Driven by his Qi refining cultivation, it is not difficult to break through the body refining bottleneck and the god refining bottleneck. In less than a month, he successively broke through the eighth-level grandmaster realm.

In this way, Lu Changjing's body refining, qi refining, spirit refining... essence, qi, and spirit all broke through, and he once again stepped into the realm of a master of all disciplines.

With every movement of his hand, a huge force of more than 40,000 kilograms was unleashed, and he could easily make a punching explosion.

Under normal circumstances, even a great body-refining master only has a strength of about 15,000 kilograms. As for an eighth-level body-refining master, he only has a power of just over 10,000 kilograms.

This is naturally due to the improvement brought by the super high physique, which is more than four times that of the body refining master of the same level. Unfortunately, the improvement of strength and physique are not synchronized, otherwise he would have nearly a thousand times the strength of ordinary people at this moment. strength.

That is a huge force of more than 100,000 kilograms, which is definitely not a small number.

After using the strength of the eighth level of Quanke, Lu Changjing specially competed with Jin Longyu, Cao Wenzheng, Nie Sha and others, and surprisingly he was able to suppress several of them easily.

This made Jin Longyu, Cao Wenzheng and others pale in shock. They didn't expect that his true strength was so powerful.

He was captured by Lu Changjing's conspiracy before. Although they were quite respectful on the surface, to be honest, several people were still a little unconvinced.

They felt that Lu Changjing was a bit weak. If they were to fight head-on, it was still unclear who would win, and their chances of winning were very high.

But when they actually fought against Lu Changjing, they realized that they were wrong. Even Nie Sha, who was the most powerful, was no match for Lu Changjing.

Some people may think that if they use various trump cards, they can defeat Lu Changjing, but they have trump cards, doesn't Lu Changjing have no trump cards?

Equipped with top-notch spiritual weapons, including semi-sacred weapons, various spiritual talismans, and even forbidden elixirs, Lu Changjing was not afraid of even the slightest bit when he really put his cards together.

In the process of competing with several people, Lu Changjing's Huangji Dragon Step, Huangji Sword Technique, and Huangji Four Tribulations also made rapid progress. The three effectively cooperated and promoted each other to produce stronger power.

It is indeed a system of exercises, far more powerful than ordinary exercises.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Lu Changjing sat on the dragon chair and went to court again.

Since he was able to truly decide all the affairs of the Daning Dynasty, Lu Changjing no longer felt that going to court was a sad thing, but rather enjoyed it.

After all, this feeling that can determine the fate of countless people, and even the ups and downs of the earth, is really intoxicating.

This is the taste of power!

"Your Majesty, stinky... the Ying Clan Emperor has sent his credentials again, asking us to severely punish the civil gangs that undermine the peace of Ning Ying. Otherwise, we will launch a large-scale attack on the coastal areas."

As soon as the court meeting began, the Minister of Rites brought a piece of bombshell news.

Lu Changjing smiled: "If I remember correctly, it has always been the smelly natives who have been harassing our coastal people. They have even massacred villages and counties. The people there only rose up to resist for a way to survive. These shameless dogs How dare you say such things."

As soon as the words fell, the whole hall fell into silence.

None of the civil and military officials expected that His Majesty Emperor Ning, who had always adopted a policy of peace with the Ying tribe natives, would actually say such words in the Jinluan Palace.

Isn't this clearly just a curse? In front of so many people, the Tian family is no longer dignified, and Ning Ying needs to be friendly.

All civil and military officials in the court secretly looked at Lu Changjing, a little unable to believe their ears.

If the previous treatment of the mountain barbarians was a bit shocking, one might think that His Majesty Emperor Ning had taken the wrong medicine, but he actually made a completely opposite decision to what he had done before.

So scolding the Ying tribe natives this time has proved that His Majesty Ning Huang did not take the wrong medicine, but that great changes have really taken place.

The Minister of Rites was a little confused: "This... this..."

He was speechless for a long time, until the Minister of Rites came out to smooth things over: "Your Majesty, I, Daning, have a broad mind and will never care about these natives. These natives are unruly and rude, and they have always been like this in their words and actions. Please calm down and give them a good beating." Just a few words, and if you give them a little sweetness, they will naturally burst into tears."

"What sweetness?" Lu Changjing looked at Han Guangqi, the Minister of Rites.

Han Guangqi smiled dryly and said: "This... this is naturally giving up some villages and towns to them. These Ying tribe natives will leave after looting and will not be stationed along the coast. They are just suffering from scabies."

Although this kind of response is shameless, Ning Zhongyu and others have done this in the past, so Han Guangqi dared to say it so blatantly.

In his opinion, this was clearly the consistent plan of the late emperor and Ning Zhongyu, and there was nothing wrong with saying so.

"Shang Shu Zhao is so generous. Why don't you send all your people to the villages and towns in the coastal area and let the smelly tribe plunder them to see how many are left." Lu Changjing sneered.

After saying one sentence, Han Guangqi's expression suddenly changed, and he knelt down hurriedly: "Your Majesty, calm down, I know I was wrong."

"Your parents, wife and children are human beings. Aren't the common people in those coastal villages and towns human beings? They are all my children. If you dare to have similar thoughts in the future, don't blame me for being rude." Lu Changjing said solemnly.

Han Guangqi vaguely understood something, kowtowed repeatedly and said: "Wei Chen, please remember this."

Other civil and military officials also prostrated themselves, and many of them had a look of surprise on their faces. Whether they were the main war faction, the peace faction, or the neutral faction, a thought came to their minds at this moment.

His Majesty the Emperor has changed!

But what exactly caused such a big change?

No one thought that the emperor had changed and the person sitting on the dragon throne was a fake, because if it was a real fake, he would never dare to change so much. Wouldn't this make everyone suspicious?

So in everyone's opinion, something must have happened to His Majesty the Emperor, which led to such a big change in His Majesty the Emperor. Otherwise, how could His Majesty, who was on the side of the peace party a few days ago, suddenly run to the side of the pro-war party?

It's not scientific, it's not scientific at all.

"Issue an edict to Qi Pinghai, let him act at his convenience and keep the enemy out of the country as much as possible."

When the Hall of Supreme Harmony was quiet, Lu Changjing directly issued a heavy order, which made the civil and military officials in the court, who had already made some guesses, silent for a while.

Even the pro-war faction suddenly seemed to be unable to accept such a big change in His Majesty the Emperor, and their minds were in a mess.

Cao Wenzheng, who was standing behind Lu Changjing, had a bitter smile on his lips, but he quickly took it back.

Minister of Rites Han Guangqi, Minister of Personnel Zhao Jintian, and Minister of Punishment Gao Huijing winked at each other, and looked at Minister of Revenue Jin Longyu, but found that he did not respond.

Thinking of Minister of Personnel Han Guangqi who had just been taught a lesson, he finally did not come out to object.

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