Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 343 The Emperor Visits Xinxiang Palace

In the state of enlightenment, all kinds of skills, secrets, combat skills... even cultivation can be improved at a terrifying speed.

The stronger the talent and the higher the comprehension, the more powerful it will be in the state of enlightenment.

Lu Changjing's talent has reached the peerless level, and his comprehension is also at this level, so when he enters the state of enlightenment, the harvest is extremely amazing.

And the direction of this enlightenment is related to love. After all, it is because of love that he has this enlightenment.

Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art!

The Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art, which had already reached perfection, actually had many loopholes and problems in the state of enlightenment. Lu Changjing immersed himself in it and began to make up for these loopholes and problems.

After all these years of use, Lu Changjing has accumulated a lot of experience, skills and problems. Now all of them have burst out, allowing him to start soaring on the basis of such a powerful accumulation.

The Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art started as a top-level mysterious art. It is conceivable what level it is heading towards with the soaring progress on this basis.

However, the bottleneck leading to a higher level is not so easy to break through. Even though Lu Changjing has made up for a lot of loopholes and problems and improved them more and more, he has not been able to advance to a higher level and is still accumulating.

After more than an hour, when the epiphany was about to end, accompanied by a light sound, it was as if a thick layer of shackles had been removed, and the Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art had reached a new level.

Although I don’t know what this level is, the power of the Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art has at least tripled.

What is above the mysterious art, Lu Changjing doesn’t know, but he can be sure that the Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art has definitely reached the level above the mysterious art, which is only higher and not lower.

With the help of a better Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art, Lin Yixin was unstoppable and easily stepped into the shackles of gods and demons and was promoted to the realm of gods and demons.

At the same time, the foundation of cultivation and talent qualifications have also been greatly improved, which has a very far-reaching significance for subsequent cultivation.

And the dragon and phoenix harmony of the two has just begun. The night is long, but the bridal chamber always feels too short.

There was no conversation for the whole night. If it weren't for the father-in-law and mother-in-law being outside, it would not be just one night, but two nights, three nights, four nights...

When he got up, the little devil even stood upside down on purpose, saying that he must not waste any of the essence of gods and demons, so that it would be easier to conceive a prince.

Looking at Lin Yixin's persistence, Lu Changjing couldn't help pinching her little face, and didn't say anything discouraging.

But Lu Changjing knew in his heart that with his current talent and various special magical powers, it would be too difficult to conceive a child.

But once he could conceive a child, it would definitely be extraordinary and not comparable to ordinary children. This is also a blessing and a disaster.

In the past few years, he has also visited Qingqiu Xiaoyu, Fu Shishi, Shu Chang, Rong Xiyao, Cai Xiuer, Tang Qingyi, Zeng Li, Zhao Xiaotong... many times, and never took any safety measures, but not once was he able to hit the bull's eye and conceive a child.

This made Lu Changjing feel relieved while worried. After all, the current situation is not good. Before the demons and monsters outside are solved, he has no sense of security.

And even if the demons and monsters outside can be solved, can everything be calm?

Lu Changjing is not sure, but it is highly likely that it cannot be, especially in recent years, there have been more and more natural disasters, and the extremely cold air from the outside world that he sensed through the ground marks, which made him palpitate.

The land of Jiuzhou is becoming more and more uneasy, and the situation is becoming more and more dangerous.

After paying homage to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Lu Changjing returned to the imperial study and continued to immerse himself in cultivation.

This epiphany has gained a lot of benefits. In addition to breaking through the Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art to a higher level, it has also gained a lot in other aspects.

The foundation of cultivation, talent and qualifications... have all been improved. When in the state of epiphany, more benefits can be obtained, even if Lu Changjing's main direction of epiphany is on the Dragon and Phoenix Secret Art.

But just a little bit of it in other aspects can also make these aspects get a lot of improvement.

The realm of cultivation has also increased, and the limit has been expanded a lot.

This visit to Lin Yixin not only did not delay, but also gained huge benefits.

Sure enough, life needs the nourishment of love. You can't just practice hard. The combination of work and rest is the kingly way.

With a slight smile, Lu Changjing continued to practice, and Lin Yixin also began to consolidate and adapt to the cultivation and attainments of the realm of gods and demons.

After accompanying their daughter for a while, King Heluo and the Queen also went back. Now the five kings of different surnames still help Lu Changjing guard the Dajing Dynasty.

Although their role in Lu Changjing is getting smaller and smaller, Lu Changjing will not give up on them when he thinks of their help to him when he was insignificant.

Even if he is at the top in the future, Lu Changjing will arrange a suitable position for them.

The days calmed down again. Fortunately, the demons and monsters outside have not discovered the existence of the ground mark, and are still bombarding the sky mark, and the frequency and intensity of the attack are getting higher and higher.

The temperature of the land of Jiuzhou is also falling at an alarming rate, falling by one or two degrees almost every month, and sometimes it will fall more.

In just over two years, the average temperature in Kyushu has dropped to around 10 degrees. You should know that in the previous summer, the average temperature in Kyushu was often above 40 degrees.

But in just over two years, it has dropped to around 10 degrees, even in the hot summer.

No, summer has basically disappeared. There are only autumn and winter, and even spring has become less obvious.

In the season when everything revived in the past, there are not many flowers now, because they are basically frozen to death. Only a few cold-resistant flowers can continue to bloom, or in the formation group, such as the Zhoutian Xingdou formation group in Baiyujing.

Even though the consumption is not small, Lu Changjing has long opened the Zhoutian Xingdou formation group in Baiyujing, no, it should be said that the Zhoutian Xingdou residual formation, to maintain the environment of this area and make it spring-like all year round.

Doing so is not only to satisfy personal selfishness, but also to ensure the activity of many seedlings, so that after the extreme cold weather passes, these seedlings can be transplanted out.

There are many similar places, such as Lieyangzhou City, Bihuzhou City, Qianmenzhou City... All of them have opened part of the power of the divine formation group to ensure the growth of the human race and plants inside, and prepare for reconstruction after the disaster.

Many elite geniuses of the human race, or those who have made great contributions to the human race, have also been taken to these cities to ensure their safety.

At this moment, the temperature in Jiuzhou, even in the relatively warm autumn, is only a dozen degrees at most. In winter, the lowest temperature has reached more than minus 60 degrees.

This minus 60 degrees is not in individual areas, but in almost all areas, unless they are covered by the formation group.

Many old, weak, sick and disabled people were frozen to death. There are too many human beings in Jiuzhou, as many as 100 billion. Even with Lu Changjing's power, he cannot take care of them all.

Of course, the most dead are those low-level monsters and demons, especially those low-level monsters and demons who have never experienced such severe cold. They were almost frozen to death in the first place, and some even turned into ice sculptures.

Lu Changjing had already mobilized most of the forces of Jiuzhou League for rescue, but there were still some omissions.

In this case, the repair of Jiuzhou has slowed down a lot, but Lu Changjing also found one thing, that is, outside of Tianhen, the number of monsters and demons attacking Tianhen is also decreasing. Only those Xuan-level monsters and demons have not decreased, but have an increasing trend.

The weakening speed of the Jiuzhou Barrier is faster than before. The Jiuzhou Barrier, which could last for about 30 years, is now unlikely to last even 20 years.

The time left for Lu Changjing and the Jiuzhou Alliance is getting shorter and shorter, especially with the emergence of the Earth Mark, the Jiuzhou Barrier has suffered another severe blow, and the time it can last is even shorter.

There are still about 20 years, or even only a dozen years. If the Earth Mark is discovered, the world-destroying monsters outside will attack the Jiuzhou Barrier through the Earth Mark, and the time it can last will be even shorter.

Moreover, the extremely cold weather is also attacking and weakening the Jiuzhou Barrier.

The situation is getting worse and worse. Lu Changjing is practicing harder and harder. Various combat skills, secret techniques, and secondary positions... Under this kind of pressure, the speed of improvement is amazing, far exceeding the previous one.

Another winter is coming, or another October is coming. In just over two years, the seasons in Jiuzhou have basically become two.

The six months from April to September are autumn, and the six months from October to March are winter. However, autumn is no longer a season of harvest, and winter is not a preparation for spring, but the beginning of death.

Just after the beginning of October, snowflakes began to float in the sky. Although it was not heavy snow, it was mixed with some ice particles, and there seemed to be signs of turning into hail.

At this time, Lu Changjing received news that hail had appeared in the East China Sea area. At first, it was only the size of mung beans, but as time went on, it became larger and larger. In just a few days, it had reached the size of a thumb and was still growing.

Lu Changjing immediately thought of the ground mark. In a few breaths, he had come to the ground mark. Seeing the fist-sized hail constantly appearing in the formation, Lu Changjing was stunned and speechless.

You must know that this is still under the suppression of the God Formation Group. Even if this God Formation Group is mainly to shield the outside world from detection, it can also suppress the extreme cold air.

But in this case, the extremely cold air that penetrated through the ground mark can still form such a large hail, and it also penetrated into the East China Sea area outside, forming thumb-sized hail. You can imagine how terrible the hail outside the ground mark is.

At least it is the size of a washbasin, or even larger. Under such a terrifying hail, monsters below level ten will probably die if they encounter it.

Thinking of this, Lu Changjing couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. No wonder the world-destroying monsters outside are getting more and more crazy. Whether it is to hide in the Jiuzhou barrier or for the Dinghaizhu, the treasure, it is worth their life.

If the Jiuzhou land is also hit by such a large hail, Lu Changjing will also think about leading the human race to escape from this Jedi.

To be honest, even now, if there is no way to escape, Lu Changjing has already wanted to leave this place.

This hail can't fall for a while, even if it comes for several years, it's okay. If it continues like this, who can withstand it?

Even if he entered the realm of Xuanzun, he would not be able to protect the entire Jiuzhou League and could only run away with his loved ones.

And who can be sure that there will not be worse weather than hail in the future? When he thought of this and the almost crazy monsters outside, Lu Changjing felt a chill in his heart.

Fortunately, he still had the Dinghai Pearl. Once he could use some of its power, he could stabilize this area. After all, it was not time to despair.

However, the Jiuzhou League is facing another catastrophe. Looking at the hail that is spreading towards the entire East China Sea and even beyond the East China Sea, Lu Changjing knows that this is because the extreme cold air that is penetrating through the ground mark is increasing.

And the area where the sky mark is located is also likely to be in trouble.

Without thinking too much, Lu Changjing immediately rushed back to Xuanwu Mountain, summoned all the high-level people of the Jiuzhou League, and called on all the human race to start digging cellars and prepare more heating things to welcome the upcoming hail disaster.

Out of trust in the Lord of Jiuzhou, the entire Jiuzhou land soon took action. Humans, monsters, demons, ghosts, and weirds began to dig cellars. These dug cellars are given priority to the relatives and friends of the human race and the demons and monsters who are in high positions in the Jiuzhou League.

In other words, the human race is given priority, followed by relatives and friends like the five-clawed golden dragon, the mountain-carrying tortoise, the fire phoenix, and then the ordinary demons and monsters.

Doing so naturally attracted a lot of opposition, but it is still the same sentence. In the face of absolute strength, these oppositions are no problem.

In addition, the demons and ghosts have limited intelligence, so they can be solved with a little guidance and strong means of suppression.

In this tense atmosphere, the hail disaster is sweeping across the East China Sea at an alarming speed and spreading towards the Kyushu area.

The area where Tianhen is located also has a hail disaster, which soon covers the Tianzhong area and then spreads outside the Tianzhong area.

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