Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 344: Towards Jingye and Changjingjie

When the hailstorm passed through the East China Sea and Tianzhong areas and swept towards the entire Jiuzhou land, the Jiuzhou Alliance had already built cellars for more than half a month.

With the help of many masters, gods and demons, basically all the places where the human race is located are already covered with cellars.

So when fist-sized hail appeared on the ground, all human races immediately drilled into the cellars and hid inside waiting for the end of this disaster.

"Bang bang bang..."

Such a large hail, let alone hitting a person, even if it hits a house, it can easily smash a big hole. When countless hail poured down, many houses were smashed down.

If those human races were still in there at this moment, it is conceivable what consequences awaited them.

These hailstones are also different from the previous hailstones. They are mixed with sharp cold air, with amazing hardness and extremely amazing destructive power.

The hailstones in the previous life are simply incomparable to such hailstones. The gap between the two is too big.

As the hail fell, the temperature in Jiuzhou began to plummet again, from minus ten degrees in early October to more than minus twenty degrees, and it was still dropping.

The hail on the East China Sea had reached the size of a human head, and it fell "bang bang bang". Almost no buildings could withstand it.

Fortunately, after the ground mark appeared, Lu Changjing evacuated the Dajing people here as soon as possible, and the people left on the East China Sea were basically the remaining natives.

Faced with this horrible hail disaster, these natives were like harvested straw, and died one after another under the hail the size of a human head.

Lu Changjing has organized a group of divine formation masters to begin to reinforce the divine formations around the ground mark, and arrange those divine formations that can resist the invasion of extreme cold air, but what makes him helpless is that these extreme cold air are like living things, pervasive, and it is difficult to isolate them.

After careful identification, Lu Changjing learned the identity of this cold air from an old demon god.

Sealing the sky cold air!

The cold air from the deep sea combined with the cold air from the nine heavens formed a terrifying cold air. The name can tell the clue. It can easily block everything and freeze the world wherever it passes.

Not to mention the ground, even the sky can be blocked together.

It seals the sky and locks the earth, so it is called the sky-sealing cold air.

It is pervasive and extremely difficult to deal with. It is okay if there are few of them, but once the number increases, even the masters, gods and demons, and even higher-level beings will flee.

If it is swept by countless sky-sealing cold air, even Xuanzun will be frozen inside.

Moreover, the sky-sealing cold air often appears with the deep cold wind, which is a terrifying wind that is not much inferior to the sky-sealing cold air. When the two are combined, the power that can be unleashed is beyond imagination.

According to ancient records, Xuanzun could not resist such a disaster.

What penetrated from the sky mark and the earth mark should be the sky-sealing cold air, which is also mixed with some deep cold wind. The penetration of both is extremely amazing.

If the number was not small now, the Jiuzhou barrier could not block it at all, nor could it resist it.

Even so, the combination of these little sky-sealing cold air and deep cold wind caused the Jiuzhou land to fall into a disaster.

After learning about this, Lu Changjing's face changed suddenly, and he was more and more certain that those Xuan-level monsters outside were most likely coming for Dinghaizhu.

Otherwise, the Jiuzhou barrier could not resist the increasingly powerful sky-sealing cold air and deep cold wind. Only Dinghaizhu could do this.

This kind of disaster can even kill Xuanzun. No wonder the world-destroying monsters outside are getting more and more crazy. It is very likely that this place has been regarded as their last straw.

"Boom boom boom... boom boom boom... bang bang bang..."

Just when I thought of this, I heard a more shocking loud noise coming from the sky mark, which spread to tens of thousands of miles.

Obviously, the world-destroying monsters outside have increased their attacks, and as the sky mark becomes weaker and weaker, the sound of the bombardment is no longer limited to the Tianzhong area, but spreads to more areas.

The situation inside the Jiuzhou barrier is already like this, so you can imagine what kind of disaster the outside world is facing.

In December, the entire East China Sea was frozen. There was no seawater in the hundreds of millions of square kilometers of sea area, and there was only ice with a thickness of tens of meters.

There were also hailstones the size of washbasins falling continuously, hitting these ice layers, making a harsh sound.

However, under the barrier of layers of divine formations, when the Fengtian cold air entered the land of Jiuzhou, the hail brought was only the size of pineapples, and the power was greatly reduced.

Under the attack of this wave of hail, the grain in Jiuzhou was almost completely harvested, and only those protected in the divine formation group could survive.

Although there was also Fengtian cold air infiltrating these divine formation groups, under the control of the divine formation masters, the power of the formation was activated at the first time, so that the hailstones formed by the Fengtian cold air could not fall to the ground at all, and could not affect the crops.

Just like in Baiyujing, the cold air that sealed the sky had just condensed into hail in the sky, and Lu Changjing mobilized the power of the Zhoutian Xingdou Remnant Formation to directly move the hail away and turn it into cold water to irrigate some special exotic flowers and plants.

Although the hail disaster was severe, it did not have much impact on those areas that were given special care. These areas have also become holy places in the hearts of countless human races, and many human races outside want to enter them and get protection.

However, these places are limited in size and cannot accommodate so many human races.

Those who can live in Baiyujing are basically the relatives and friends of the lovers, as well as the ministers and warriors that Lu Changjing values. Of course, those concubines and concubines who have not become lovers can also bring people here.

Baiyujing, which is only 10,000 square kilometers, is now crowded with tens of millions of people. It can no longer accommodate more people. The essence of the Dajing Dynasty is basically gathered here.

Fortunately, because the cellar was built in advance, facing this unprecedented hail disaster, many human beings outside can survive.

The most casualties are still those monsters and demons. Facing the hailstones as big as pineapples, let alone monsters and demons below level 10, even monsters and demons of level 10 will be crushed to death if they stay outside for a long time.

Lu Changjing did not waste the bodies of these monsters and demons. He had arranged for gods and demons to collect these monsters and demons that were crushed to death everywhere, and made their bodies into various simple food, and then used them to rescue the human race who had no food.

Now, there has not been much food harvest in Jiuzhou for more than two years, and food shortage has long begun. The corpses of these monsters and demons contain amazing energy, so they naturally cannot be missed.

Even so, Jiuzhou League has begun to restrict various materials, not allowing everyone to eat too much. A few points of fullness are enough, as long as they don't die.

Who knows how long this disaster will last. Jiuzhou is almost unable to grow food, and all resources must be saved.

Fortunately, Lu Changjing has prepared enough resources and treasures for himself several years in advance, and even has a lot of Xuan-level resources and treasures, so his practice will not lack various resources and treasures, and is still proceeding rapidly.

Moreover, when impacting the semi-Xuan realm, it mainly relies on the golden finger, and it does not require many resources.

Walking in the hail, there are almost no living things in Jiuzhou, either they have become corpses or have hidden.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

These hailstones fell on the ground, making a harsh sound. Various streams, rivers, lakes... were already covered with hailstones, and then they were frozen again under the cold air of Fengtian, and almost no flowing water could be seen.

The entire Jiuzhou land was like an ice-covered doomsday.

In just three years, the situation has deteriorated to this extent. Lu Changjing also felt a little dazed, and everything seemed like a dream.

The demons and monsters outside had long noticed the approach of the disaster, so they had not given up attacking the Jiuzhou barrier.

However, it should be in the last few decades that they confirmed that the disaster might come, so they attacked the Jiuzhou barrier so frantically.

If it weren't for Lu Changjing, the time traveler, the Jiuzhou barrier would have been broken, and the human race here would have been extinct and become food for demons and monsters.

Just like what Lu Changjing is doing now, a large number of demons and monsters are used as food for the human race, and this is when Lu Changjing needs demons and monsters to do things for them, which is already very restrained.

If the demons and monsters from outside enter, they don't need the human race or the demons and monsters inside. They will probably turn them all into food, and the demons and monsters inside will also face a catastrophe.

Through the ground mark, Lu Changjing has discovered that although the outside is deep underground, it has been frozen. Even such a deep underground is frozen. You can imagine how shocking the disaster outside is.

Although you can't see how big the hail is outside through the ground mark, you can guess from the surrounding situation that it is at least several times larger than inside.

Hail the size of a house?

It's really possible.

Outside the sky mark, in addition to the sharp attacks of the demons and monsters who destroy the world, there are fewer and fewer demon kings, demon kings, ghost kings and monster kings who cooperate with them. As for the demons and monsters below level ten, they are almost rarely detected. I don't know if they are dead or eaten.

When the Changjing Festival of the fifth year of Chang'an arrived, the temperature in Jiuzhou reached minus seventy degrees.

Changjing Festival is the changed Ningshi Festival. On the first day of the first lunar month of each year, the night before is called Wangjing Night, which means going to a peaceful night, and it carries many beautiful meanings.

Wangjing Night is the New Year's Eve in the previous life, and Changjing Festival is the Spring Festival in the previous life, but it was changed to Lu Changjing's name.

At the same time, these two festivals have spread throughout the eastern region and are spreading to more places. They have replaced the previous Ningxi Night and Ningshi Festival and changed to Lu Changjing's appearance.

Jiuzhou League has already promoted these two festivals, and imperceptibly brought Lu Changjing to the front, but many people don't know about this at present.

Although this is somewhat inconsistent with his idea of ​​hiding himself, now the land of Jiuzhou is his, what is Lu Changjing afraid of.

It would be fine if the demons and monsters outside could not break in. If they break in, even if Lu Changjing wants to hide, how can he hide so many loves and relatives and friends.

So it's time to stand in front of the stage, because standing behind the scenes is not very useful.

However, this matter has not been leaked yet, so many people in the Great Jing Dynasty were quite surprised that the Ning Xiye and Ning Shijie in many places were changed to Jingye and Changjingjie. They did not expect that the reform of their own emperor would be recognized by the entire Jiuzhou League.

They did not expect that Lu Changjing was the leader of the Jiuzhou League and the master of this land.

These two festivals were changed in the first year of Chang'an. This year is the fifth year of Chang'an, but the Wangjing Night and Changjing Festival this year are not very festive.

The temperature outside is still dropping, and almost no crops can survive. All human beings may starve in a short time. How can everyone be happy?

Although there is still a lot of food stored, it has been collected by the Jiuzhou League and distributed regularly and quantitatively. Otherwise, the Jiuzhou League with such a large population cannot survive.

Fortunately, many demons and monsters have died in the past few years, and their corpses contain amazing energy, which can support the human race for a longer time.

After the cold winter of this year, when the autumn of the next year comes, the heavy losses make the entire Jiuzhou League silent.

Even though they have thought that after this year's disaster, the human race will definitely suffer heavy losses, but they have not counted them before. Now after counting, they find that they still underestimate the damage caused by these disasters.

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