More than two months ago, Lu Changjing had mobilized the power of the Jiuzhou League and started disaster relief everywhere.

If not, how many ordinary people could survive the ten-meter snow?

Fortunately, this world is an extraordinary world, with many masters and gods and demons guarding it, so even those powerful warriors can deal with this disaster.

In addition, the Jiuzhou League is now united, and Lu Changjing focuses on protecting the human race, so in this unprecedented disaster, the human race did not suffer many casualties, but the casualties of the demons and monsters were more serious.

Driving the clouds, galloping above the nine heavens, everywhere you look, there is snow everywhere.

The snow is still falling, but it has changed from heavy snow to light snow. After more than three months, it finally sees the end.

The temperature has dropped to more than 30 degrees below zero. When the snow melts, I am afraid it will drop by more than ten degrees, reaching about 50 degrees below zero.

Flying thousands of miles, there are almost no living creatures. Many human beings are hiding under the snow, or have been buried by the snow.

However, with the help of Jiuzhou League, they can barely survive, but those monsters and demons are not so lucky. Many of them are buried and crushed to death by the snow.

A large number of houses collapsed by the snow. Even though they had prepared in advance and dealt with the snow, many people were still crushed to death by the collapsed houses.

After this heavy snow, at least tens of millions of human beings died, and there were even more monsters and demons, probably reaching billions.

There are still many warriors of Jiuzhou League who are providing disaster relief everywhere, and there are also many monsters and demons among them.

Lu Changjing looked at the silver-clad Jiuzhou land with a wooden face. He didn't think it was beautiful, but felt that the bone-chilling cold was surging.

Above Jiutian, where Tianhen is, there are more and more world-destroying monsters and demons attacking Tianhen, and they are getting more and more anxious.

Even if he can't see the situation outside, Lu Changjing knows that the snow disaster outside must be more terrifying than the land of Jiuzhou.

Without the barrier of the Nine Provinces, and without a unified organization like the Nine Provinces Alliance to help with disaster relief, it would be impossible for the outside world to think about it.

Could it be that these world-destroying demons and monsters calculated this unprecedented snowstorm, so they attacked Tianhen desperately, trying to break through the Nine Provinces barrier and lead the tribesmen to hide inside.

But now that the big snowstorm has passed, why are they attacking more and more fiercely? Is there a more severe snowstorm or other disasters behind?

Lu Changjing didn't dare to think too much. Such a big disaster could be caused across the Nine Provinces barrier. If the Nine Provinces barrier was broken, what extent would the disaster reach? Just thinking about it makes people feel horrified.

It wasn't until more than half a month later that the heavy snow melted away, revealing everything buried underneath.

Collapsed houses, passers-by suffocated to death, destroyed ancient forests, cities full of corpses... It was devastated and horrible.

Looking at all this, even though Lu Changjing came from across and didn't have much affection for ordinary people in this world, he felt very uncomfortable.

In his previous life, he had never seen such a tragic scene, even in movies and TV series, he had never seen such a horrible scene.

A large number of warriors from the Jiuzhou League went out to burn corpses everywhere to avoid causing plague, and to rescue the people injured in the snow.

Because of the disaster relief, even the work of repairing the land of Shenzhou was temporarily slowed down.

In just over half an hour, Lu Changjing walked all over the land of Jiuzhou. He was a little overwhelmed for a while and stood near Tianhen for a long time without saying a word.

What happened outside, why did such a disaster occur, what happened to this world?

In his mind, the figure of the blue bead inexplicably emerged, and then the countless people affected by the disaster, and this piece of Jiuzhou land... In a trance, Lu Changjing seemed to feel a stream of gratitude, admiration, respect... emotions gathered into a torrent, rushing towards him.

This is the power of all living beings, and this is also the power of merit!

Under normal circumstances, warriors cannot sense it, but in this strange state of enlightenment, Lu Changjing actually sensed this kind of will power from all living beings.

Then, as if by some strange coincidence, he communicated with the blue bead, and the blue bead that could not be sacrificed at all was actually loosened at this moment and could be sacrificed, but it needed the help of the will power of all living beings, or the power of merit.

Somehow, Lu Changjing knew the name of this bead.

Merit treasure!

Dinghai Pearl!

The so-called merit treasure needs to be sacrificed with the power of merit. If there is no merit, it cannot be sacrificed at all, no matter how high the realm of cultivation is.

Only in a special situation can the power of merit be sensed, and only those who are surrounded by the power of merit can sense the power of merit.

Lu Changjing was able to sacrifice Dinghai Pearl miraculously under various coincidences and was able to use the power of merit accumulated over so many years.


At a certain moment, when Lu Changjing's sacrifice and refinement of Dinghai Pearl reached one ten-thousandth, this epiphany stopped.

But at this moment, Lu Changjing already knew how to sacrifice Dinghai Pearl, which required a huge amount of merit power. He had accumulated so many years, including the huge amount of merit power brought by this disaster relief, but he only sacrificed one ten-thousandth of Dinghai Pearl.

It is conceivable how much merit power is needed to fully sacrifice Dinghai Pearl.

Although he only sacrificed one ten-thousandth of it, Lu Changjing was able to borrow one ten-thousandth of the power of Dinghaizhu. However, this one ten-thousandth of the power could stabilize the entire Jiuzhou land and prevent it from being affected by various natural disasters.

It could even spread outside the Jiuzhou barrier and cover a wider area. Even Lu Changjing didn't know how large an area this one ten-thousandth of the power could stabilize.

Because with Lu Changjing's current cultivation and strength, let alone one ten-thousandth of the power of Dinghaizhu, even one hundred thousandth or one millionth of its power could not be exerted. At most, he could only exert one hundred billionth of its power.

But even this little bit of power was enough for him to stabilize the situation in Jiuzhou. Even if there were various natural disasters, it could weaken more than 99%.

However, this required Lu Changjing to maintain the power of Dinghaizhu when the natural disaster came. The consumption was so great that even Lu Changjing could not hold on for long.

If he wanted to protect the entire Jiuzhou land, with Lu Changjing's cultivation and strength, he could only maintain it for about ten seconds at most, and super recovery could not recover.

The smaller the coverage area, the longer it can last. Either it uses the power of the formation, consumes a lot of spirit stones and other resources, and then exerts the effect of Dinghaizhu.

In Lu Changjing's mind, the formation pictures and texts in the stone pillars and stone chambers where Dinghaizhu was located before emerged.

Although he still couldn't understand it, he could understand the use and arrangement of some of the outermost formations, which were also some of the most superficial formations.

Even the most superficial formations were at the low-level Xuan formation level. In other words, if he wanted to arrange them, he needed the attainments of a Xuan formation master.

Still not strong enough, he could only let this natural disaster wreak havoc for a while.

After understanding the situation of Dinghaizhu, Lu Changjing vaguely realized that perhaps the world-destroying demons and monsters outside were attacking Tianhen frantically for this Dinghaizhu.

They also wanted to use the power of Dinghaizhu to solve these natural disasters, or weaken them. Otherwise, if the Jiuzhou barrier was breached, the power would inevitably drop significantly. Even if they hid in it, how long could they be safe?

Although it was just speculation, Lu Changjing was more than 50% sure.

It would be fine if he didn't know, but now that he knew the role and effect of Dinghaizhu, Lu Changjing was also very excited, especially in the current situation.

Whether it was to protect him and the people around him, or to keep Dinghaizhu, he had to do his best and never let the world-destroying monsters outside succeed.

At the same time, he had to continue to sacrifice Dinghaizhu, so that it could play a greater effect, and when used later, it could also reduce the consumption of energy.

If the previous disaster relief was out of pity, and he did not hesitate to slow down the restoration of the Kyushu land for this reason, then now, in addition to public interest, there is selfishness.

In order to better rescue the disaster, Lu Changjing asked many legions, guards, departments, etc. who were responsible for plundering resources and treasures for him to join in and earn merit for him.

With the previous epiphany, Lu Changjing would be able to continue to sacrifice Dinghaizhu without epiphany.

After all, he had communicated with Dinghaizhu, and now he had sacrificed one ten-thousandth, so he had a channel for contact.

In the current situation, it is not difficult to earn merit. With a large amount of manpower and material resources invested in it, many people who were affected by the disaster have been treated, and the merit can be said to be rolling in.

However, the merit required to sacrifice the Dinghai Pearl is too huge. Even with so much merit, Lu Changjing's sacrifice of the Dinghai Pearl is still extremely slow.

When rescuing disasters, the focus is naturally on the human race. As for the demons and ghosts, only some of the more important ones are rescued, and those that are not important are abandoned.

It is different on the human side. As long as they are human, even if they are disabled, they can get relevant assistance.

Although many demons and ghosts expressed dissatisfaction with this, in the face of absolute force, these dissatisfaction can only be suppressed in the stomach. If they are revealed, don't blame Lu Changjing for being ruthless and turning them into food. It just so happens that the Jiuzhou League is in urgent need of various foods.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. Since Lu Changjing is in power now, it is no wonder that he favors the human race.

If the demons and ghosts were in power, they would do the same.

In this mysterious world where personal power is respected, when Lu Changjing has mastered all the powerful monsters, he is not afraid of these low-level guys causing any trouble.

For safety reasons, Lu Changjing deleted and modified the memories of monsters above level 26, and occasionally checked them to avoid any problems.

The current situation is special, and the land of Jiuzhou can't stand too much chaos, especially the Jiuzhou barrier.

However, when the human rescue is almost done, Lu Changjing also asked the monsters to rescue their people, mainly those young monsters, and those who are too old and too young will be rescued later.

Otherwise, even if they are rescued, it will only waste food.

After more than a year of heavy snow, especially a heavy snow that lasted for a hundred days, the land of Jiuzhou has a serious reduction in production, and many places have no harvest, and can't support so many creatures at all.

This is also helpless, and I believe those monsters can understand it.

Rescuing these demons and monsters can also gain merit and power, especially when rescuing demons and monsters with higher intelligence, the merit and power gained will be even greater, no less than that of humans.

However, when rescuing those demons and monsters with low intelligence, the merit power obtained will be much less. It seems that this world mainly values ​​those creatures with intelligence. If they have no intelligence or low intelligence, they will not be treated well.

It took several months to barely stabilize the situation in Jiuzhou. At this moment, Lu Changjing's sacrifice and refinement of Dinghaizhu has reached 3/10,000.

But his strength is too weak now. Not to mention 3/10,000, even 1/10,000,000, the power can't be exerted. The consumption of Dinghaizhu is too great.

I don't know what level of merit treasure it is. It is so powerful. It must not be a mysterious weapon. The power of a mysterious weapon is not so strong.

The Heart Demon Pearl is a top-level mysterious weapon, but Lu Changjing feels that the Heart Demon Pearl is not even a small witch in front of the Dinghai Pearl. It is just like the light of a candle competing with the bright moon.

It must be a treasure above the mysterious weapon, and even several levels higher than the mysterious weapon.

If it weren't for the coincidence, and if he hadn't fallen into enlightenment, and if he hadn't been blessed by all kinds of adventures, I'm afraid Lu Changjing wouldn't have been able to sacrifice the Dinghai Pearl. This meritorious treasure is really too powerful, so powerful that there's no end in sight.

I don't know what's above the mysterious weapon, what's above the above, and is there a higher level?

This world is too mysterious and mysterious, and I don't know where the Jiuzhou land where he is is in this world. It should be a relatively remote continent, otherwise there wouldn't be no other human race coming for so many years.

Or maybe there are no human races in the outside area, and all human races are in this Jiuzhou land. Thinking of this, Lu Changjing also felt a chill in his heart, with an inexplicable feeling, and a feeling of shouldering the historical mission and the entire human race.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

Just when he thought of this, there was a huge tremor, and the source of this tremor seemed not far away from him.

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