Jiuying betrayed!

This is a top-level demon god, not far from the semi-profound demon god, but because he has not yet entered the semi-profound realm, Lu Changjing did not take him as a soul-picking slave, but only controlled him with the soul-stealing technique.

Unexpectedly, after only controlling him for a year or two, he broke free from the slavery of the soul-stealing technique and escaped successfully.

And it is likely that he used the Xuan Fu, and after breaking free from the slavery of the soul-stealing technique, he fled as soon as possible, and even Lu Changjing could not find his trace.

However, similar things have happened twice. Cao Wenzhen half-escaped once, and Yang Zhi also completely broke free once. It is not surprising that Jiuying changed this time.

After all, it is also a top-level demon god. Even Cao Wenzhen and Yang Zhi can break free, let alone it. It is normal to have some adventures.

It is just a top-level demon god. If you can't find it, then let the Human-Destroying Alliance and the Lieyang Divine Dynasty look for it, and they can also use the power of the Demon Suppression Division.

Lu Changjing didn't care too much about this matter. After failing to catch Jiuying at the first time, he handed the matter over to his soul-picking slaves and Jiulong slaves, and he continued to practice with peace of mind.

The current focus is to improve the realm and strength of cultivation, step into the Xuanzun level as soon as possible, and prepare to deal with the world-destroying monsters outside, rather than dealing with an escaped soul-catching slave.

But Lu Changjing didn't expect that this escaped soul-catching slave would soon bring him a big surprise.

In the following months, soul-catching slaves escaped from his control one after another. Every time Lu Changjing went to search, he couldn't find any trace.

Although his soul was strong, it only covered an area of ​​about 20,000 square meters. With the speed of gods and demons, he could escape to 20,000 square meters in a breath. This distance was nothing.

Moreover, in terms of exploration, Lu Changjing's means were limited. If the enemy had powerful hiding means, he couldn't find the other party.

Of course, it was difficult for the enemy to find him because he was hiding.

So there would be a situation where he couldn't find the enemy and the enemy couldn't find him.

It seems that Jiuying should have a treasure that can get rid of the soul-stealing technique, at least at the level of a mysterious weapon, otherwise it would not be possible.

If he could take it down, he would get another treasure.

With a slight smile, Lu Changjing did not take it to heart, and continued to mobilize the forces of the Human-Destroying Alliance and the Fiery Sun Dynasty to investigate the matter.

However, the Human-Destroying Alliance and the Fiery Sun Dynasty also mobilized a lot of forces, but they were unable to take down Jiuying and the gods and demons under its command. Instead, Jiuying's power grew stronger and stronger, and gradually formed a new alliance.

The Sky-Breaking Alliance!

In this land of Jiuzhou, what is the sky? Naturally, it is the Jiuzhou barrier.

The so-called Sky-Breaking Alliance is naturally an alliance to break the Jiuzhou barrier.

Jiuying helped many gods and demons who had not been brainwashed get rid of Lu Changjing's soul-stealing control, and even secretly contacted many traitors among the human race to jointly establish the Sky-Breaking Alliance, attempting to continue the previous plan of the Human-Destroying Alliance and break the Jiuzhou barrier.

By the way, the previous Alliance of Destroyed People has been renamed, and now it is called the Alliance of Protecting Heaven, which is completely opposite to the previous one.

So Jiuying established the Alliance of Breaking Heaven, and its meaning is self-evident, that is, to go against the Alliance of Protecting Heaven and Lu Changjing.

The apparent masters of the Alliance of Protecting Heaven are still the Fushan Divine Turtle, the Five-clawed Golden Dragon and the Chaos Demon Ape, and later added the Suanni and the Sea-Splitting Mysterious Whale Beast. The power is so huge that it can be called the first in Shenzhou.

Dare to go against the Alliance of Protecting Heaven under such circumstances. If you say that there is no support from demons and monsters from the outside world behind it, even a fool would not believe it.

This Jiuying is likely to have accidentally contacted the demons and monsters from the outside world, and used their treasures to break free from the control of the soul-stealing technique, and can help other gods and demons to remove the soul-stealing technique, and can also escape his pursuit.

Lu Changjing paid a little more attention to him, but the attention was very limited. He was not even a half-mysterious demon god, and it was not worth Lu Changjing to spend a lot of time and energy to deal with it.

However, the eagle still uses all its strength to fight the rabbit. Although he himself will not go, Lu Changjing still arranged two semi-profound demon gods to hunt down Jiuying together.

If there is danger, Lu Changjing can also detect it in the first time, so as to kill Jiuying.

At the same time, the Potian Alliance began to destroy water veins, earth veins, and spirit veins everywhere... weakening the power of the Jiuzhou barrier.

Moreover, in the Potian Alliance, there are still many human traitors who have transplanted the blood of demons and monsters, or high-level human beings who are enslaved by demons and monsters.

Many traitors have no hope of defending the Jiuzhou barrier and the land of Shenzhou, and they are thinking of joining the demons and monsters to seek a chance to survive, or even a chance to go further.

In their view, the giant shadow outside does not even have a human being, they are all demons and monsters with malicious intentions towards the human race, and the Jiuzhou barrier will be breached sooner or later.

In this case, only by joining the demons and monsters can there be a way to survive, and stubborn resistance is just seeking death.

The destruction of the Human-Destroying Alliance had made many traitors very sad. Now that the Sky-Breaking Alliance had just been established, a large number of traitors immediately joined it.

According to Lu Changjing's intelligence, among these traitors, the Qianmen Divine Dynasty had the most traitors, and the Qianmen Divine Dynasty was also the most chaotic of the three major dynasties.

As the name suggests, the Qianmen Divine Dynasty is a loose alliance of gangs and sects. It was established tens of thousands of years ago to fight against the other two major dynasties. There is no such thing as a clan of gods or a royal family. If there is, then the clan elders are the clan of the Qianmen Divine Dynasty.

In the Qianmen Divine Dynasty, only gods and demons above the high level can be ranked among the elders.

It is precisely because it is formed by the confluence of many sects and gangs that the Qianmen Divine Dynasty is somewhat chaotic, far inferior to the Bihu Divine Dynasty and the Lieyang Divine Dynasty.

The internal strife is serious and the system is not strict, which gives monsters and demons an opportunity. Among the three major dynasties, the Qianmen Divine Dynasty is the most infiltrated by monsters and demons.

It is precisely because of this that there is a saying in Shenzhou that there are traitors in the Qianmen Divine Dynasty, and the Demon Suppression Department does not like it very much.

With the establishment of the Potian Alliance, many traitors in the Qianmen Divine Dynasty have joined it and become accomplices of the Potian Alliance.

However, they have also helped the Destroying People Alliance before, and it is normal to help the Potian Alliance now.

After the establishment of the Baotian Alliance, Lu Changjing also cleaned up these traitors and increased their brainwashing, but the time was too short and it did not play a big role.

Now these traitors flock to join the Potian Alliance, and it is very likely that they also have rebellious thoughts.

Lu Changjing not only cleaned up these traitors, but also those stubborn demons and monsters.

Of course, if these traitors were also brainwashed by rumors, Lu Changjing would not take action against them, but compared to demons and monsters, many traitors are not so stupid and will not be easily brainwashed.

So it is speechless that among the cultivators who joined the Potian Alliance this time, there are many traitors, almost half of them, who have not been brainwashed.

On the contrary, many demons and monsters did not join the Potian Alliance because of their stupidity.

Lu Changjing could not help but complain about this, and then asked the Lieyang Divine Dynasty to step up the hunt for these traitors. If they are stubborn, they will be killed directly.

I don’t know how many good things the demons and monsters outside have given to the Potian Alliance. Even though the Baotian Alliance and the Lieyang Divine Dynasty dispatched a large number of masters, including semi-profound gods and demons, top gods and demons, and high-level gods and demons, they still couldn’t catch them all in one fell swoop, but let the Potian Alliance continue to grow.

In the process of hunting down the Potian Alliance, they took out many Xuan-level treasures, which also confirmed to Lu Changjing that there were indeed demons and monsters from the outside world supporting them, otherwise they would not be able to take out so many Xuan-level treasures, which were basically never seen in the land of Shenzhou, and the number of Xuan Fu was the largest.

However, both Lu Changjing and the Potian Alliance knew that Xuan-level treasures were extremely precious, and one less was one less. When the Xuan-level treasures were almost used up, it would be the time when the Potian Alliance was destroyed, and they would not be able to hold on for long.

Lu Changjing had absolute strength and could destroy the entire Potian Alliance, but it would just take more time.

After all, the gods and demons that could be won over by the Potian Alliance were basically low-level gods and demons and intermediate gods and demons, and there were basically few high-level gods and demons and top-level gods and demons.

The reason was that the soul-stealing slaves above the high-level gods and demons had their memories deleted by Lu Changjing. Even if they could break free from the control of the soul-stealing technique, the memories after the deletion were not so easy to recover.

Even Lu Changjing himself could not recover the deleted memories now.

I don't know how Jiuying did it, but he was able to restore the deleted memories. Maybe it was because he failed to delete his memories.

Some innate secrets and special treasures can resist this kind of memory deletion, but there are very few of them.

For example, the Soul-Picking Secret Sutra has this effect, which can hide his memories. If they are deleted, they will be restored after a while.

However, Lu Changjing has never met anyone who can delete his memories, so he has never used it.

Jiuying probably has similar secrets, skills, and other treasures.

Because of this, Lu Changjing spent dozens of hours to check all the high-level gods and demons under his command to ensure that similar things will not happen again.

Fortunately, among these soul-catching slaves, there is actually a top-level god and demon whose memory has not been successfully deleted. The other party has become Jiuying's insider, ready to seize the opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

Some of the secrets of the Baotian Alliance were leaked by it and then passed to Jiuying. They were able to escape the pursuit of the Baotian Alliance again and again, and this child played an indispensable role.

Originally, he wanted to use it to capture Jiuying, but he didn't expect Jiuying to be extremely vigilant. Lu Changjing had just set up a trap, and the other party was alert and didn't fall for it.

After this incident, the situation between the Baotian Alliance and the Lieyang Divine Dynasty became more stable. Needless to say, the Soul-Picking Slaves and the Nine Dragon Slaves were naturally checked to ensure that there were no problems.

At this moment, the number of high-level gods and demons that Lu Changjing had on his side far exceeded that of the Potian Alliance. With absolute strength, the Potian Alliance could not make any waves.

It's just that they are like rats, destroying the earth veins, water veins, and spirit veins of the land of Shenzhou everywhere... It also gave Lu Changjing a headache. This will continue to weaken the Jiuzhou barrier, making the Jiuzhou barrier last shorter and shorter.

Now Lu Changjing lacks time.

The reason why he changed the Alliance of Destroying People into the Alliance of Protecting Heaven, and spent a lot of time and energy to run the Alliance of Protecting Heaven and managing the Lieyang Divine Dynasty, in addition to plundering resources and treasures, was that he wanted the Nine Provinces Barrier to last a little longer.

To a certain extent, the Alliance of Destroying Heaven was also a success.

Lu Changjing was also a bit troubled by this, and had to mobilize more semi-profound servants to deal with this matter. Three of the six semi-profound servants under his command were already dealing with the Potian Alliance.

However, with the help of traitors, the Potian Alliance was like a slippery loach. Although it lost a large number of manpower, it has not been wiped out. Now it has been scattered throughout the land of Shenzhou. It is not so easy to catch them all.

In this situation, in the depths of the Shenxiang Gate of the Qianmen Divine Capital, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Baiyujing, several high-level officials of the Potian Alliance were discussing important matters with some high-level officials of the Shenxiang Gate and other sects and gangs of the Qianmen Divine Dynasty.

"Will the plan really work? Will the Phoenix God King really come to Qianmen Divine Capital in person and fall into our trap?"

"Don't worry, as long as the news that I am here is accidentally leaked, the Phoenix God King will definitely come in person. When I broke free from the soul-stealing technique before, she chased after me. If I didn't have the Hidden Heaven Talisman, I'm afraid I would have been found by her."

"Use the Qianmen Divine Array Group to suppress her, and use several attacking Xuan Talismans together. Even an ordinary Xuanzun may be killed, let alone a mere half-Xuan God and Demon. This time we will definitely be able to kill the Phoenix God King and bring peace to the land of Shenzhou."

"If it weren't for the Phoenix God King, maybe we would have broken through the Jiuzhou barrier and welcomed the Xuanzuns outside. At that time, we would all have the opportunity to achieve the position of Xuanzun and have a lifespan of ten thousand years from now on."

"I don't know where the Phoenix God King came from. They are all half-Xuan Gods and Demons, why is her strength so strong? He also mastered such a powerful soul secret technique that he could easily enslave other semi-profound gods and demons. In just a few years, he unified the demon clan, and even the Lieyang Divine Dynasty became his possession. It's really terrible. "

"If it weren't for Brother Jiuying's special talent that could prevent his memory from being deleted, I'm afraid we wouldn't know that the Phoenix God King was hiding so deeply, and we would still think that the Baotian Alliance was still in the hands of the Fushan Divine Turtle, the Five-clawed Golden Dragon, etc., and we didn't know that the Lieyang Divine Dynasty was also taken down by him. "

"Do you think that the Phoenix God King has already entered the realm of Xuanzun, otherwise how could she be so powerful. "

"Impossible, if she has already entered the realm of Xuanzun, we can't hold on until now, and the Xuanzuns outside have also explored through the Tianhen that the soul-stealing technique planted in our soul sea is not the work of Xuanzun. "


Speaking of this, a group of people and the high-level leaders of the Potian Alliance were silent, and their moods were quite heavy.

If they can't take down the Phoenix God King this time, I'm afraid they're finished.

This half-profound god king who rose up a few years ago is too terrifying. In a short period of time, he usurped the accumulation of the Tianmie Alliance for many years, and even took down the three half-profound god kings of the Tianmie Alliance, as well as two other neutral half-profound god kings, and even the ancestor of the Lieyang Divine Dynasty.

The brilliant record and terrifying strength are simply terrifying.

If it weren't for coincidence, everyone in Shenzhou would not know about this matter, thinking that all this was done by the Tianmie Alliance and the Lieyang Divine Dynasty, not that she was controlling everything behind the scenes.

Just thinking about it makes a group of people and the top leaders of the Tianmie Alliance shudder.

Especially in this short few months of confrontation, everyone has seen the horror of the Tianbao Alliance and the Lieyang Divine Dynasty.

Even if the Phoenix God King basically did not take action, he forced them to retreat step by step, and there was almost no place to stay.

In desperation, this ultimate killing plan came to mind. It seems to be perfect, but it is actually a last resort, because if they are chased further, the Tianmie Alliance and the people can't stand it.

No, to be precise, these traitors are also part of the Potian Alliance, so there is no need to talk about them separately.

But Lu Changjing would never have thought that even the Divine Elephant Sect, which is the leader of the Qianmen Divine Dynasty, has defected to the Potian Alliance and become a traitor.

You should know that Zhao Jinxiang, the leader of the Divine Elephant Sect, is the only half-mysterious god and demon in the Qianmen Divine Dynasty, similar to Yang Wei, the ancestor of the Lieyang Divine Dynasty, and is the biggest trump card of the Qianmen Divine Dynasty.

But I didn't expect that this person was actually a traitor, and he had already transplanted the blood of the demon clan, just waiting for the Nine Provinces Barrier to be broken, and then throw himself into the arms of the demon clan, obtain resources and treasures, survive the three heavenly tribulations, and enter the realm of Xuanzun.

In the final analysis, he was tempted by the realm of Xuanzun, just like the five-clawed golden dragon, the mountain-carrying divine turtle, etc., which is not strange.

Even in the eyes of these traitors, defecting to demons and monsters and breaking the Nine Provinces Barrier is an unstoppable trend.

Originally, they thought there would be nothing unusual, but unexpectedly, so many changes happened in just a few years.

After a while of sighing, the forced Potian Alliance began to make arrangements, preparing to use the Thousand Gates Divine Array Group and the treasures given by the world-destroying demons and monsters outside to ambush and kill the Phoenix God King and get out of the current desperate situation.

Lu Changjing didn't know at this moment that a killing calamity against him had arrived, just waiting for the moment he fell into the trap, and then launched a fatal attack on him.

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