Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1063: Are you satisfied?

He Xiaomei walked to the door of Long Yixi's office and knocked on the door. He Xiaomei opened the door and walked in after hearing the sound inside.

When they walked to Long Yixi, there was only a desk between the two. He Xiaomei glanced at the watch on her wrist and said, "At 6:50, President Long, I'm here before 7:00."

Long Yixi didn't speak, but just looked at He Xiaomei.

Yesterday, I didn't know why I wanted her to come over at seven o'clock, but when I saw her now, I vaguely understood that I just wanted to see her.

I was in a bad mood for the whole day yesterday. I was eating at home last night, thinking of He Xiaomei and Qin Yan having dinner together. I felt very uncomfortable. I was not drowsy at night and I was uncomfortable. Now that I saw her, I felt inexplicable. The ground fell silent.

He Xiaomei waited for a while, did not wait for Long Yixi's answer, and asked again, "Ms. Long, do you have any job arrangements for me?"

He must have let himself come so early to torture himself, so naturally he has a job to arrange for him.

Long Yixi still didn't answer, but this time, she got up suddenly, walked around the desk, and walked in front of He Xiaomei.

""He Xiaomei was taken aback, wondering what Long Yixi was going to do? But looking at the expression on his approach, I felt a little dangerous.

"You, you" He Xiaomei said, backing away, "What are you going to do?"

Long Yixi stepped up, stretched out his hand directly, and grabbed He Xiaomei's arm to prevent her from moving back.

With a sudden pull, Long Yixi pulled He Xiaomei into his arms.

Just before He Xiaomei had reacted, she raised her head to look at Long Yixi and asked him, her lips were sealed domineeringly.

Long Yixi's kiss was crazy, with punishment, and with long-lost misses.

The last time I kissed her was eight years ago, but now, her taste seems better than before.

He Xiaomei's mind was short-circuited for a few seconds, and after the reaction came over, she began to struggle frantically and resisted vigorously.

But how can her strength be better than Long Yixi's strength? In Long Yixi's eyes, all of He Xiaomei's resistance is not worth mentioning.


He Xiaomei gradually lost his strength, knowing that she could not resist, and she would not resist anymore, so let's do it!

Long Yixi didn't know how long he kissed, until he felt that He Xiaomei's breathing was about to stop, Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei began to breathe at the moment she was free, her whole body weak and weak, she almost fell down.

Suddenly, Long Yixi's arm moved, and her waist was tightly restrained, preventing her from falling.

She was so weak that a kiss seemed to kill her half life.

Looking at He Xiaomei in his arms, Long Yixi asked, "Did Qin Yan teach you to kiss?"

Her kissing skills are very poor, especially poor.

auzw.com After He Xiaomei's breathing gradually stabilized, she raised her head again and met Long Yixi's gaze. Then a smile was raised at the corner of her mouth and replied, "Brother Qin Yan is not as rude as you."

"Moreover," He Xiaomei continued, "Long Yixi, your kissing skills are too poor compared to Qin Yan, I can't cooperate with you."

Obviously, Long Yixi was angry, very angry, very angry.

Leaning down again, Long Yixi sealed He Xiaomei’s lips again. This time, it was no longer a kiss, but when the corners of their mouths were bleeding, Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei and even imprisoned her. The hand on the waist was also released.

He Xiaomei immediately backed up a few steps until she leaned against the wall and saw that there was a long distance between herself and Long Yixi. Only then did He Xiaomei relax her nervousness, her nerves suddenly collapsed, and she followed the wall. He fell straight down and sat on the ground with a thump.

When Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei's appearance, worry immediately poured out in his heart, and she was surprised at how he felt like this.

However, I was worried about her at this moment and now.

She looks very fragile and distressing.

I was obviously angry just now, disgusted with her and wanted to punish her again, but these thoughts were completely gone.

He Xiaomei sat on the ground in embarrassment, her hair was a bit messy, and her clothes were a bit untidy. The bag in her hand had already fallen to the ground.

When he looked at Long Yixi with hollow eyes, He Xiaomei asked indifferently, "Now, are you satisfied?"

"Are you satisfied to see me like this?" He Xiaomei asked again.

satisfied? Long Yixi was also asking herself in her heart, but she didn't seem to be satisfied, but she didn't have the urge to continue punishing her.

Long Yixi did not speak, stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then turned around and left the office.

He Xiaomei was the only one left in the office. He Xiaomei sat on the ground for a long time. After she gained strength, He Xiaomei stood on the wall slowly, and then moved step by step, picking up her bag first, and then Then I walked to the sofa not far away, sat down, took out the mirror and paper towels from my bag, and started to wipe the blood from my mouth, tidy my hair, touch up makeup and so on.

He Xiaomei stayed in Long Yixi's office until 7:30 before leaving.

Going to sit in the reception room of ae, He Xiaomei gradually heard a sound outside, it should be ae employees who started to work.

At eight o'clock, He Xiaomei adjusted her emotions, as if nothing had happened before, walked out of the reception room and went to find Long Yixi's assistant Shi Ming.

Shi Ming didn't know that He Xiaomei came to the company today. After receiving He Xiaomei politely, he called and consulted Mr. Long. Then he took He Xiaomei to the conference room to prepare for a meeting.

After the two-hour meeting, the project finally made a decision. Work will start tomorrow. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, all the staff will report on the construction site, bring their own daily necessities, and start living on the construction site. .

He Xiaomei was not surprised to hear this, because she had guessed it a long time ago.

In front of the employees involved in the ae project, He Xiaomei also gave a speech, saying that she would work hard to cooperate with them in the later stage and lead her company team well.

After the meeting, He Xiaomei left ae, and on the way back to Runcheng Empire, He Xiaomei contacted the director of the company's engineering department and asked him to arrange five people over to work on the construction site tomorrow.

The efficiency of the engineering department is very fast. In the afternoon, the five people assigned went to report to He Xiaomei. Among them, four men, one girl, and the girl were engineering documentation staff.

He Xiaomei held a simple meeting for them in the company, and asked them to leave work early, go home to prepare things, and arrive at the construction site on time tomorrow. See you on the construction site.

That night, after dinner at home, He Xiaomei called her brother before going to bed.

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