings of Daning. In the past, he was not well-known, but it was only because he was held back by Ning Tianbao and Ning Zhongyu.

When there are no more constraints, even if no military funds are given, the King of Southwest will give everyone an explanation.

As expected by Lu Changjing, after learning of Lu Changjing's new conditions, the Shanman envoys quickly agreed. Obviously, in their opinion, a mere woman could not teach the Blood Barbarians a lesson and regain their lost resources and dignity.

The reason why Lu Changjing proposed this condition was that he knew it would not hurt the Shanman tribe.

However, because of Princess Wanping's incident, he, the emperor, had a very bad reputation in Baiyujing. In addition, Lu Changjing still had some thoughts of his own. Maybe he could use Princess Wanping as a pawn in the future to give Ning Zhongyu and Ning Tianbao a surprise.

Anyway, it was a good thing without spending any money, but it could save this tortured princess, so why not do it.

After agreeing to this condition, the Shanman envoy immediately sent a message to the tribe, and soon received the news that Princess Wanping had set off and rushed to Baiyujing.

With the galloping horse, it would not take long for Princess Wanping to return to Baiyujing and meet His Majesty the Emperor of Daning.

At the same time, Lu Changjing received news that another blood beast from the Blood Barbarians had entered the Fulong Mountains.

Blood beasts are a special kind of monster born in the Zama Blood Forest. Each one is a great tonic for body-refining warriors.

Most blood beasts are only level one to ten, and only a small number of body-refining warriors can reach level ten or above.

Blood beasts contain rich blood and spirit blood, and they are quite gentle and can be easily absorbed, greatly improving the cultivation realm of body-refining warriors and body-refining masters.

In addition, the blood and spirit blood in the blood beasts also have a certain foundation-building effect, which also has a certain effect on the stability of the foundation of cultivation.

People even call them treasure beasts, which shows how valuable blood beasts are.

These blood beasts basically live deep underground and are difficult to catch. Even for the Blood Barbarians who are very familiar with the Zama Blood Forest, it is not easy to catch blood beasts deep underground.

Only at a certain time, after natural disasters and man-made disasters, these blood beasts will crawl out from the ground, which gives the Blood Barbarians the opportunity to capture them.

If nothing unexpected happens, the reason why the blood beasts in Zama Blood Forest crawled out in large numbers this time is probably because of the spring drought.

It is said that Zama Blood Forest has not rained for several months, and many underground water veins have dried up. In order to obtain water for survival, many blood beasts crawled out from deep underground and looked for rivers and lakes outside.

The Fulong Mountains are at a very high altitude, and snow water flows down all year round. Blood beasts like to eat snow water, so blood beasts often break into the adjacent Fulong Mountains.

There are also many lakes and rivers in the southwest region of the Daning Dynasty, and it is normal to attract many blood beasts to flow over.

Some high-level blood beasts are helpful to Lu Changjing's practice, and low-level ones are treasures for physical warriors to build foundations and practice.

If the King of the Southwest has a rich harvest in the future, he can let Rong Xiyao get some to help him improve his physical practice.

He can really decide the power of the court, and he has obtained a lot of good things from Cao Wenzheng, Nie Sha and others, including several treasures that assist breakthroughs.

The physique has also improved, so it's time to break through the eighth-level master.

After polishing for a period of time, after the Qi Refining cultivation is perfect, Lu Changjing began to impact the eighth-level bottleneck.

After taking a barrier-breaking pill, the bottleneck of Qi Refining softened a lot, and it was easy to shake the bottleneck dam without mobilizing too much imperial true qi.

The more than 400 points of physical fitness brought by physical fitness and the increase in spiritual veins and Dantian brought by physical training can really withstand the impact.

Feeling the cracks in the bottleneck of Qi Refining soon, Lu Changjing nodded with satisfaction.

Every time you break through the bottleneck, whether it is the bottleneck of Qi Refining, the bottleneck of physical training, or the bottleneck of spiritual training, the general process and method are actually similar, but there are many differences in the details.

The reason for this is naturally not because the human warriors in this world can't think of those various ways to break through the bottleneck, but deliberately do so.

There is only one purpose, that is, practice makes perfect!

If you use similar methods to break through the barriers every time, you will have experience and lessons every time, so that the next time you break through the barriers will be much easier.

The ancestors of the human race deliberately created such a cultivation system and a barrier-breaking system in order to allow more human practitioners to break through the shackles and enter a higher realm to support the human race.

If the methods and techniques of breaking through the barriers are different every time, the originally low probability of breaking through the barriers will plummet by ten times, a hundred times, or even more times.

Therefore, the barrier-breaking techniques and methods that seem to have many repetitions are actually the result of the hard work of the ancestors of the human race, simplifying the barrier-breaking process as much as possible and reducing the difficulty of breaking through the barriers.

Even so, every time they break through the barriers, many practitioners fail, and some are injured, and some die.

Every time Lu Changjing breaks through the barriers, there seems to be a lot of repetition, which seems quite boring, but if he can choose, he would rather be as boring as possible.

It is best to break through the barriers every time, so that the possibility of breaking through will be greatly increased.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Accompanied by the continuous cracking sound, the bottleneck of Qi Refining shattered, and Lu Changjing's Qi Refining cultivation also broke through to a new level.

Eighth-level Grandmaster!

With a calm face and no hurry, Lu Changjing continued to absorb the medicinal power of the elixir, stabilize the current cultivation, and improve the quantity and quality of the imperial true qi.

After the midnight passed, some of the frivolous foundation was completely stabilized.

Lu Changjing can also continue to absorb a large amount of medicinal power from spiritual stones, elixir, and spiritual medicine, so as to improve the quantity and quality of the imperial true qi. When these imperial true qi fill most of the dantian and spiritual veins, he will start to cast the eighth spiritual vein.

It only took two days for Lu Changjing to forge the eighth spiritual vein, and his strength increased dramatically. After adapting, he began to challenge the bottlenecks of body and spirit refining.

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