Listening to Lu Changjing's story, Shu Chang's bright eyes widened, and she felt that all this was too thrilling. She didn't expect that she actually had such a magical master, and she was about to marry him.

Shu Chang had no doubts about this, especially after knowing that her master was only in his twenties this year, and even younger than her, she would not doubt it.

Top-level gods and demons in their twenties, let alone humans, are not seen even among demons and monsters, and cannot be explained by common sense.

So it can only prove one thing, that is, what the master said is true. He is the reincarnated Xuanzun, which is why he was able to soar all the way in just a few years and restore his cultivation realm to the top-level gods and demons.

Lu Changjing also specifically told Shu Chang not to spread it, so as not to let the outside world know about it and bring him trouble.

Compared with being famous all over the world, Lu Changjing prefers to make a fortune quietly. Even if he really can't hide it, it's enough to go to fame under a vest. It's better for him to hide as his real body.

After fooling Master Fu, who was about to marry him, Lu Changjing went to Baiyao Valley and told Master Fu the same story.

Master Fu was also stunned. She never thought that the master she ate was so young, only in his twenties.

Compared to her age of a thousand years, Lu Changjing was just a child.

But if Lu Changjing's life span in his previous life was taken into account, she became a child again.

Sure enough, after a brief confession, Master Fu was very happy and served Lu Changjing well, allowing her to appreciate the beauty of every scene in the purple bamboo forest.

Under the bamboo forest, on the bamboo forest, beside the stream, in the stream, on the stone chair, under the stone chair, on the grass, in the white clouds... all left their figures.

Master Fu also learned to enjoy the essence of gods and demons without a teacher. She is worthy of being his teacher. She learns things quickly.

After several sleepless nights, Lu Changjing finally defeated Master Fu with his magical powers, and was able to get away and return to Baiyujing, where he found Qingqiu Xiaoyu who was practicing.

"Xiaoyu, there is something I have been hiding from you. I am not Ning Zhongyu, but Lu Changjing, the reincarnated Xuanzun..."

Lu Changjing lied sincerely, and Qingqiu Xiaoyu was soon attracted by his story. Her delicate face changed from surprise to shock, and then from shock to dumbfounded... She did not expect that her pillowmate would have such a bizarre experience.

No wonder he is so powerful, it turns out that he is the reincarnated Xuanzun.

After fooling Qingqiu Xiaoyu, Lu Changjing thought about it and decided to tell his other lovers, especially those who always thought he was Ning Zhongyu.

He couldn't keep it a secret like this, otherwise it would be too disrespectful, and he would soon change back to his original name and would no longer use the name Ning Zhongyu.

He is not worthy, nor does he need it. Now Lu Changjing has absolute strength and power.

Four God King-level servants, plus him, a half-mysterious god and demon, looking at the current Shenzhou land, no one can deal with him.

As long as you don't commit suicide, you basically won't worry about your life.

The first person Lu Changjing looked for was Rong Xiyao. When she heard that he was not Ning Zhongyu, the imperial concubine couldn't help but exclaimed, her face became extremely strange, and her body was slightly stiff.

But she was immediately held in Lu Changjing's arms to comfort her emotions.

I don't know how long it took, Rong Xiyao asked carefully: "Then... Then it has always been you who has been in love with me, not Ning Zhongyu?"

"Yes, Ning Zhongyu has never touched you, and he was already a eunuch before I entered the palace. From the first time we fell in love, that person was me." Lu Changjing knew Rong Xiyao's concerns and quickly confirmed this.

Rong Xiyao was relieved. If she had been in love with Ning Zhongyu and Lu Changjing successively in these years, she would not know what to do next.

As the saying goes, a good woman does not serve two husbands, even if they are just in love.

Although Lu Changjing from the previous life did not care much, he was just in love. Before him, how many men and women who got married in the previous life were original when they got married, not to mention just hugging and cuddling, which was too rare.

But Rong Xiyao obviously did not think so, and the other concubines probably did not think so either.

Seeing Rong Xiyao embarrassed and at a loss, Lu Changjing hugged her body tightly: "Xiyao, don't think too much. Although I am not Ning Zhongyu, I have always been in love with you. That's enough. The feelings between us are real."

"Well..." Rong Xiyao's eyes were red, and she buried her head in Lu Changjing's arms: "As long as Your Majesty does not dislike me, I will... After all, I have held a wedding with Ning Zhongyu."

So she cares about this. Lu Changjing smiled and kissed her: "Isn't it just a wedding? We will hold one later. Xiyao is a pure and innocent person. What's wrong with holding a wedding."

"And if it weren't for Xiyao, I don't know when I could recover enough strength to get out of the predicament. Xiyao is my benefactor, so what do these things mean."

After a lot of comfort, Lu Changjing used verbal battles, imported food, looking for grapes, and tickling his feet... Finally, Rong Xiyao let go of her grudges.

She had no feelings for Ning Zhongyu in the first place. If it weren't for the family's need for it and Ning Zhongyu's initiative to propose marriage in a way that was impossible to refuse, she would not have married him.

But she didn't expect that she would marry into a pit of fire. In the past few years, it was Lu Changjing who had been in love with her and took care of her, not Ning Zhongyu.

So from the moment she learned the truth, what Rong Xiyao had been thinking about was whether Lu Changjing would dislike her, not Ning Zhongyu.

After dealing with the most arrogant Rong Xiyao, Lu Changjing went to find Lin Yixin, who had a good relationship with Ning Zhongyu in the past. However, the two only had a good relationship, but there was nothing transcendent.

After learning that Lu Changjing was not Ning Zhongyu, but was originally just his substitute, Lin Yixin couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

But soon the abnormality between the two people appeared in my mind. I thought about it at that time, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be two people.

Although he has some feelings for Ning Zhongyu, compared with his feelings for Lu Changjing in the past few years, it is nothing.

Only after being with Lu Changjing did she know what love was and what husband and wife were.

So she accepted it quickly, but she was also worried that Lu Changjing would dislike her. After all, she was married to Ning Zhongyu. Although the two did not hug or have any physical contact, they did not marry Lu Changjing after all.

Facing the worried Lin Yixin, Lu Changjing tried to comfort her by quarreling with each other, importing delicacies, looking for grapes, and scratching her feet as usual. It took several hours to finally dispel Lin Yixin's worries.

Compared with the ups and downs the two of them have gone through in the past few years, Ning Zhongyu's side is nothing.

After comforting him, Lin Yixin expressed her gratitude and love to Lu Changjing with a song.

In the silence of the night, the sound of the flute emerges quietly like a light cloud.

The melodious melody, like the sound of nature coming from afar, gradually filled the secret room.

It and love complement each other, forming a beautiful picture that makes people fall into endless reverie.

Lin Yixin stopped playing the flute until her belly started to swell slightly.

Although this matter was not something that could be accepted immediately, Lu Changjing used his affection to comfort these concubines so that they could accept it as soon as possible without causing any problems.

After Lin Yixin, there is Tan Qingyun. Compared to Rong Xiyao and Lin Yixin, Tan Qingyun accepted it faster and was even more happy to see the results. She liked Lu Changjing more than Ning Zhongyu.

Then came Xiao Yaoxin, Zhou Ruolan, Tang Qingyi, Song Yuyan, Zhao Xiaotong, Cai Xiuer, Nan Lisheng, Jin Mingxi, Pan Min, Li Shanhai, Peng Xuanzhi, Liu Yanfei, Liu Rushi, Yang Mi, Gu Lier, Liu Yingying, Wang Churan, Li Yunxiao, Chen Duling... mainly told his lovers the truth, and also comforted them along the way.

It took half a month to complete this matter. There was no way, there was a lot of love nowadays, and this matter required him to come to the door alone and comfort them one by one, with affection, verbal exchanges, and import. Food... this is the best way to achieve the best results, so it takes a little too much time.

In addition to the love ones, Lu Changjing also told some more important ministers about the matter, such as the Sangong, the five kings with different surnames, and the six ministers... He did not treat them as well as the love ones.

Just to tell you briefly, he is the reincarnated Xuan Zun, who unintentionally became Ning Zhongyu's substitute, but later recovered his memory of his previous life and killed him. Now he is a god and demon. From now on, Daning will be his territory, and the surrounding countries will also be his territory. , just let them maintain their status quo safely in the future.

Regarding this matter, the ministers who knew the "truth" were also surprised.

"I'm just saying how could a weak-footed son-in-law suddenly wake up? It's like he's a different person. It turns out there's really been a change of people. Compared to this His Majesty, Ning Zhongyu is nothing. It's better to follow the current His Majesty."

"I didn't expect that there would be such a secret behind the throne. His Majesty the current emperor is actually a god and demon, and he is not Ning Zhongyu. He has been replaced a long time ago. No wonder his behavior has been completely different in the past few years."

"The Ning family has long been no longer qualified to be a royal family. It might as well be changed."

"Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

At the same time, rumors about what the Ning clan had done over the years began to spread wildly in this territory, quickly arousing public indignation and making countless Li people furious.

No one had ever imagined that the Ning clan could be so cruel and vicious that they would even dare to collude with monsters and monsters, and would treat people as goods and sell them to those monsters.

The old emperor even killed his own children and concubines, and turned them into blood relatives soul fruit, which was completely unscrupulous.

What qualifications does such a royal family have to rule Daning?

At this time, a reclusive master couldn't stand it any longer, so he came forward to join forces with the court ministers, destroyed the Ning clan, and pulled out all the Ning clan members who were full of evil deeds and beheaded them in public.

Later, the name of the country was changed to Dajing, which was the first year of Chang'an. The current new emperor, named Lu Changjing, was a demigod. His cultivation level was far beyond that of anyone in the Ning family, and he could better protect this land.

On the first day of the founding of Dajing, Ping Haijun took the entire East China Sea as a gift and presented it to His Majesty the Emperor. Subsequently, the Huanyu Dynasty, the Dajin Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Heili Dynasty, the Mountain Barbarians, the Blood Barbarians... one after another Announced that he was willing to become a vassal of the Dajing Dynasty and would obey the orders of the Dajing Dynasty in the future.

Suddenly, the east was shaken, and no one dared to oppose Lu Changjing's position. As for the original Daning Dynasty people, they were full of praise for it.

Although there was a little turmoil, in front of absolute strength, this little turmoil was nothing. He easily suppressed it and did not stir up any waves.

Lu Changjing easily transitioned and restored his identity.

Moreover, with his current strength, he did not need the Ning family to be his shield. The three major divine dynasties were currently busy saving themselves and had no time to care about this matter.

Even if they wanted to do something, Lu Changjing was not afraid at all.

Moreover, the heads of the three major divine dynasties responsible for monitoring the Eastern Land had been captured by Lu Changjing with a soul-stealing technique, and took the initiative to help Lu Changjing conceal and mediate, so this matter did not cause any waves.

Lu Changjing continued to hide in Baiyujing and the Imperial Study, watching the clouds rise and fall, and concentrating on practicing and improving.

In the eyes of the outside world, he was at most a semi-god master, not a phoenix god king, nor a top-level god and devil, and even his reincarnation was not leaked.

So the coup ended easily, as if it had never happened, but from today on, more and more people stopped talking about Daning and started talking about Dajing instead.

Most of the people in the Ning family were killed, and a few were sent away.

Although Ning Tianbao was a god, he was also handed over to Ning Yuwan by Lu Changjing. A few days later, Lu Changjing received news that Ning Tianbao was abolished and then imprisoned in the depths of the sky prison. He was afraid that he would spend the rest of his life there.

Ning Yuwan finally softened her heart and did not kill Ning Tianbao, but gave him a way to live.

Lu Changjing respected her choice. After all, Ning Tianbao was also her father, and it was normal for a girl not to do it.

Lu Changjing went to comfort her for several hours, and Ning Yuwan, who was moved, expressed her feelings by playing the flute.

The sound of the flute was full of Ning Yuwan's affection, lingering on Lu Changjing, making him intoxicated and not knowing where he was.

Lu Changjing also learned about Ning Yuwan's epiphany under the influence of the soul-stealing technique, which brought him considerable benefits and promoted his subsequent practice.

With the help of Lu Changjing, Ning Yuwan's Dragon and Phoenix Secret Technique is almost complete. After a few more hair removal and marrow cleansing and memory transmission, she should be able to complete her practice. At that time, she can break through the shackles of gods and demons and ascend to the realm of gods and demons.

After solving the Ning family's problems, Lu Changjing continued to practice with peace of mind, but he immediately thought of something that made him frown slightly.

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