Different from the looseness of the Baotian Alliance before, or the loose management of the Lieyang Divine Dynasty and the Dajing Dynasty.

The force established this time directly takes the human race as the core, and gathers all the human races in the land of Shenzhou to form a huge force.

Moreover, this force is mainly based on the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System, and other three-gong six-department system, feudal system, gang system, etc. are used as auxiliary to better adapt to this world.

It is impossible to copy the system of the previous life, and it is also necessary to refer to many mature systems in this world, especially those that have existed for tens of thousands of years.

The system of the previous life only absorbs the essence of it, further consolidates the current system, and allows power to be better controlled in Lu Changjing's hands.

Jiuzhou League!

This is the new force established by Lu Changjing. It is called an alliance, but in fact it has broken up all the divine dynasties, dynasties, and dynasties... All of them are included in the rule of the Jiuzhou League, and all officials are gathered in the Jiuzhou League.

Lu Changjing's vest Phoenix God King is the leader of the Jiuzhou League, also known as the Jiuzhou Emperor.

The world was re-divided into nine states by Lu Changjing, each of which has an area of ​​about 10 billion square kilometers, which is comparable to the two Earths in the previous life.

These nine states are Jizhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Liangzhou, and Yongzhou. Of course, the nine states of Shenzhou tens of thousands of years ago were not divided in this way.

However, Lu Changjing is now the ruler of the Nine States Alliance. No one can stop him from changing the name, so he changed it to the current Nine States, borrowing the name of the ancient ancestors in the previous life, which can be regarded as a memorial and remembrance of the previous life.

If he can counterattack outside and take down the territory of the demons and monsters outside, Lu Changjing will re-divide the Nine States and expand the Nine States further.

Even the Dajing Dynasty was included in the Nine States Alliance, and the eastern region where the Dajing Dynasty was located belonged to the Yangzhou land.

Basically, the situation inside the Dajing Dynasty did not change, but many talented officials of the Dajing Dynasty got more opportunities for promotion.

This was also Lu Changjing's intention. After all, the Jiuzhou League belongs to him. When the integration is almost complete, it may be renamed Dajing Shenchao or even Dajing Xuanchao.

Jiuzhou League is operated in the form of a country, so it will be more convenient for Dajing to replace it.

As for the demons and monsters, they are vassals of the Jiuzhou League. Those who are not of our race must have different hearts. Since he is the leader of the Jiuzhou League, Lu Changjing will naturally not let these demons and monsters make the decision, and even sit on an equal footing. The human race still occupies a dominant position.

Those extreme demons and monsters were all killed. Naturally, this matter was handled by the semi-mysterious gods and monsters among the demons and monsters and the semi-mysterious gods and monsters of the human race. Lu Changjing only needed to give a relevant order and policy.

Of course, Lu Changjing would not let go of the traitors among the human race. Those with minor crimes were imprisoned, and those with serious crimes were also killed, so as not to cause any trouble to the Jiuzhou League and cause the Jiuzhou barrier to be destroyed and weakened.

In a short time, the Jiuzhou Alliance was killing people in large numbers. A large number of demons, ghosts, and traitors with serious crimes were all killed. Those who were unwilling to join the Jiuzhou Alliance were also imprisoned or killed.

In just a few months, at least hundreds of millions of demons, ghosts, and millions of traitors were killed, and the blood dyed the land of Jiuzhou red. For a while, no cultivator dared to oppose the Jiuzhou Alliance and the Jiuzhou Emperor.

The Demon Suppression Department was no longer the Demon Suppression Department of the human race, but the Demon Suppression Department of the Jiuzhou Alliance, becoming a subordinate force of the Jiuzhou Alliance.

The so-called gods of the original three major dynasties became the aristocratic families of the Jiuzhou Alliance, and were under the rule of the Jiuzhou Alliance. Basically, they no longer had any military power.

Not to mention those gangs and sects, the military power was taken back by the Jiuzhou Alliance and given to the guards of the courts in various places. At the same time, they were also restrained by the six ministries and the three dukes, and could not dominate alone.

Lu Changjing reorganized the 36 guards of Jiuzhou, each of which had about one million troops, responsible for protecting the emperor of Jiuzhou, and also the central army, with a total of 36 million troops.

Many of the duties of the East Factory and the West Factory were also integrated into the Demon Suppression Division. After all, the Demon Suppression Division has been able to operate for so many years without any problems, which shows the superiority of its system.

In terms of the use of materials from various monsters and demons, the Demon Suppression Division far exceeds the East Factory and the West Factory. If it absorbs the essence of the East Factory and the West Factory, its power will increase further.

The systems and forces that have proven to be effective, such as the Treasure Picking Company, the Jinyiwei, and the Military Affairs Office, have also been reorganized to become the Treasure Picking Company, the Jinyiwei, and the Military Affairs Office of the Jiuzhou Alliance, and of course the Pink Clothes Palace.

Although the Pink Clothes Palace is full of beauties, because of their special status, they are likely to be future concubines, and all forces have to give them some face.

In this case, it has dealt with a lot of headaches and played a significant role.

These matters were tedious and complicated. Even though most of them were handed over to the servants of God, they still took up a lot of Lu Changjing's time, which was why he was unwilling to solve this matter before.

Originally, he thought that he would consider this matter after breaking through the realm of Xuanzun and having enough strength, but he did not expect that because of the Potian Alliance, he had to spend a lot of time and energy to deal with this matter first.

However, it is better to deal with it earlier, which can save a lot of time later, and can also solve this hidden danger in advance and better protect the Jiuzhou barrier.

After initially stabilizing the situation of the Jiuzhou Alliance, Lu Changjing put most of his time and energy on cultivation, and occasionally took some time to deal with the affairs of the Jiuzhou Alliance.

Time waits for no one, and the demons and monsters outside have never stopped destroying the Jiuzhou barrier.

Perhaps it is because the threat of demons and monsters outside is approaching step by step, or perhaps he has fallen in love with cultivation, so he feels that time passes quickly.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, another four seasons have changed.

Accompanied by the fluttering snow, Lu Changjing left Tang Qingyi's Qingyi Palace. Last night, he helped the imperial concubine to remove her hair and wash her marrow, and by the way, he also let her taste the essence of gods and demons.

Lying on the jade bed, Tang Qingyi is still resting, obviously a little tired last night.

After all, it is the essence of gods and demons, and there are always differences.

During this period, I came to Qingyi Palace more frequently, because Tang Qingyi's Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art has been perfected, and his Qi Refining Cultivation is about to break through the semi-god level, and his God Refining Cultivation has already broken through.

When the Qi Refining Cultivation breaks through, it is time to impact the shackles of gods and demons, so Lu Changjing has to prepare in advance, and let Tang Qingyi prepare in advance.

For Lu Changjing, every love is extremely important. How can he not take his wife who can accompany him for many years seriously?

Even though he spent some time on love, Lu Changjing's cultivation realm has not been put down at all, and he is close to the perfection of the tenth level.

After reaching the perfection of the tenth level, he can continue to improve his spirit and energy through the drive of the immortal physique and sprint towards the limit, which is estimated to take a lot of time.

When he practiced to the perfection of the grandmaster and impacted the limit, it took a lot of time, not to mention the current realm of gods and demons. If you want to reach the semi-profound level, it is definitely not something that can be done overnight.

Lu Changjing has been prepared to spend several years or even decades to improve. At least he must break the limit of his spirit and energy and step into the semi-profound realm. Only then can he dare to trigger the three-fold heavenly tribulation, so as to survive the heavenly tribulation and step into the realm of Xuanzun.

This is also the lowest limit. If time does not allow, Lu Changjing will stay in the semi-profound realm of gods and demons for a longer time.

After all, he has a golden finger. Even if he reaches the limit, he can continue to improve his spirit with the help of his immortal physique. The longer the time is delayed, the more beneficial it is for him.

Before he got the Heart Demon Pearl, Lu Changjing had considered that he should wait until the Jiuzhou barrier was about to be broken, or even after it was broken, and then consider triggering the three-fold heavenly tribulation.

Even if the Jiuzhou barrier was broken, the human race would not perish immediately. There would always be a process, during which he could trigger the heavenly tribulation and enter the realm of Xuanzun.

Of course, that would be more dangerous. Now that he has obtained the Heart Demon Pearl, he can reduce a lot of dangers, enter the Xuanzun level in advance, and have more time to consolidate and improve.

However, the difficulty of the heavenly tribulation is well known. Otherwise, it would not have been tens of thousands of years, and there would be no cultivator in Shenzhou who had passed the three-fold heavenly tribulation and entered the realm of Xuanzun.

Even if Lu Changjing had the Heart Demon Pearl in his hand, he would not dare to cross the tribulation rashly. At least he had to step into the semi-Xuan realm with all his spirit, energy and spirit. This is also a bottom line.

According to ancient books, if you don't have such attainments and strength, don't even think about overcoming the tribulation, because it is highly likely that you won't be able to do so.

Even though Lu Changjing has an extraordinary foundation, he dare not act rashly. After all, the stronger the foundation, the more powerful the heavenly tribulation will be. Although it won't soar to twenty times, it should be much more powerful than the triple heavenly tribulation of ordinary gods and demons.

In this case, how could Lu Changjing not be careful and careful.

The heavenly tribulation is both a disaster and a good fortune. If you can't survive it, it's fine. If you can survive it, you can temper your spirit and spirit in the process of overcoming the tribulation, so that it can be sublimated and transformed to a higher level. Otherwise, you can't be considered a Xuanzun.

Blessings and disasters lie in the same place, and disasters and blessings lie in the same place. This is the truth.

His cultivation realm has been steadily improved, and his combat skills and secrets have never fallen behind.

After so many years of hard practice, his Soul-Picking Secret Sutra, Imperial Sword Skills, Imperial Four Tribulations, Imperial Dragon Steps... are all perfect. Of course, the Nine Dragons Combat Skills System has not yet been perfected, and is basically only in the realm of small success.

After obtaining many Nine Dragons combat skills and secrets, Lu Changjing did not immediately give up the combat skills and secrets he had practiced before, but practiced them to perfection.

Although the Nine Dragons combat skills system is powerful, it is not as good as it has just been obtained. In order to form combat power, it takes a long time to practice, at least close to the state of great success, to surpass the combat skills and secrets practiced before.

Therefore, Lu Changjing is currently mainly using the previous combat skills and secrets. As for the Nine Dragons combat skills system, it is likely that it will take a few more years of practice before it can be used in combat.

After taking over the vast land of Jiuzhou, Lu Changjing has gathered the Nine Dragons combat skills system, namely Nine Dragons Tribulation, Nine Dragons Seal, Nine Dragons Cover, Nine Dragons Step, Nine Dragons Swordsmanship, Nine Dragons Finger, Nine Dragons Chant... There are attacks for attack, defense for defense, and auxiliary methods.

Basically, they have reached the state of small success. The only thing that has not reached small success is the Nine Dragons Swordsmanship. After all, Lu Changjing uses a knife.

The Nine Dragon Finger is even closer to perfection. It is called a finger technique, but it is actually a set of fist and foot kung fu. However, the finger technique is the most powerful, so it is named the Nine Dragon Finger. It also includes fist techniques, palm techniques, foot techniques, claw techniques... It is mainly a technique for fighting with the body, which is very suitable for Lu Changjing who is good at body training.

After practicing these days, Lu Changjing began to integrate the Nine Dragon Finger and the Hundred Beasts Divine Fist after several sudden realizations, forming a more powerful set of fist and foot kung fu.

Of course, this set of combat skills is still based on the Nine Dragon Finger as the core, and the Hundred Beasts Divine Fist as an auxiliary. The two complement each other, and the power they burst out is even more terrifying.

At this moment, these combat skills and secret arts alone can make Lu Changjing's combat power soar by dozens of times. If there are many mysterious weapons to assist, it can be increased several times again, reaching more than a hundred times.

To put it intuitively, Lu Changjing's original strength was only 3.2 million kilograms. After the addition of combat skills and mysterious weapons, it can soar to more than 300 million kilograms of destructive power. This is the power of combat skills and secret arts.

Therefore, Lu Changjing never gave up practicing combat skills and secret arts. After spending several years, he finally improved all the combat skills and secret arts that he practiced at the beginning.

Marrow Washing Secret Art, Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art, Soul Picking Secret Sutra, Hidden Yang Art, Imperial Four Tribulations, Imperial Sword Skills, Imperial Dragon Step, Shadowless Arrow Technique, Star Picking Hand... These combat skills and secret arts that have been practiced since the time of crossing have now been perfected, and have also laid a very solid foundation for Lu Changjing's subsequent practice.

Although some of them may not be used later, when he practices the same type of combat skills and secrets, he can quickly get started, achieve minor success, and even achieve major success and perfection.

Many combat skills and secrets of the same type are common, which can save Lu Changjing a lot of time.

Moreover, with the help of the sudden enlightenment brought by the flash of inspiration, Lu Changjing can also integrate the essence of the combat skills and secrets he practiced before into the new combat skills and secrets. For example, the essence of the Hundred Beasts Divine Fist was integrated into the Nine Dragon Finger by Lu Changjing, and it has basically been integrated.

For Lu Changjing, these combat skills and secrets that he has practiced are like experience packs, which can bring him greater benefits.

The skills, combat skills, secrets... are all steadily improving, and the formation method as a secondary job has not been left behind, and the improvement speed is even faster than the combat skills and secrets.

After all, the formation method is related to the real Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array Group, which can save the lives of Lu Changjing and the people around him at the critical moment of life and death, as well as the lives of many human beings. How can Lu Changjing relax?

Now he is the master of Jiuzhou, commanding all the divine formation masters in Jiuzhou, which naturally means that he can steal the perception and knowledge of all divine formation masters at will, thereby improving his formation attainments at a very fast speed.

In this case, even if he wants to improve his formation skills slowly, it is impossible. Now he is close to the perfection of the top divine formation masters, and basically stands at the peak of the divine formation masters in Jiuzhou.

In the Bihuzhou City, in the Divine Palace, Lu Changjing is stealing the formation perception and related knowledge of Zeng Li, the Lord of Bihuzhou.

Zeng Li is the God Emperor of the former Bihu Divine Dynasty, and also the only semi-profound god and demon in the Bihu Divine Dynasty. His cultivation of refining the spirit has broken through the limit and reached the semi-profound level.

Moreover, Zeng Li is only more than 1,200 years old, and has more than 1,000 years of life. She has every hope of surviving the triple heavenly tribulation and entering the realm of Xuanzun.

Of course, this requires the help of Lu Changjing. If she relies on herself alone, the probability of surviving the triple heavenly tribulation is less than one in ten thousand.

In addition to being a semi-profound god and demon, Zeng Li is also a genius in the art of formation. While practicing, she has also cultivated the art of formation to the level of a top god formation master, and even stepped half a foot into the ranks of semi-profound formation masters.

In terms of attainments in the art of formation, she is one of the best in the land of Jiuzhou.

At this moment, Lu Changjing is stealing her memories and insights in the art of formation, further improving his attainments in the art of formation, and reaching the extreme of a god formation master as soon as possible, so as to impact the ranks of a profound formation master.

After more than a thousand years of accumulation, Zeng Li's memory is a treasure house. Even though he has read it more than once, Lu Changjing is still intoxicated.

Of course, this is not because of Zeng Li's appearance. Although she is pretty, and dignified, with an extraordinary temperament, his love is almost unmatched in terms of temperament alone.

Even in terms of appearance, it is at the level of Pan Min, Rong Xiyao, and Li Shanhai. The key is that Zeng Li's beauty is simply overwhelming, like a dignified goddess of heaven and earth, which makes people feel suffocated.

Lu Changjing was also shocked when he first saw her. If it weren't for his good concentration, he might not be able to win her over.

But Zeng Li is more than 1,200 years old, and Lu Changjing can't possibly like her... Thinking of this, the figure of Teacher Fu appeared in Lu Changjing's mind, and he silently withdrew the following thoughts and continued to comprehend Zeng Li's memory.

In a trance, he was actually immersed in it. The accumulation of these days broke out at this moment, but what surprised Lu Changjing was that this epiphany was not in the formation, but in the memory transmission.

After several years of accumulation, the soul-stealing technique was performed again and again, and there were too many insights in the middle, especially in the memory interaction, which was no longer limited to the soul-stealing technique, but had a sense of self-containedness.

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