The relationship with Tan Qingyun and Lin Yixin developed so quickly, which was unexpected.

Lu Changjing, who was once a helpless young man, also longed for his own love, which was to find an ordinary girl who was not that outstanding and have a simple relationship.

Holding hands, walking on the road, watching movies, eating hot pot, traveling... She may not be beautiful, she may have a bad temper, and she may even have several ex-boyfriends.

None of this matters, as long as she doesn't dislike her for not having a house, a car, or any savings... as long as she is willing to live with him. After getting married and starting a family, he will definitely work hard to make the family live a good life.

But even if his wish is not too exaggerated and he is very clear about his situation, he still can't find an ordinary girl who is willing to fall in love with him. Her appearance is enough.

Unexpectedly, after time travel, in just a month or two, he had already dated two extremely beautiful women.

There is still no prelude, the kind that reaches second base in one step, and almost reaches third base.

This made Lu Changjing, who had longed for a beautiful love, very embarrassed, but he liked it.

He smiled and continued to enjoy the taste of imported grapes. It was so sweet that it was so sweet.

Although the progress is a bit faster, considering that Ning Zhongyu has been married to the concubine in the harem for many years, and the two parties are husband and wife, it is normal for the progress to be so fast.

Who would shyly fall in love with his wife after getting married? The marriage must have been consummated long ago.

Lu Changjing's progress is already slow. If he had not faced internal and external troubles, he would have had a child long ago.

Two hours later, Lin Yixin left in a daze.

Lu Changjing quickly found a high-grade elixir and applied it to his lips, so that his lips could recover in the shortest possible time and avoid being discovered by Cao Wenzheng.

In the following days, Lin Yixin kept her promise and would come over from time to time, insisting on catching up with Tan Qingyun.

If Lu Changjing hadn't been strong enough, the Hidden Yang Technique would have been broken long ago, and it would have been over.

But that evening, when Lu Changjing was busy tasting imported bananas with Lin Yixin, he didn't notice a petite figure entering through the small hole in the skylight and hiding in the secret room.

At this moment, the two of them were not near the secret room, but on a desk in a corner. Otherwise, they would not be allowed to enter the secret room easily.

"Emperor Dog, you are so shameless, doing such a thing in broad daylight."

After hiding, the petite figure let out a long sigh of relief, her pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but spat. Her voice was clear and sweet. She was obviously a woman, and it sounded very nice.

However, the woman didn't know that her strength was actually far superior to that of Lu Changjing and Lin Yixin. Even if the two sides had met just now, there was a high probability that Lu Changjing and Lin Yixin would be killed.

So it was not her who should breathe a sigh of relief, but Lu Changjing and Lin Yixin.

The two of them escaped by accident and could enjoy the delicious taste of imported spirit bananas.

When it was almost dark, Lin Yixin left in a hurry, and Cao Wenzheng came back not long after.

After giving some pointers to what Lu Changjing didn't understand, he was asked to rest in a secret room after dinner.

As usual, he began to practice Five Elements Boxing, and before that, he naturally had to eat a low-level spiritual fruit.

But when he was boxing, Lu Changjing didn't notice that the subtle fragrance was flowing in the secret room, blending in with the smell of auxiliary spices, making it difficult for others to detect.

It wasn't until he was close to midnight that Lu Changjing felt something was wrong. His whole body had become limp and he couldn't even perform his fists stably.

Could it be that he was poisoned?

Lu Changjing immediately realized something, turned around and wanted to escape from the secret room and seek help from Cao Wenzheng, but it was already too late.

"Emperor Dog, your death has come!"

With a cold snort, a petite figure rushed out from the corner of the secret room and blocked Lu Changjing's path.

Although he doesn't know the specific strength of the other party, he is definitely above the Grandmaster, because his strength is almost the first person under the Grandmaster, but he still cannot find out the details of the other party.

Let alone being poisoned, even if he was not poisoned, Lu Changjing was no match for him.

Are you going to die here today?

No, the person the other party wanted to kill was Ning Zhongyu, not him, Lu Changjing, so he really couldn't confess.

The female assassin was dressed in a gray outfit, and her face was covered with gray cloth. She couldn't see what she looked like at all, but she had a good figure and a nice voice.

The most important thing is that she did not take action immediately. After stopping Lu Changjing, she looked at him with a sneer: "How delicious is the soft dragon fragrance? Even a dragon can be fascinated by it. You, the real dragon emperor who boasts about it, will definitely not be able to stop it. "

"Of course it can't be stopped." Feeling his limp limbs, Lu Changjing smiled bitterly and said, "I wonder what grudges I have against the girl. Why do you want to take such a big risk to assassinate me?"

It's better to check the situation first, and if it doesn't work, just expose it yourself.

"You ask me what grudges I have?" The female assassin's eyes turned red: "Emperor Dog, do you still remember the Huangsha River bursting its banks five years ago?"

Lu Changjing's expression changed slightly. Regarding this matter, Cao Wenzheng specifically told him that it was a major event that happened not long after Ning Zhongyu succeeded to the throne of Daning.

At that time, there were heavy rains in the middle and upper reaches of the Huangsha River for several days and nights. Even the Grand Master could not break the clouds and could only watch many places being flooded.

As a result, the Huangsha River flooded and was about to burst its embankments. In order to protect the land in Shufu downstream, the embankments were broken in the middle and lower reaches, and the Huangsha River water was diverted to Songren Prefecture and other places.

This move caused heavy losses to Songren Prefecture, but it also saved several prefectures below.

It is said that Songren Prefecture suffered no less than one million casualties at that time, which was one of the biggest disasters since Ning Zhongyu took over. Songren Prefecture has not recovered yet.

"Are you from Songren Prefecture?"

Lu Changjing thought of something and looked at the female assassin.

The female assassin gnashed her teeth, tears welling up in her bright eyes: "Yes, I am from Songren Prefecture, and my hometown is there."

"Because of your order, the entire Songren Prefecture became a living hell. My father, mother, brother, sister, aunt...all died in the flood. If I hadn't been practicing with my master outside at the time, I would have died."

"Since that incident, I have been practicing martial arts hard and finally entered the realm of a master. I imprisoned a young lady who was away visiting her relatives, disguised myself as her, and quietly sneaked into the palace. Now I finally found an opportunity. Dog emperor, you are dead this time, and the blood feud of millions of people in Songren Prefecture can finally be avenged."

Lu Changjing was stunned. He didn't expect that there was such an inside story behind the assassination. It's just that there are many things about this matter that the female assassin didn't know.

Although Ning Zhongyu was a bad person and acquiesced to the people below colluding with demons and monsters, he was very wronged in this matter.

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