Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 24 The truth that subverts everything

The female assassin obviously wanted Lu Changjing to know the cause of his death, so she did not kill him immediately.

Looking at the tearful female assassin, Lu Changjing was silent for a moment and said: "If the embankment had not burst in Songren Mansion five years ago and diverted the water from the Huangsha River, once several prefectures downstream were flooded, more people would have died. ”

"I don't care what happens downstream. I only know that because you ordered the dike to break, the entire Songren Mansion was flooded, and millions of people were killed or injured, including all my relatives."

The female assassin became excited: "Emperor Dog, I am just a little girl. I don't know the overall situation of the court. I know that because of you, Emperor Dog, all my relatives are dead, so you must pay with your life."

"But before seeking revenge from me, didn't the girl know the inside story of the flood of Songren Mansion?" Lu Changjing said with a bitter smile.

"The inside story?" The female assassin frowned: "What other inside story can there be? Isn't this the inside story that this dog emperor ordered the embankment to be breached, turning our entire Songren Mansion into a hell on earth?"

Lu Changjing said helplessly: "It seems that you really don't understand the inside story of that year. It was not me who ordered the dike breach. If you don't believe it, you can read the files in the imperial study outside. There are records of this incident in it."

"Impossible, I asked many people, and they all said that you, the dog emperor, ordered the dike to be broken. How could it not be you?" The female assassin shouted in disbelief. She pulled out her long sword and tried to chop off Lu Changjing's head. head.

Lu Changjing looked at her and said with certainty: "I just said that if you don't believe it, you can read the files in the Imperial Study Room outside. There is a backup of the files on this matter in the Imperial Study Room."

"Before this, I didn't know that you wanted to assassinate me, and you wouldn't leave any false files. You will know after you go and take a look."

"Hmph..." The female assassin suddenly thought of something: "You want to trick me into going out. Cao Wenzheng is outside. Once I go out, I will definitely be killed by him. In this way, you will be saved and I will not have sex with you." That’s right.”

Lu Changjing smiled bitterly: "There is a door mirror in this secret room. You can use the door mirror to see if Cao Wenzheng is outside. If he is outside, don't go out. If he is not, you can go out and get the file."

"After all, you don't want to die with me without knowing it, but you don't even know the real enemy."

"This..." The female assassin blushed, but she still said stubbornly: "I just didn't expect that you, the dog emperor, would still be doing this kind of thing in the room."

Under the guidance of Lu Changjing, the female assassin quickly found the door mirror. Through the door mirror, she discovered that Cao Wenzheng was not in the imperial study room. He must have gone out for something.

Only then did he feel relieved, but he still did not let Lu Changjing go, but carried him out cautiously.

Once she finds anything wrong, she will directly crush Lu Changjing to death. Anyway, she is already prepared to die together.

As long as she could get revenge, she was willing to die immediately.

It was worth dying to be able to take Emperor Daning to hell with him.

"The file about the Huangsha River bursting its banks five years ago is in the third grid of the first shelf. You can just take it down."

Lu Changjing pointed out that the female assassin quickly found the file about the Huangsha River bursting its banks, which was quite a foot thick.

After getting the file, she immediately took Lu Changjing back to the secret retreat room and locked the door.

"Stay here quietly."

The female assassin left Lu Changjing behind and began to flip through the thick files. As she flipped through, her eyes quickly turned red again.

What happened back then was like a nightmare to her. When everything became clear again and presented in more detail before her eyes, how could she not shed tears.

But soon, the tears in her eyes retracted, and she stood up in disbelief: "Impossible, how is this possible? The one who ordered the dike to be breached back then was not you, the dog emperor, but someone respected by the world. Songren Palace Master Yu Jinzhong, I don’t believe it!”

"Indeed, when the situation was urgent, the court had not yet discussed a result, and I did not know how to choose, Palace Master Yu who was on the front line privately ordered the digging of the river embankment for the sake of the tens of millions of people downstream. "Lu Changjing said in a deep voice.

The female assassin looked at him and said angrily: "Palace Master Yu is so kind to the people, how could he do such a thing? It must be you, the dog emperor, who tampered with the files and put all the blame on Palace Master Yu. I must kill him You are a dog emperor.”

"Do you think this is a crime?" Lu Changjing looked at her and asked a little strangely.

The female assassin grabbed the sword in her hand: "Isn't it a crime? Isn't it a crime to kill so many people?"

"But in everyone's eyes, the breaking of the embankment is a great achievement." Lu Changjing said solemnly: "Because of the timely breaking of the embankment, several places in the lower reaches of the Huangsha River have been preserved, and tens of millions of people can be safe and sound. , nothing compared to the millions of people killed and injured.”

"So the file does not put all the blame on Palace Master Yu, but returns all the credit to Palace Master Yu, not me, the ninth-five-year-old."

The female assassin was trembling all over. Although she knew what Lu Changjing said was right, she still couldn't accept it.

Lu Changjing continued: "In the eyes of the people of the world, breaking the embankment is a great achievement that shakes the sky, so with the help of many people, this great achievement of shaking the sky fell on me, and I usurped the credit of Palace Master Yu. "

"If you hadn't come here tonight, I would not have let anyone else know about this matter. Otherwise, once word spreads, my majesty will be lost."

"So...so many people have said that it was you, the dog emperor, who ordered the dam to burst. This is praising you, not blaming you." The female assassin gnashed her teeth.

At the same time, she remembered the admiration and respect that many people had for Emperor Daning when they talked about this matter. At that time, she did not think about it carefully, nor did she dare to think about it carefully.

But now that she thinks about it carefully, what Lu Changjing said is not wrong. All this is indeed true.

The object of her revenge for many years is not her enemy. The real enemy is Yu Jinzhong, the owner of the Yu Mansion, who is praised by the entire Songren Mansion and her relatives.

What an irony.

Thinking of this, the female assassin couldn't help crying out loud. She almost collapsed and didn't know what to do next.

Lu Changjing didn't say anything, just watched quietly, and at this moment, the midnight had passed.

With the improvement of his physical condition, the poison in his body was also completely eliminated, and the whole person was fully recovered.

With the help of the Huangji Lingfu on his body, his life was no longer in danger.

He was so paralyzed before that he couldn't even use the Imperial Spirit Talisman.

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