"Boom... Boom..."

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, Lu Changjing still felt a strong vibration, as if the world was spinning.

Lu Changjing woke up from his practice as soon as possible and flew into the sky.

As far as he could see, the land under his feet was shaking, and it seemed that it was not only the Baiyujing area, but also the areas farther away.

"Big and small, as you wish!"

He turned into a little man of a few centimeters, crisscrossing the vast land of Jiuzhou. Sure enough, the land was shaking.

The shaking made people feel like they were sitting on a rocking car. Many human beings and demons were scared and ran around, not knowing where they were.

Unknowingly, he came to the area where Tianhen was. Looking outside through Tianhen, he could not see anything because of the obstruction of the formation group.

But if he looked closely, Lu Changjing found that the formation group outside that shielded this place was also shaking, and it was shaking more violently.

Jiuzhou was protected by the Jiuzhou barrier, which seemed to be much better than outside.

Standing on the Nine Heavens, the feeling of the earth shaking was reduced a lot, but looking at the entire Nine Provinces, and even the area outside was shaking, Lu Changjing also felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

Faintly, it seemed that there was cold air sweeping in from all directions. Even if there was a Nine Provinces barrier blocking it, there was still cold air that penetrated in, making Lu Changjing shiver.

Immediately, his face changed slightly, and he could confirm that this cold air was not the cold air rising in his heart, but the cold air that really existed.

It was not his imagination, nor was it caused by fear.

Looking up, the area where Tianhen was located was shielded, and he could not see anything. He didn't know what the situation was outside.

But the world-destroying demons and monsters that had been attacking Tianhen suddenly stopped, which made Lu Changjing confirm again that something was wrong with this matter.

The epicenter of the earthquake just now was not in the Nine Provinces, that is, it was outside the Nine Provinces barrier.

The Jiuzhou Barrier still caused the entire Jiuzhou land to shake. You can imagine how terrible the earthquake outside is. Even the Xuan-level monsters and ghosts should not have such a big impact.

What happened outside? First there was an earthquake, and then the cold air continued to penetrate.

In just a few dozen breaths, the temperature of the huge Jiuzhou land actually dropped by more than three degrees at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is still dropping.

You must know that at this moment, Jiuzhou is a hot summer day, and it has dropped by three degrees out of thin air. No, it has already dropped by four degrees. What is going on?

Lu Changjing was confused, but he vaguely guessed that perhaps the reason why those world-destroying monsters and ghosts attacked Tianhen frantically and did not hesitate to go into battle and cast spells in turn may be related to this matter.

The Jiuzhou land blocked by the Jiuzhou Barrier has dropped so much temperature, let alone the outside world without the protection of the Jiuzhou Barrier.

It’s a pity that Tianhen was blocked, and he couldn’t see anything and couldn’t contact the outside world.

"What happened? Why did it suddenly get cold? Is it going to rain?"

"Just now the sun was high in the sky, but now it's overcast, and the temperature has dropped by at least ten degrees. It's too fast."

"And the earthquake before, where did it happen? How come it has such a strong power here? My house almost collapsed."

"Something's wrong. This situation is not right. I've lived for so many years and have never encountered such an abnormal situation."


Many people in Jiuzhou have discovered the abnormality and started to discuss it.

At this moment, layers of dark clouds have gathered above the entire Jiuzhou, and in the dark clouds, snowflakes are brewing, which makes Lu Changjing stunned for a moment.

Snow in June, and it's heavy snow. What happened outside?

Soon, in the stunned eyes of everyone, palm-sized snowflakes fell one after another, and the temperature dropped to several degrees below zero.

You have to know that half an hour ago, it was summer in Jiuzhou, and the temperature was about 30 to 40 degrees. Suddenly, it plummeted by about 40 degrees. You can imagine what kind of disaster it was.

This year's harvest is not likely to be good, and many poor people may face desperate situations.

Without thinking too much, Lu Changjing immediately transformed into the Phoenix God King and came to Xuanwu Mountain to convene a meeting of all the high-level members of the Jiuzhou League to discuss how to deal with this matter and find ways to investigate the situation outside.

The entire Jiuzhou League was busy. At the same time, the number of world-destroying monsters and demons attacking Tianhen outside Tianhen increased. Originally, there was only one Xuan-level monster and demon who took turns to lead a large number of monsters and demons to attack Tianhen. Now it has become two, and the number of monsters and demons led has also increased a lot.

Although it can't be seen, Lu Changjing can also guess it through the frequency and power of the attack on Tianhen.

This heavy snow in June was about a foot thick before it stopped.

However, the frequency of attacks by those monsters and demons outside Tianhen did not decrease again.

Lu Changjing's practice became more and more diligent. Since he couldn't improve his cultivation level, he would improve his attainments in formation and combat skills. He still had many combat skills that he had not yet perfected, especially the Nine Dragons Combat Skills System.

In the practice and accumulation, he would occasionally have an epiphany, which made the Nine Dragons Combat Skills System improve faster.

Especially in the Nine Dragons Sword Skills, he had cleverly integrated the Imperial Sword Skills into it, turning the sword skills into sword skills.

However, progress can only be made when there is an epiphany. If it is not in the epiphany state, with Lu Changjing's understanding, it is difficult to integrate the Huangji Sword Technique into the Nine Dragon Sword Technique.

No, perhaps it can be called the Nine Dragon Sword Technique.

After several epiphanies, the Nine Dragon Sword Technique has been changed to the Nine Dragon Sword Technique by him. Of course, it is necessary to learn from many people and absorb the essence of many sword techniques in the land of Jiuzhou, so that this can be achieved.

When the sword is slashed, nine dragons follow. Each dragon is a hundred swords, and together they are a thousand swords. Each sword has 10% of Lu Changjing's destructive power, and together they increase his destructive power by a hundred times.

With the Sun Mysterious Sword, Lu Changjing feels that even if it is an ordinary Xuanzun, if he confronts his sword head-on, it is still unknown whether he can block it.

After reaching the level of a semi-Xuan formation master, the way of formation has been unable to break through. Although there is also epiphany, he always feels that he is a little short of the Xuan formation master. Obviously, his accumulation is not enough.

It seems that there is only half a step away, but in fact it is a world of difference.

Moreover, the transition from a divine array master to a mysterious array master is a transformation, and the gap is not much different from that between a god and a demon and a mysterious master. It is not so easy for Lu Changjing to cross the realm and improve his array cultivation to the level of a mysterious array master.

If it were not for the strong foundation of cultivation and the blessing of various characteristics, Lu Changjing would not dare to hope to improve his array attainments in the realm of gods and demons, and thus reach the level of a mysterious array master.

This summer, heavy snow fell several times, but fortunately each time it did not last long, and at most only two feet of snow accumulated. Although it caused a large-scale reduction in grain production, it did not cause too serious a disaster under the control of the Jiuzhou League.

At the same time, many regions began to promote some cold-resistant crops to increase grain production.

Lu Changjing also asked the Jiuzhou League to organize a large number of people to go to the East China Sea, the North Sea, the South China Sea and other regions to catch fish, as well as some monsters without intelligence, to use as food.

Even other monsters and demons have no objection to this. Those monsters and demons without intelligence are generally not regarded as the same race by them.

Moreover, the demons and monsters hunted by the Jiuzhou League are basically for their own consumption, so these demons and monsters naturally have no big objections.

Now all the demons and monsters in Jiuzhou have been subdued by Lu Changjing, and they are two forces with the demons and monsters outside, so they can barely be used.

However, as time goes by, everyone has also discovered one thing, that is, there are more and more heavy snow weather, and the attacks of the world-destroying demons and monsters outside are getting stronger and stronger.

The Jiuzhou barrier is thinner than before, and the earth-shaking has occurred several times.

After each time, the weather in Jiuzhou will be a little worse, basically progressing in the direction of coldness, and no one knows what happened outside.

At present, the Jiuzhou League can barely resist, but as time goes by, no one dares to confirm how cold the weather will be in the future, and whether the Jiuzhou League can still resist at that time.

Although Lu Changjing is strong, he can't affect the weather in such a large area, and can only protect some key areas as much as possible.

But Lu Changjing also found that as the weather gets colder, even wanting to protect some key areas has gradually become a luxury.

All he could do was to practice with all his strength to improve his combat skills and formations.

He had already consumed all the natural treasures and elixirs used to break through the limit, and he was getting closer and closer to breaking through the semi-profound level.

In a subsequent disaster relief, Lu Changjing discovered a strange thing, that is, when the earthquake occurred again, the blue bead in the Nine Dragon Ring flickered slightly.

The sea area above it also changed accordingly, as if the earthquake was in that sea area.

This made Lu Changjing a little stunned. Although he was not sure whether it was true, he had a better understanding of the magic of this blue bead.

Unfortunately, he still could not sacrifice this blue bead, so he naturally could not mobilize its power, and he did not know what the sea map inside represented.

After that, every time an earthquake occurred, Lu Changjing would take it out to comprehend it and see if he could find something.

He always had a feeling that if he could successfully sacrifice it, it would bring him countless benefits.

Although it was cold and freezing, Lu Changjing never stopped repairing the land of Jiuzhou.

Because of this, no matter how hard the demons and monsters outside tried to attack the Jiuzhou barrier, they still couldn't achieve satisfactory results.

Although the Jiuzhou barrier was getting thinner and thinner, it had been holding on tenaciously and was weakened very slowly.

This meant that Lu Changjing could spend more time practicing and improving himself to reach the realm of Xuanzun.

Unknowingly, it was another winter. More than a year had passed since the first earth-shaking earthquake.

Lu Changjing walked out of Rong Xiyao's Ronghua Palace and looked at the heavy snow falling all over the sky with a solemn expression.

In the bedroom behind him, Imperial Concubine Rong Xiyao had already fallen asleep, with some white marks on the corners of her mouth. She was well fed both above and below.

This heavy snow had been falling for three days, with the snowfall reaching ten centimeters thick every day. In three days, the snowfall reached a full thirty centimeters thick, and judging from the thickness of the clouds in the sky, it would take a long time for it to disperse.

Moreover, these dark clouds are all over the land of Kyushu, not just in the Baiyujing area. This should be the heaviest snowfall in the past two years.

I hope it can stop soon. If it continues, the consequences will be disastrous.

But many things will not change because of personal will. Even though Lu Changjing is the leader of the Jiuzhou League and the peerless overlord who decides the life and death of 300 billion lives, he still can't do anything about the current weather.

The land of Jiuzhou is as large as 10 billion square kilometers. Not to mention Lu Changjing, a god and demon warrior, even a warrior at the level of Xuanzun cannot affect the weather in such a large area.

Especially this heavy snow is quite strange, it seems to be mixed with a special power. If it gathers together, even Lu Changjing will feel the threat.

So facing this unprecedented heavy snow, Lu Changjing did not dare to take its edge. He could only use other methods to influence it to see if he could weaken the heavy snow or stop it. Unfortunately, it seems to be of no use.

Ten days later... the heavy snow is still falling, and the snow has reached one meter at this moment!

Twenty days later... the heavy snow is still falling, and the snow has reached two meters at this moment!

Thirty days later... the heavy snow did not stop, and the snow has reached three meters at this moment!


One hundred days later, the snow in many places in Kyushu had exceeded ten meters.

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