Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1062: No longer own

"Well," He Xiaomei replied, and then told Qin Yan truthfully, "I went to ae today, Long Yixi's company, Pei Jiale is also at work, and they live together."

When Qin Yan heard this, some of the original worries in Qin Yan's heart gradually disappeared.

I am very afraid of losing Xiao Mei, and I am afraid that Xiao Mei will be with Long Yixi and be entangled, but now it seems that even if Xiao Mei and Long Yixi meet, they can no longer develop in this aspect of love. So in my heart, I am not as worried as I was at the beginning.

However, I still worry about Xiaomei's work.

Qin Yan suddenly stretched out his hand, took He Xiaomei's hand on the table, and said kindly, "Xiaomei, don't work with Long Yixi, he will hurt you."

You can guess by yourself, if Xiao Mei works with Long Yixi, Long Yixi may think of any way to torture and hurt Xiao Mei.

When it comes to work, He Xiaomei didn't answer immediately, but she broke away from Qin Yan's hand hard and put her hands under the table.

Qin Yan saw Xiaomei's actions, and his heart fluctuated slightly, but continued to say, "Xiaomei, listen to me, leave Long Yixi, or leave Runcheng Empire, all the compensation for your work, I will compensate."

Without much hesitation, He Xiaomei immediately shook her head and said, "No, I will not leave because of this."

I still like the job of Runcheng Empire, and I am friends with Wen Chenyu. I don't feel too much pressure when I work, and I don't want to leave at all.

As for Long Yixi, she owed him what she originally owed. She will embarrass herself in the future and she will accept it because she has to bear it.

Qin Yan looked at He Xiaomei's firmness, and knew that no matter how she persuaded her, she would not change her mind. She still understood her persistence.

Qin Yan did not speak, nor did He Xiaomei, the atmosphere between the two suddenly calmed down.

After a while, He Xiaomei broke the silence and said to Qin Yan, "Brother Qin Yan, there is something, I want to apologize to you."

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan asked He Xiaomei.

"I lied in front of Long Yixi and Pei Jiale, saying that I have a boyfriend, it's you." He Xiaomei said.

After Qin Yan heard it, there was a pain in his heart, and only he knew what was the cause of such pain.

Qin Yan looked at He Xiaomei's eyes and said seriously, "Xiaomei, I hope that these words of you are not lying, but true."

"I want to be your boyfriend, and I want to be the one who will guard you all my life." Qin Yan said.

He Xiaomei's body was a little unnatural, she moved, and did not follow Qin Yan's words, avoiding this topic.

"Brother Qin Yan, hurry up and order food, I'm a little hungry." He Xiaomei said.

Qin Yan naturally understood what He Xiaomei's answer was, but she didn't want it.

Before ordering, Qin Yan said again, "Xiaomei, don't worry, if you meet Long Yixi and Pei Jiale in the future, I will be your'boyfriend'."

Even if she wasn't Xiaomei's real boyfriend, she would be willing to make Long Yixi misunderstand him.

He Xiaomei nodded and said nothing.


The two of them ate together and talked about light topics as they ate. He Xiaomei's mood gradually improved, and Qin Yan's mood improved a lot.

After dinner, He Xiaomei returned home and began to pack some simple luggage. Because he was going to live on the construction site later, and his style of work was like Long Yixi, he was likely to send himself to the construction site at any time, so he did it in advance. Be prepared, and you won’t be rushing around.

In Ning's villa, Long Yixi stood in front of the window of his room, looking at the scenery outside, He Xiaomei was all in his mind.

I thought that from seeing her until she left today, every move and every word she said during the period, I remember clearly in my heart.

When thinking of the way He Xiaomei and Qin Yan called on the phone, Long Yixi's expression slowly changed and became angry.

She once told herself that Qin Yan was just her brother, and she had no idea about Qin Yan, but now

Qin Yan is her boyfriend, and they live together. How could He Xiaomei be so unbelievable?

And Qin Yan, what did he use to deceive her? Let her promise to be his girlfriend.

He Xiaomei's heart is simple, and she has no defensive heart for everyone. Qin Yan must have deceived He Xiaomei's heart with all kinds of rhetoric and good words after he left. Now, Qin Yan is connected to He Xiaomei's people. All deceived.

They live together, they have already lived together, so He Xiaomei's person is naturally Qin Yan's.

Long Yixi felt the position of his heart, and there were bursts of pain, terrible pain.

A hand stretched up, covering the position of the heart, staring at the window, and gradually misty in his eyes.

Once, the baby I held in the palm of my hand was reluctant to hurt her even a bit, and even a kiss, I had to ask her for advice, although sometimes I kissed her directly, but if she kept resisting, she would still stop Yes, I never wanted to force her, just like on her 18th birthday, she didn't want to give her to herself, and she didn't force her.

But now, everything has changed, she no longer belongs to herself, never belongs to herself again.

A tear, without holding back, flowed from Long Yixi's eyes.

When he noticed it, Long Yixi immediately condensed his expression, no longer letting tears flow.

Taking back his thoughts, turning around, Long Yixi went to wash.

When a new day came, Long Yixi got up at about five o’clock in the morning. To be precise, Long Yixi didn’t sleep much all night. He lay in bed at one o’clock in the morning and couldn’t fall asleep. He kept tossing around until four o’clock. In the end, Long Yixi just closed his eyes and took a nap before getting up.

After washing and changing clothes, Long Yixi walked out of the room and when he went downstairs, he saw the babysitter in the kitchen was already at work and was preparing breakfast.

Long Yixi went to the kitchen and told a nanny that he would not eat at home in the morning, and then he left home.

When he came to the ae group, Long Yixi checked his watch. At 6:20, think about it, He Xiaomei should be coming soon.

Long Yixi sat in the office and waited for He Xiaomei.

At 6:40, He Xiaomei parked the car at the parking lot next to the ae group company at 6:40, then got out of the car with her bag and hurried to the office building.

The office building at this time was very quiet. Even the security guards did not go to work. He Xiaomei walked to the door of Long Yixi's office familiarly.

When he was about to reach the door of Long Yixi's office, He Xiaomei saw the light in Long Yixi's office was on. It seemed that he had already arrived.

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